
The Whole Interstellar Will Help Raise Me

Having lived under the careful and sheltered upbringing of his older brother Sena, Juniper, a naive and curious Kitsune (fox spirit), embarks on a journey through the Interstellar world. Transported from his familiar realm, Juniper stumbles upon long-lost abilities that have been absent in this futuristic domain for ages, integrates into this new world, discovers the wonders of his unique powers while navigating the challenges of his daily life, all the while forming connections with newfound friends and romantic interests. *Shares same universe to my other novel ''The Unconventional days of a Fox Demon''* ~This is very much a slice of life with little to no drama, just fluff and daily life~

68 Chs

Food for thought

As they gathered around the dinner table, the delicious aroma of the tofu and stir fry filling the air, Juniper couldn't help but address an issue that had been brought to his attention during his broadcasts.

"I wanted to ask but.." Juniper began, taking a bite of the stir-fry, "I've been receiving comments in my broadcast room about how some people struggle to find fresh vegetables. It made me wonder why that is, didn't anyone try to make it available to everyone?"

Demetrius, always knowledgeable about a wide range of topics, leaned back in his chair and pondered for a moment. "it's a complex issue.. The availability of fresh vegetables can vary depending on factors like location, climate, and even socioeconomic factors. In some areas, especially those with limited access to farmland or urban areas finding fresh produce can be challenging..our race lives on many different planets some outside of deliver zones too."

Yong-Jin, chimed in. "That's true. It's not easy to obtain vegetables now. Back in the days when people lived in tribes and relied on foraging and hunting, vegetables were not a reliable food source. They focused more on hunting animals and gathering fruits, nuts, and starchy foods for survival, not to mention exploring how to farm a lot of types of vegetables was not worth the time or space."

Juniper, listening intently, interjected, "So, farming and cultivating they only selected a few?"

Demetrius nodded, a thoughtful expression on his face. "The cultivation of farming was a significant development in history, but initially, it was more about survival and growing crops that could sustain a community. Certain staple foods like grains and root vegetables took precedence because they could be stored and consumed during harsh conditions, like winter."

Yong-Jin took a sip of his drink before continuing the history lesson. "As time went on, advancements in agriculture and technology allowed for a wider variety of vegetables to be grown. However, it still took a while for the availability and accessibility of fresh produce to increase. In some regions, even today, extreme weather conditions or limited resources make it difficult to cultivate certain vegetables so only a limited amount are grown in specialist greenhouses and distributed, but with the current population size.. it is very expensive for most to purchase."

Juniper's eyes widened with newfound understanding.

Demetrius nodded in agreement. "Indeed. And as technology advanced further, processed and packaged foods became more convenient. This shift, combined with industrialization and urbanization, led to a decreased emphasis on local farming and a greater reliance on instant nutrition."

Yong-Jin added, "It's a double-edged sword, really. On one hand, we have access to quick energy. On the other hand, we've somewhat disconnected from the process of growing and consuming produce and don't enjoy the process of food as they did back then."

Juniper sighed, a mix of concern and determination on their face. "It's a shame, though. Fresh vegetables are not only nutritious but also essential for a balanced diet, although I know people can use nutritional packs I hope we can find ways to address the scarcity and ensure everyone can try to cook and eat food like this.."

Daiju, his gaze fixed on Juniper, reached out and squeezed his hand. ''You already can make a difference, Juniper. Although they aren't present, In a way those in your broadcast room can taste and smell the experience."

Juniper slouched onto the table and mumbled "..hmm… but it's not the same. I hope I can use my plant abilities at some point.."

Lost in his musings, Juniper didn't notice the thoughtful glances exchanged between their companions. Demetrius, ever perceptive, spoke up, breaking Juniper's reverie. "Juniper, your plant abilities could actually be a game-changer in this situation. Imagine being able to cultivate and grow fresh vegetables, regardless of location or climate."

Juniper's eyes widened with a renewed sense of hope. "You think so? But how could I make a difference with my abilities? It feels like such a small-scale power."

Daiju leaned forward, a spark of excitement in his eyes. "Small-scale, perhaps, but think about it, having a small garden, or even a rooftop greenhouse, where you could grow fresh vegetables year-round. You could share them, and others may reconnect with the process of growing and appreciating food..people may spend the time to figure out how to grow them now."

Yong-Jin nodded in agreement. "And with your broadcast platform, you can not only showcase the process but also educate and encourage others to start their own, seeds are inexpensive after all. Maybe it will be a movement towards a more sustainable food system."

Juniper's heart swelled with gratitude for his partners support and encouragement. "You're right. Thank you, I'll do my best! I'll start by sharing more about urban gardening techniques and plant-based recipes in my broadcasts."