
The Wild Few

This is a book me and my wife started as a way to connect her beautiful imagination and my writing.

blackflame999999 · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

The long beginning

"Martin.... Wake up you dumbass!!!"

Screamed Dan as he slapped Martin awake and out of his bed, "You lazy piece of shit!!"

Martin being woken up and beaten out of his bed, tired of the abuse and beatings stood up and punched Dan. When the punch landed all that could be heard was a loud crunch, the crunch of a breaking nose.

"You broke my nose you asshole," Dan said as he held his nose with blood dripping down his face, drawing a knife from his belt and rushing at Martin, thrusting his blade at Martin's chest, "I hope you are ready to go to hell you pain in my ass, and when you're dead I can make your mom and sister into common street whores!"

Martin seeing a knife come at his chest, he tried to move out of the way but his foot landed on his towel from the night before, sliding to the ground, allowing the knife to pierce his chest going between his lung and heart cutting a valve in his heart and opening his lung. Coughing up blood from the wound, as blood filled his lungs. "You better not touch them!" Spitting blood in dans face.

"Let's see what you can do when you can't even stand up, you're worthless and dying." A glint of gold shining in Dan's eyes as he pulled the knife out of Martin. "I was hoping your death would have been longer but I'm glad I can make you suffer just a little" cutting the face and body of the lifeless man on the floor, only stopping when the handsome young man looked like the victim of a tiger attack.

With the strong will of Martin he was alive through it all only not making even a sound knowing that his stepdad would derive more pleasure from killing him while he screamed and begged, "I will come back one day you stupid dick, I will tear out your heart and march your body around on a pike!" Slowly losing his last minutes of life to spit out this declarations anger and revenge.

"I hope you do, but for now you can die like a slaughtered pig, in a pool of your own blood," with a swift movement the knife went across Martin's neck severing his arteries killing him within seconds.