
The Whirlwind Marriage of a Vengeful Empress

Yunqing, an unswervingly loyal and kind young miss from the Zhao family, became the BeiMing state's empress. She has always been a loving, loyal, and dutiful wife to the Emperor as well as a befitting Empress of the state of BeiMing. Yet, she was cruelly plotted against, discarded by those she was loyal to. Her trust was treated like a mere dirty rag—her newborn baby, as well as her life forcefully and unjustly taken away from her. She regretted the most important life-changing decision she had made in her past life. She was given another chance to live. Zhu Yunqing, a meek and naïve girl, cheated in life by her so-called friends and boyfriend. She let her cousin, boyfriend, and best friend control and destroy her life despite her parents' warning, almost bankrupting her father's company. Her own uncle and his family being a catalyst in the whole scheme. Zhu Yunqing killed herself out of regret. Empress Zhao Yunqing reincarnated into Zhu Yunqing's body. She wanted nothing more than to live a peaceful life, but it seems it was too much to ask for in her second life. And what is with this young master who keeps asking her to marry him? Events of her past life caused her to harden her heart. Will it remain a block of frozen ice, or would someone bring the heat that would melt her ice palace? How can one who was accused of committing live in the body of one who attempted suicide? Follow Yunqing on her Journey through two lifetimes. "You can't love me. I have scars that are hidden." "Then I'll be the world's best doctor and heal them." "I cannot give you my heart." "Wifey, let's get married" "Okay, but we will need to draw up a contract." "Great! I would also love to have kids with you too. How many would you like? 4? 10?" "…"

Maiyime · สมัยใหม่
80 Chs

Surprise or not?

Zhu Yunqing quickly went back to the bar. Since the distance from the bar was not long, it only took two minutes for her to walk back. She quickly made her way to the bartender and asked for the room of Wei Chujiu. Then, the bartender called for one of the workers to take her there.

The worker, who was called on immediately, took the number card of the private room before saying to Zhu Yunqing, "Please follow me, Miss."

"Thank you," Zhu Yunqing said with a graceful smile.

While they were walking in the corridor, the worker's pager beeped, she was needed urgently by her boss, so she had to leave. She immediately apologized to Zhu Yunqing. "I am sorry for the inconvenience, Miss. My boss needs me for something urgent. I will have to go and attend to him."

"It is okay, you may go," Zhu Yunqing replied with a faint smile. She sincerely did not want to make things difficult for the young worker as it wasn't her fault that she was being called at that very moment.

"Thank you so much, Miss. The room is just after the turn, by the end of the corridor," the young worker made a bow to Zhu Yunqing. Then she directed her before handing over the number card of the room to Zhu Yunqing so she could use it to locate the room.

Zhu Yunqing just responded with a nod and a smile while accepting the number card before the young worker scurried off.

Then she walked to the end of the corridor and turned. The first room she came across was room number 9. 'This seems to be it,' she thought, looking at the number card in her hand.

Then she opened the door and walked into the room. The room was somewhat dark, but you could still see a bit. Most customers usually like darker shades of lightning in their rooms, and this was no different.

When Zhu Yunqing entered the room, she could only see a figure sitting majestically on the farthest seat. She couldn't clearly see the face because the person was sitting at the darkest corner in the room. So she couldn't make out who that was exactly, but from the build, she could tell that the person was male and definitely not Wei Chujiu.

Suddenly she remembered Wei Chujiu's message earlier and internally face-palmed herself. Was this the surprise her dear friend spoke about? Was she setting her up with someone? If that was it, why hasn't he spoken yet? Zhu Yunqing just stood at an awkward angle in front of the door.

Meanwhile, Shen Zihao, who was sitting in the darkest corner in the room, just stared at her like she had grown two heads. His face had his usual stoic expression, which seemed to be the proof of his imperturbability and indifference.

After a while, his expression suddenly changed as he stared at her. A deep frown appeared on his gorgeous face. He was disturbed by something. More like frustrated at the certain strange annoying pent up emotion he was feeling.

Her clear green eyes that were glistering like the forest at sunset seemed to be the cause of his displeasure.

Never before had he seen eyes that held such mysteriousness and beauty all at once. She seemed like a fiery wild flame: reckless, untamed, yet undeniably captivating. Those pair of eyes seemed like a weapon that could revive the world after an unforgiving cold and darkness but could also bring the world crumbling down.

For some reason, he found those churning, passionate green eyes breaking through his winter-long gaze as they observed him. Even the shiniest emerald didn't seem to hold a candle to those enchanting yet soulful eyes.

A sudden weird thought flash through his mind, to see those eyes in a pool of tears. But he didn't know why. That caused him to feel a tinge of ache in his heart at that thought. He had never really cared for any woman outside his family. Yet his thoughts were going awry at the sight of this small figure standing in the brightest corner of the room.

He wasn't stupefied by alcohol as he hadn't taken a sip from his wine glass since he came as he was waiting for his friends. So, what was the reason for his sudden behaviour change? Usually, he would have immediately sent her out with a 'Scram or get out!' but instead, he was lost in a daze as if he was under a spell. His gaze didn't seem to leave the ravishingly stunning beauty in front of him. Amongst all her lovely features, the ones he found most enthralling were those her magnificent almond-shaped green-hued eyes of hers.

He couldn't help think whether his abstinence was the cause of his sudden change in behaviour.

In a bid to end the awkward silence, Zhu Yunqing moved to sit down. She chose the closest seat to the door. She was feeling strange as the other person had only been staring at her since she walked in. She would have assumed that the motionless bloke was sleeping or something like that if she couldn't feel his dark burning gaze on her.

The clacking sound of her heels against the cold floor seemed to break him out of his daze. But her next actions made him gulp.

Zhu Yunqing had elegantly taken a seat, exposing her hot alluring slim legs in the process. She didn't seem to know that her every action was beguiling to a certain someone. She exuded a graceful charm that could melt even the stormiest winter yet also cause it to freeze over.

I sincerely apologise to my wonderful readers. I know my updates are not stable but i have a family emergency which will not permit me to post for some time. My sister and her baby are sick and the baby is on admission. So, i won't be able to focus on my writing at all till they are better.

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