
Chapter 1 : The Princess of the Tower

The summer breeze was getting chiller by the day which means autumn is nearing. Eiry hated summer the most because her hands would itched from wearing the gloves all day. She knows that she lived alone in the tower so she doesn't have to wear them all the time. However having accidentally killed a maid by touching her hand when she was 5, traumatized her. And it wasn't just the maid.

Eiry remembered everyone she have killed. Yeah, that was the right term. She killed them. That was also the reason why her father locked her up in this tower.

She was cursed by a Marquess daughter, the concubine who love father too much and cannot bear the thought that her father married her mother and had her. Even if it cost her own life, the curse was successful. The Kingdom only princess was cursed to never feel the warmth and love of the others.

Anyone who simply brush against her skin, died almost immediately like the maid. Eiry even did several experiment to see on which extent does her curse effect others. And much to her surprise, it wasn't just human who was affected by her curse.

It was every living things.

Animals, plants and even insects. When she touch an animal, depending on how long her skin touch, it will die. The longer her touch, the faster it is. And for the plants, it was the instant she graze them. Because plants are much more fragile than animals. Same as insects.

Eiry thinks her father knew the extent of her curse and that's why he built her the tower. The tower was tall enough to oversee the maze surrounding the tower. And it's height is enough to let Eiry see the ocean behind the mountain. She could not leave the tower during the day, and during the night she was only allowed to roam the maze. That was her world.

That was her only freedom.

The bell rang and Eiry looked at the watch, it was almost dinner time and she was finally having her first meal of the day. Eiry walked down to the kitchen and open the small cupboard where her source of meal came from the palace kitchen. Inside a circle of transportation that was connected to the kitchen, was a plate of cold hard bread, a slice of cheese, a half bitten sausage and peas. Also a glass of cold milk that have started to smell sour.

The servants could not harassed her like they used to since 'that day'. So they change their style by starving her instead. Eiry take the food since the last time she was picky, they send a cold cucumber soup in the middle of winter for a whole month. She discarded the sour smelled milk and pour the peas onto a napkin to plant them later in the night.

Her stomach have calmed down a bit and she noticed a pen and piece of paper inside the transportation circle. She read the letters that says, "Anything for dinner?"

Is this a joke? But her stomach was grumbling loudly, asking to be filled. But before she could write down what she wants, she heard a loud crash from the outside.