

A man who barely knows anything about anime finds himself reincarnated into one of them. He lives in this new life hoping for the best. **************************************************************** THE ONE PIECE WORLD WILL NOT! I REPEAT WILL NOT BE THE WORLD WERE THE MC WILL STAY AND HAVE HIS SO-CALLED ADVENTURE. I plan the main character to eventually end up in the EARTHLAND. (Yes you guys read it, I plan for the mc to go to the world of wizards, Fairy Tail.) ************************************************************** *I OWN NOTHING!*

King_Disturb · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
79 Chs


"Place your bets people. Who will win? The titania, Erza Scarlet, or the sheath blade, Kagura Mikazuchi", Max discreetly said to the members of Fairy Tail. Even though they were a solid 300 and some meters away from the sword-wielding duo, Max was still careful not to be heard. The others also discreetly placed their bets.

After the short clashing of blades between Erza and Kagura, they are now currently standing facing each other in the forest near Magnolia. At first, the members of the guild were quite worried about the reason for their quarrel but after hearing what Natsu stated in the guild. Most members except for Lucy and Jellal are the only ones left that think their quarrel would lead to a dangerous fight.

The other members had all acknowledge that what Natsu said about Kagura and Erza's friendship had merit. Most of them now believe that they were just having a rough patch.

"Come on, aren't we going to stop them?", Lucy asked as she points towards the duo standing in a clearing in the distance.

"Nah, it's fine. The best way for them to be friends again is to tell what each other is feeling through their swords", Natsu said as he seated himself in a log.

"But...it could be dangerous. We can't just let them fight like this, right?", Lucy asked.

Gray went towards Lucy and placed his hand on her shoulders. Somehow this action was seen by Juvia and the look of pain and anger could be seen clearly on her face.

"I know it's hard watching friends fight, but if you want them to still be friends in the future. You need to let them do this", Gray said as he glances at Kagura, "Besides, Kagura really needs to vent".

Lucy just sighed and acknowledge defeat, "At least tell me that someone called Simon?".

With a smile on his face, Natsu replied, "Don't worry, Happy went to personally fetch the guy".

"clank, clank, clank, clank, clank"

Suddenly they were interrupted from their short conversation when both Erza and Kagura engage each other in close-quarters combat. Kagura still had her sword sheath as she attacks Erza with multiple quick slashes. Erza requip two swords just to handle all of Kagura's numerous attacks.

"You can stop anytime, Kagura. Let's talk this through", Erza said as she blocks an attack aiming at her tight.

"Shut up and just fight me!!", Kagura said in anger as she applied a huge amount of gravity towards Erza and the ground she was standing on. The gravity force was so potent that the ground beneath Erza's feet began to be destroyed and crumble. Erza was immediately shocked that she fell on the hole that was formed.

She looks up above and she could see Kagura hovering in the air with her hand ready to unsheathed her blade.

With a serious look on Kagura's face, she said, "You better take this seriously or you will lose a limb". She then quickly unsheathed her blade and a powerful burst of blue-colored magical sword slash came directly towards Erza's way.


A dust cloud was released due to the explosion and the members of the guild became shocked at the outcome of such an attack.

"No! Stand up Erza kick her ass!!!", Macao shouted in the distance.

Lucy had one of her eyebrows raised and said, "I thought you guys wanted to be discreet?".

Macao looks at Lucy and said, "I don't care! Kagura destroyed the guild while I was in charge. So, I'm placing my money on Erza".

"Oh...I see....", Lucy replied with a conflicted expression on her face.

As the dust cloud cleared, the figure of Erza wearing Adamantine Armor could be seen. Everyone was quite surprised when they saw the said armor having numerous cracks on it. Erza looks at Kagura and requips another set of armor.

After the glow of requip magic ended, the figure of Erza without any armor could be seen. She wore red pants, with a katana sword in each hand, bandages were used to cover her chest and her hair was in a set ponytail to prevent causing her problem when she fights.

Kagura smiled at this and she said, "You're finally being serious".

Kagura used her gravity magic to free herself from gravity's hold and she sprinted towards Erza with insane speed.

"clank! clank! clank! clank! clank! clank! clank!"

This was the exact moment Simon arrived, with him were Happy and Cana. He was breathing heavily due to him running after Happy told him the news of Erza and Kagura fighting. He looks at her sister and Erza fighting in the distance and he felt conflicted. He glances at Jellal who was standing by himself and just like all the members of the guild, he was also spectating the fight happening in front of him.

"Why are they fighting?", Simon asked Lucy.

"Kagura said that Erza betrayed him. She said that since the first time Erza and her met, Erza was lying to her...She was talking about how Erza kept the truth that she knew about you still being alive", Lucy stated.

Simon digested Lucy's statement and he looks at the fight happening in the distance. He thought that Kagura already understood why Erza did what he did, but it seems he was wrong. He wanted to shout and tell Kagura to stop fighting when he suddenly saw tears falling out of Kagura's eyes.

As Erza continued deflecting all of Kagura's attacks, she became wide-eyed when she saw tears falling from her opponent's eyes. She wanted to stop fighting but the more emotional Kagura became, she realized that Kagura became stronger and quicker.

Kagura delivers a sword slash to her shoulder but Erza luckily deflected it at the right moment.

"I thought you were my friend!", Kagura shouted as she delivers a powerful burst of gravity towards Erza.

Erza cross both of her blades to block the attack and before she could stabilize herself, Kagura was once again hot on her tail.

"I thought you cared about me!", Kagura said as she swings sword projectile towards her.

Erza dodges the attack and quickly adjusted her balance, but it seems Kagura acted quicker and she used her gravity magic to destabilize her footing. With this simple application of her magic, Erza started falling on the ground. Even before Erza could touch the ground, Kagura motioned herself to deliver a downward stab aimed at her chest. Erza immediately maneuvers herself to deflect the attack.


This resulted in Kagura's blade being embedded into the round one inch from Erza's body. Erza used her left hand to give herself footing and with her right leg, she delivers a kick to Kagura's head.

The attacked force Kagura to make some distance as she became temporarily light-headed.

Erza stood up from the ground and she readied herself for another round of battle. As she looks at the crying Kagura, she realized that some tears fell on her cheek.


"Shut up!", Kagura said sprinting towards Erza to deliver a stabbing attack.

Erza could see Kagura coming her way and gave a defeated look on her face. She slowly lowered her swords. She allowed Kagura to deal her a lethal blow but before Kagura's blade could reach her heart, she stops.

"DEFEND YOURSELF!", Kagura shouted at Erza.

Erza gave a faint smile and said, "I'm done, you win".

"No! I said defend yourself!", Kagura demanded.

Erza lets go of her sword and she slowly walks towards Kagura. Kagura did nothing as Erza suddenly gave her a strong hug, "I'm soo sorry. Truly I am....I know that our friendship was built on a lie and I know that it was my fault. But I hope you would be willing to have a new friendship with me".

Kagura just cried as she returned the hug that Erza gave her.