
The Werewolf King: My Saviour

What happens when you discover that your mate was lying to you so that he can keep you prisoner because he thinks being human makes you unworthy of being an Alpha's mate?

QuiliviaDeTreasure · สมัยใหม่
31 Chs


To my surprise, Thomas's parents were super friendly, unlike the Alpha and Beta that I met earlier. When I asked how the rogue situation happened, they told me there was a series of rogue attacks that were caused by a neighbouring pack that was expanding to their lands. The Alpha tried to stop them but they were too hard-headed or as Thomas's mum said 'greedy bastards' It was a problem they had for months and they were trying to get help but it was hard because they didn't have enough warriors to leave behind. They settled for defending their territory. "Am sorry about the Alpha, he has been under a lot of stress lately with the rogue attacks and all. Where are my manners, my name is Clemence and this is my wife Theodore, I believe you have met little Tommy already", he said ruffling his hair, making him giggle. Their house was big and I was surprised why they were not living in a pack house. "It's not a problem really. I have been attracting a lot of problems lately", I said recalling my last couple of months adding almost getting killed by an Alpha on top of it. When my eyes met Theodore's she had a knowing smile on her face. "You know what? you should stay for the festival tomorrow, I will show you around making sure you leave with a good impression, considering the Alpha decided to ruin things", she said making my eyes go wide. I was not staying behind for the scarred man to get a reason to kill me. "I know that look. Craig won't mind trust me", she said with a smile. "Did you see the way he looked at me? No way am I staying here another day. Thank you though", I said putting my hands up in surrender. Her smile turned to a smirk. "Clemence, sweetie, I want Zeb to stay for the festival", he came in with Thomas on a piggyback ride, they looked cute. "That's an awesome idea", he said with a smile. I slapped my face in frustration. "Hey, you will be fine", she said showing me to my room. "Freshen up then come down for dinner when you are done ok?", she said then hugged me. "What was that for?", I asked curiously. "For saving my son. He means the world to us and am just grateful you were there. It's like a gift from the moon goddess same as him. You know when I was younger I got stabbed in my abdomen and the pack doctor told me that I would never be able to have a child. It broke me. I was so upset and I knew my mate would reject me when he found out but then I met him and he told me he didn't care. The night he marked me I conceived so losing him is not an option", when she was done I hugged her again. This time it was her turn to be surprised. "Dad I want pepper in my burger", "Not a chance", he said making me laugh. "Oh, come sit, dinner is almost done", Theodore said from the living room making me follow her. There were four plates instead of three, I was about to ask when the devil himself walked in like he owned the place. "Smell good in here", he said then gave Clemence a bro hug. "Uncle Craig, dad won't let me have pepper in my burger", Thomas complained making his eyes go wide with shock. "I thought we agreed not to tell anyone Tommy", he said looking nervously at Clemence. If he hadn't tried to kill me I would actually think it was cute. I could not hold back a laugh. He turned towards the dining room only to see me, he furrowed his brows as if annoyed that I was there. "Craig, please behave", Clemence warned him and to my surprise, he nod his head without complaint, which was weird for an Alpha to accept orders. "You could at least try to be nice and say hello to her. I mean is not like she did something big, she just saved your nephew's life that's all", Theodore's sentence made me choke on the soda. "Nephew!", I shouted a little too loud making Clemence smirk. "He is your brother?", I asked him. "Sadly", he said making Theodore giggle as Craig elbowed him. "Mummy, Uncle Craig has bad table manners", Thomas said. "I do not!", Craig said in a playful manner making Theodore roll her eyes at him.

I was busy posing for a picture with Thomas using his amazing imaginary camera when we heard people shouting and running. It was chaotic, I grabbed Thomas as I struggled to call Theodore, she went to get us ice cream. A huge grey wolf appeared in front of us, it was coming right at us, his eyes focused on me. I know I was supposed to be terrified but for some reason, I was not. "Thomas!", Theodore shouted running at us I pushed Thomas towards her just in time for the wolf to tackle me to the ground. I looked into its eyes and they were gold. It started licking my face, it tickled making me laugh. it started sniffing my neck making a satisfying sound. I scratched its fur and it purred. "Aunt Zeb has a puppy. Can I go touch him Mummy?", Thomas asked standing on the side. Theodore looked terrified. I pushed myself off from under the wolf he whined making me pet him, assuring him I was not going anywhere. He calmed down, "He likes you", Tommy said making me smile. "You wanna touch him?", I asked. He nod his head happily. He walked closer until he was right next to the wolf. It licked him making him giggle. "What the bloody hell is going on here?", Craig shouted making the wolf block me and Thomas ready to attack him. it was about to charge when I saw the Royal SUVs parked at the entrance of the festival. Zeke got out with an extra suit in hand making me look at him all confused until the wolf in front of me started transforming into his human form, it looked painful but no one looked shocked by it so I had to play cool too. "My apologies Craig. Someone decided to interfere with my schedule", Alex said while looking at me side-eyed. "Not a problem my King, we will send the bill for renovation", he said with a smirk. I was still frozen, with no idea if I should say something or not. Zeke was all smiles as usual handing Alex the suit.