
The Witch And The Halfwit

When nineteen-year-old princess Ona is abducted on her way to her wedding, her betrothed, Didé scours all of Out-earth looking for her. Dragged to the highlands of Kebo that she knows about only from legends, Ona discovers that her captor is not only a hateable brute but part of an ancient clan of warriors, whose legendary exploits trace back to the Third Era -1300 years before Ona. Perhaps, he is not a hateable brute all the time. As she adapts to her new home, her initial animosity towards the warrior transforms into a fiery passion that puts her in a terrible position with her beloved betrothed. However, her romantic entanglements are the least of her concerns. An ancient darkness is growing, and Ona must find a way to stop it, or the world that she knows will be consumed by the Lightless Dark.

indig0jesse · แฟนตาซี
35 Chs

Chapter 2

The servant girl, sensing the princess's distraction, hesitated for a moment before speaking. "Forgive me, my princess, but is it time for me to bring up your supper?"

A sigh escaped the Ona's lips as she reluctantly tore herself away from the window with a nod of affirmation.

The flickering flames of the oil lamps cast a warm glow over Princess Ona's chambers. She sat upon her intricately carved bed of teak wood, hands folded demurely in her lap, as her mother, Olaeko, the wife of the Ajarian king exuded a regal aura as she entered the room without warning. With a graceful gesture, she silently dismissed the servant girl, her eyes gleaming with a blend of pride and reminiscence. Though nervous flutters stirred in Ona's belly at the thought of the next day's nuptials, she found comfort in her mother's familiar motions.

"There, I've unpacked the last of your childhood keepsakes from the cedar trunk," her mother said, placing Ona's well-loved carved wooden doll alongside the pillows. Gray wisps escaped the matriarch's carefully wrapped headdress as she brushed them away, gifting her daughter an affectionate smile.

Ona returned the tender look and patted the woven blankets beside her. "Join me a moment, Mother?"

Crinkles appearing at the corners of her eyes, the queen settled next to her daughter, taking Ona's hand in her calloused palms. "Are the pre-wedding jitters weighing on you, my jewel?"

"Just a bit," Ona admitted with a small exhale. She leaned her head against her mother's sturdy shoulder, drawing in the familiar earthy scent of the oils her mother favored. "But I am more eager than anxious to start this new phase of life."

Her mother rested her cheek atop Ona's meticulously groomed tresses. "You have blossomed into an extraordinary woman, one I could not be more proud of."

Moisture pricked at Ona's eyes at the swell of emotion her mother's words invoked. She blinked rapidly to stave off premature tears. "It is only by your nurturing and guidance that I have grown into who I am today."

A comfortable quiet stretched between the two women before the queen's voice, made husky with sentiment, broke the silence once more. "And I shall continue to nurture you always, even after you are a wife. You remain my precious daughter, my darling gem."

Ona chuckled wetly at her mother's ardent promise, swiping away the few renegade tears that escaped down her cheeks. "Do not make me leak these tears of happiness before the ceremony, else my kohl will be quite ruined."

Her mother's rich laughter filled the tranquil chamber. Cupping Ona's face in her weathered hands, the matriarch's eyes shone with maternal pride. "My beautiful daughter will outshine the entire kingdom on her wedding day. Just wait until your husband beholds you gliding down the aisle."

Cheeks heating at the thought of her betrothed's reaction, Ona covered her mother's hands with her own and smiled brilliantly. "I love you, Mother."

"And I love you, jewel of my heart." The queen leaned in to bestow a tender kiss upon Ona's brow.

With a tender smile, Olaeko drew her daughter into a warm embrace, their hearts beating in unison. "You are my daughter, my precious one. Tomorrow, as you stand before the gods, know that you carry the love and blessings of our ancestors. And remember, no matter where life's journey takes you, you will always find refuge in the embrace of family."

As the tender embrace between mother and daughter lingered, a sudden knock pierced the tranquil atmosphere. The door creaked open, revealing a stoic guard standing at attention, his presence a jarring interruption to the intimate moment.

"Apologies for the intrusion, Your Majesty," the guard's voice rang out, his tone clipped and formal. "But, my Liege requests your presence immediately."

Olaeko's brow furrowed in concern, her gaze flickering between her daughter and the guard. With a sigh, she released her daughter from their embrace, her maternal instincts warring with duty.

"Thank you, Captain," Olaeko replied, her voice betraying a hint of unease. "I shall attend to his majesty at once."

As the guard departed, leaving behind an echo of his heavy footsteps, Olaeko turned to her daughter, a bittersweet smile gracing her lips.

"Forgive me, my dear," she said, her voice tinged with regret. "Duty calls. But know that my heart remains with you, always."

With a reassuring squeeze of her daughter's hand, Olaeko hurried from the room, her silhouette disappearing into the shadows beyond the threshold. Left alone, Ona watched her mother's departure with a mixture of pride and longing, knowing that duty often demanded sacrifices, even in the midst of tender moments.

Ona walked to her window again. From her vantage point high above, Ona watched with a mixture of longing and wistfulness. She longed to join the revelry below, to mingle with the guests and partake in the festivities. But alas, tradition bound her to her chambers, and she was resigned to observe from afar.

As the evening wore on and the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the courtyard, the princess remained at her window, transfixed by the scene below. Though she could not be among the guests, she found solace in the beauty of the moment, knowing that even from her solitary perch, she was still a part of the magic unfolding in the castle below.

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