
The Werewolf Physician

Plot Anastasia James is a specialist who spends significant time in Oncologist medical procedure in the best disease research emergency clinic in the country. She is likewise a werewolf. Notwithstanding appearing to be cold and brutal, Anastasia veils her delicate heart and internal agony and longs for closeness with individuals. She trusts emphatically in the holiness of human existence, and smothers her aggravation to treat critically ill patients and save lives. Among her partners is Lima, a superstar doctor who entered clinical school at 18 years old and is likewise the nephew of the Island bunch executive who possesses the medical clinic. Lima is exceptionally competent, however bombastic and prideful, yet Anastasia winds up succumbing to him. She likewise gets brought into a contention among great and malevolent as she experiences William, an untrustworthy clinic boss who acquires everybody's trust with his delicate disposition, yet deep down harbors a hazardous desire for power and an ability for remorselessness. Anastasia is a werewolf, being contaminated with the LT-01 infection she acquired from her tainted (werewolves) guardians. However cold and uninterested outwardly, Anastasia is delicate and minding within, bearing the agony of losing her folks who were killed by the evil contaminated William. She trusts unequivocally in the sacredness of human existence, and smothers her aggravation to treat critically ill patients and save lives. She succumbs to individual specialist and youth associate Lima. Specialist William, a malicious werewolf/LT-01 contaminated who harbors a risky desire for power and an ability for brutality. Alongside Anastasia's folks, he was a mentee and individual scientist of Dr. Robert, the pioneer of the LT-01 infection. Seeing the infection likely in human improvement, he intends to expand the exploration, to which Dr. Robert and the other mentees firmly differ for moral contemplations. Dazed by voracity, he paints himself with the infection, kills Dr. Robert, and sends his men to chase Anastasia's folks. He turns into the overseer of Athena Emergency clinic, acquiring everybody's trust with his delicate attitude and utilizing the medical clinic to proceed with his examination on LT-01. Outline 1.Anastasia is a expert and researcher at the satisfactory medical sanatorium in the country. 2.Anastasia is a werewolf. 3.Anastasia hides her proper identification from her colleagues. 4.Anastasia meets a mysterious man who is additionally a werewolf. 5.Anastasia falls in love with the mysterious man. 6.Anastasia is torn between staying with the man she loves and satisfying her dream of turning into a super doctor. 7.Anastasia's real identity is printed to her colleagues. 8.Anastasia's colleagues accept her and embrace her for who she is. 9. Anastasia and her mysterious man confront the risk of hunters. 10.Anastasia and her mysterious man go on the run and find a secret team of werewolf protectors. Finally: Anastasia and her mysterious man unite the werewolf protectors and form a effective alliance that fights in opposition to the hunters and ensures the security of all werewolves.

rumen_asamiagor · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs


Chapter One

Anastasia is a werewolf, being an infectee of the LT-01 infection (lycanthropy) she acquired from her tainted (werewolves) guardians. However cold and apathetic outwardly, Anastasia is delicate and minding within, bearing the torment of losing her folks who were killed by the evil infectee William. She trusts firmly in the holiness of human existence, and smothers her aggravation to treat at death's door patients and save lives. She succumbs to individual specialist and youth colleague Lima.

Brought into the world as Daniel, he lost his folks in an outing to Jersey. There,he is saved by Anastasia from a bunch of wolves. Experiencing the aggravation of his folks' demises, he takes on his ongoing name Daniel. He had entered clinical school at 18 years old and is additionally the nephew of the Island bunch administrator who claims the emergency clinic. He meets Anastasia at Athena Emergency clinic, however he doesn't perceive her and is irritated by her presence.

Dr. William as a Specialist, an underhanded werewolf LT-01 infector who harbours a perilous desire for power and an ability for brutality Alongside Anastasia's folks, he was a mentee and individual scientist of Dr. Robert, the pioneer of the LT-01 infection. Seeing the infection is expected in human improvement, he intends to broaden the exploration, to which Dr. Robert and the other mentees unequivocally differ for moral contemplations. Dazed by voracity, he contaminates himself with the infection, kills Dr. Robert, and sends his men to chase Anastasia guardians. He turns into the overseer of Athena Medical clinic, acquiring everybody's trust with his delicate disposition and utilising the emergency clinic to proceed with his examination on


Charlotte a clinical specialist and Anastasia's dear companion John a, werewolf and one of Dr William cohorts and Oliver a , werewolf and furthermore one of William thugs.

He supplanted Linda as chief William drug improvement research.

Mia, a first year inhabitant at Athena Clinic and Anastasia's subordinate She covertly works under William, who had saved her from kicking the bucket by transforming her into a werewolf and turned into her mentor.

Sylvia Lucy, an old religious woman who turned into Daniel's mom figure, was the person who allowed Daniel his second name Lima.

Alongside her better half James and William, she is a mentee and individual specialist of Dr. Robert A werewolf LT-01 infectee, she was likewise against William's arrangement in involving the infection in human improvement. She ran away to Las Vegas with the child Anastasia when William assaulted their home in search of the youngster. She was killed later on by William's cohorts.

Which gives werewolf characteristics to any individual who is tainted. However the infection can expand life and give godlike powers to its infectives, he stops his exploration for the infection's true capacity as a wellspring of insidiousness and tumult, to which his previous mentee William is passionately against. He is killed by William, who had tainted himself with the infection to his own benefit.

A truck speeds across a wide, fruitless field. It stops at a segregated, deserted church. A lady in a white lab coat, her face covered with a scarf, stoops at an old headstone and wipes off the engraving: Don't look for death. Death will search you out. She starts to dig. The grave uncovers a huge number and skulls with extremely lengthy eye teeth.

Dr. Anastasia was tainted with the LT-01 infection, passed from one age to another… cause obscure and no known fix. The infection enacts Telomerase to influence the human maturing process coming about in uber lifespan and otherworldly powers. Grown-ups maturing at the purpose of being contaminated. Kids age for 10 or 16 years, then stop, and that turns into their actual state for all time. Incidental effects: very actual capacities, self mending property, moonlight around evening time and normal light can be lethal, and unbearable.

As she looks from the highest point of a structure Dr. Anastasia characterises her destiny as not being human, yet something completely different… existing between the living and the dead.

Youth history 1999 Moore Province

A youngster in a werewolf outfit thumps on an entryway. It's late, yet she's given treats. "Much thanks to you Mr. James." Inside the house, Mr. James sees shadows in the windows and pulls the curtains, yet it's past the point of no return. Glass breaks. Two hooded men assault. Mr. James hooks arise, he snarls, and super powers take over in a fierce battle. He pulls off the hood of one of the interlopers; it's likewise a werewolf. As the other interloper goes higher up, Mr. James shouts, "No!" There's a taxi with music playing. A vehicle drives away with a lady and a child inside. The two hooded werewolf (hereafter alluded to as have come for the child, however Mr. James has proactively sent his better half and youngster away.

Dr. William, sits in a seat, and asks the bloodied Mr. James, "Where are Amelia and Anastasia?''Mr. James advises him to simply kill him and let his significant other and Anastasia be. His uncooperative mentality disturbs William. The hood pires wound Mr. James in the neck with an extremely huge spike needle (turns away).

With his back to Mr. James, William dismissively remarks, "Instead of being an undecided companion, become a reasonable foe," and leaves him for dead. The vehicle with Amelia and Anastasia stops. In a flashback, she beseeches her better half to go with her, however he sends her off to protect Anastasia. To the child he says he accepts she can save herself. 1969 Mr. James is the dad of Dr. Anastasia James.

Transitioning history: 1994 Las Vegas

Eighteen year-old Anastasia awakens and extends. She takes care of a harmed deer recovering in an enclosure and tells it she begrudges its opportunities for opportunity. At the point when Anastasia tells her mom she's going into town, she attempts to discourage her. In the end she yields and holds up a jug. "Take your medication." At the water's edge, Anastasia drops the jug and leaves. As Anastasia goes after a reading material in the book shop, a representative wheezes and she goes to see she has cut her finger. She is not attracted to the blood and can't turn away a conspicuous aftereffect of not taking her medications. Battling urges, she tears separated the book in her grasp and stumbles out. Back at home, she blocks out Mother's coaching. "Anastasia!" she calls forcefully. She straight remarks, "I'm continuously going to be separated from everyone else. What's the goal in this?" They contend.

That evening, as she blends a powder in with mortar and pestle, Mother considers Anastasia's previous words, "I will always be unable to live in harmony… I definitely know that much about myself." Outside, Anastasia's wild werewolf desires defeat her… and Bambi. Blood is all the rage and hands, and Mother has seen everything from a good way. Werewolf pubescence has set in. In an attack of misery, Anastasia runs until she arrives at a precipice and falls into the water beneath. At the point when she opens her eyes on shore, she allows out an anguishing holler.

It's night. As she strolls the road, Anastasia is irritated by a vehicle brimming with clearly folks. Not realising how strong she can actually be, she allows them to have it when they come at her. It is a humiliating scene at the police headquarters as the gauzed men blame a normal youngster for thumping them. On the seat against the wall lies a vile hooded figure. Anastasia has been found. Mother gets her the station and acknowledges things might gain out of influence.

At home, she admonishes her little girl for flaunting her solidarity. Anastasia tosses it back at her and says she just may have found something that she can bring in cash at and live the way in which she needs. Before Mother can complete the family maxim, Anastasia snidely rings in, "I accept you will actually want to save yourself. With your own capacities." Mother has carried on the dad's saying for his little girl, yet Anastasia furiously derides those words. "I know nothing about the dad who said those astounding final words to me, so those words have no significance to me." Mother guarantees her that she will make sense of all that when she's prepared. No teen needs to hear that. "I simply need to be human. I have no expectations. I simply continue to lash out." Mother couldn't support her as she cries, "I shouldn't have been conceived." Serious young werewolf pain. I feel for Anastasia.

Takes us back to our story and where the conflict started . Dr. Anastasia tends to injured troopers. In evident design, her mobile phone rings. She responds to it above clearly. A young lady on the opposite end merrily inquires as to whether she is playing a game as the weapon audio cues are so genuine. Irritated, Dr. Anastasia is going to hang up when the young lady tells her she has at last tracked down the beginning of that information. It is obviously something Dr. Anastasia has been hanging tight for. She distinguishes Athena Disease Clinic ( US) security data set as the much anticipated data.