
Chaper 54:Rally starts

August entered his bedroom and spotted there a figure sitting on his bed, with her face covered by a piece of cloth.

August just stood there and looked at the woman. He didn't feel any hostility coming from her, so he didn't try to fight her right off the bat.

The woman stood up and slowly and gracefully walked towards August, her steps were silent and slow. Coming closer to August, she walked around him while sliding her hand across his face and lips.

Bringing her face close to his ear, she whispered, "Dargonfot ensh'eass me. Essea evellien aen te. Minnie, glar and carme"

The spell was useless since August had already been controlled once. Since then he had spent countless hours learning how to resist anything of that kind.

But at the same time, August was curious to see what is up and who is behind all of this. After all, if he was drugged, then it must be related to the job that he agreed on.

However, the charm didn't just disappear, its primary function was to cause feelings of love and arousal. August might neglect all the effects of the love, but the arousal was still there.

She uncovered her face, revealing a charming smile with an absolutely perfect and beautiful face. She brought her face close to August and passionately kissed him.

She pulled back and smiled at August with a small shy smirk she whispered: "I knew you were an elf. Come to me darling," she said in a soft voice with words that flow like a calm river.

She laid on the bed on her back, not breaking eye contact with August. With her finger beckoning to him.

August himself had already given up and decided to enjoy the moment for now.

Like a wild beast, August jumped on her, ripping her cloth away with no mercy or elegance. Fast and furious, he ate her lips like a sweet candy that he could not resist.

Clothes were gone, and the process has begun. August being August, had little concern about how she felt, having her hard way with no kind of warm-up that could ease the stiffness of a poor girl that was not ready for such a reaction.

Giving her no chance to speak or scream, shutting her mouth with his lips, giving her 0 room to escape.

Her hands were pinned to the bed about her head, making it impossible for her to move or resist. August, having much more strength than a girl could handle, left her no options. August ate her….

When they were finished and dropped to the bed, tired and exhausted. The woman had a rapid breath pattern, tired and uneven.

Both of their bodies were covered in sweat, making the bed wet like it was just washed. That made it almost impossible to sleep there with comfort.

The woman, however, said in silent almost whispering, "I wasn't ready for something like this"

She looked at August, who was looking at her and bringing her mouth to his ear. She said in an alluring voice, "You are interesting, but it is time for me to go"

With her last words said, she disappeared, exploding into millions of petals of the flowers, with myriads of colours and flavours filling the entire room. She was gone, but for August it was now easy to guess who was the one to do that. The last phrase gave him all the information.

She was using illusions, but August had no convincing way to figure it out since his house was located in one of the most defended areas where a lot of magic barriers are set all around. That made his witcher medallion quite useless.

Her smell was something new he found, but for a sorcerer, changing something like a smell is nothing special. But the last phrase was all he needed.


The day of the rally finally came and everyone gathered in the yard of the castle.

Beside Estril stood Baldwin from one side and Francesca from another. There was a squad of soldiers that was fully geared up for the hunt. In total, 30 soldiers will go with them.

"Before you all leave for the rally, let me wish you all good luck during the travel. My son will be the one to lead this rally from this point in time onward. You obey his commands. I will await your return, brave soldiers with a great feat behind." said Estril in a loud and inspiring voice.

"Long life to king!" shouted soldiers back to their king.

Estril asked for silence and when everyone went silent, he continued "You will be assisted with these 2 individuals" said King and pointed towards Francesca "Francesca Fendaboir, a sorcerer from the brotherhood"

She smiled at all the soldiers that swallowed mouths full of saliva.

Estril pointed toward August saying "And Witcher, August from wolfs"

Getting no reaction at all, Estril continued, "That's it. Have a safe journey and successful hunt."

Soldiers went to prepare the last bits before the start of the rally, while Estril whispered to Baldwin, "Son, troops from Povis will arrive there as well. I told them that you are in charge of the rally. They wished to help since it was on their territory, so just take their help."

Baldwin nodded his head and headed towards his horse.

August's horse was in the horse stable for soldiers. As soon as soldiers started to prepare, the stable became very crowded.

August slightly whistled, Moon, pushed all soldiers out of the way and walked beside August, slightly snorting.

When everyone was saddled and ready to go, Baldwin stood in front of everyone and shouted, "Let's set on the road!"


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