
The Werewolf King: My Saviour

What happens when you discover that your mate was lying to you so that he can keep you prisoner because he thinks being human makes you unworthy of being an Alpha's mate?

QuiliviaDeTreasure · สมัยใหม่
31 Chs

Meeting the Parents

Alex has barely slept. I wonder why he is nervous, my parents love him already. "Should I wear a suit or just smart casual? I don't want to look too serious", he said throwing his clothes all over the place. I walked up to him and pulled him onto a sofa that I usually use when I want to put my shoes on. "Baby, why are you nervous?", "I don't want to mess things up. First impression matters", he said looking worried. "They love you already you don't need to do anything ok? just be yourself", I begged and he nod his head. "Am wearing smart casual then", he said making me smile.

They arrived in the afternoon, just when I was done making lunch. I ran to the door where I found Alex already waiting. I kissed his cheek, "You will be fine, I promise", I assured him and he smiled back. The Royal Convoy stopped at our front door, and the first one to come out of the car was Mother. I ran to her and hugged her like my life depended on it. Then I saw Jennifer, very certain my jaw fell on the ground, I jumped in excitement earning a chuckle from Alex. "I didn't know you were coming. This is amazing", I said hugging her, she laughed. "Hello Erinna, welcome to our home", Alex said nervously, his eyes went wide when mother pulled him in a hug. He hugged her back. "Thank you for having us sweetie", mother said as they walked inside. I greeted Boris and Victor as we walked in. "Smells yummy in here. Man! I miss your cooking", Boris said entering the kitchen. "I miss your appetite too", I said pulling the last chicken from the oven. He helped me put food on the table then we called everyone. "Now this is definitely one of the reasons I missed you", Victor said giving me a side hug. We all sat at the table. I made sure to sit next to my mother even though she was more interested in Alex than me. After lunch mother, Jennifer, and I went shopping while Alex took Boris and Victor to the training fields. "That boy is so smitten with you, I can't even begin to understand what you did to him", "Mum I did not do anything, he is just nervous to meet you guys that's all", "That he is", Jennifer chipped in making us laugh. "We need more alcohol. We have a lot of catching up to do", Jennifer said. "Don't count me in, I have to wake up early tomorrow, Alex is taking me horse riding", mother said with so much excitement making me smile, she always loved horses so this was surely something she would go crazy about. "Someone is having more fun than the rest of us", Jennifer teased making us laugh.

"Fuck! That was so nerve raking but am happy I didn't screw it up", he said brushing his teeth, I smiled as I saw his body relax from the shower. He joined me right after, there was a make out session that I really wanted to mature into something else but sadly he was too nervous to acknowledge, he said I was loud and he was not comfortable with my parents hearing our private stuff. "I hate you", "I know, am too traditional and it can be boring, am sorry", he pleaded. "It's ok, I forgive you", I said giving him a peck. I had to be a bigger person and let him handle this his own way considering it had been a while since he had parental figures in his life and even though he was way older than all of us, the level of respect he has for my parents is just amazing, I love him for it. I was pulled to his chest making me smile. "What a lame mate I am, huh!", he said kissing my forehead. "You're not lame, just too old for your own good. It's kinda sexy if you ask me", I teased making him chuckle. "Yeah right, just sleep will ya!", he said pulling me closer. I closed my eyes allowing sleep to take over.

The next morning I went to work with Jennifer, she was so excited. "This place is amazing, it's like we are in a different part of the world altogether", she said looking at the view I had in the office. "So how is Victor?", I asked hoping we would have a chance to catch up considering we wanted to do it yesterday but I was too exhausted. "He is a darling as usual. That idiot of an Alpha was overworking them up to a point where Boris gave up on being a warrior", her words surprised me, I couldn't believe Aiden reached such a level, he knew Boris was a father to me and Victor, my friend. "I met Blair during my coronation", she gasped. "What? what did she say to you?", "I was unworthy of being the Queen, Alex took care of her though. He is just amazing Jennifer. I gave up on mates completely then I met him and everything was just perfect", I said remembering the first time I saw him in the elevatory. "Am so happy for you, you deserve this, happiness suits you", she said sitting on one of the visitor chairs.

"Thank you so much for today Alex. It meant so much to me my sweet boy", Mother said walking into the kitchen with Alex and Boris. "As much as I want to celebrate with you, I think I will settle for my wolf form because I can not feel my balls", he complained sitting by the counter. "Your such a baby, Zeb tell him", she said wanting me to pick sides but I knew better. "Noup, am not getting in the middle of that. You, however...", I said hugging Alex, who hugged me back even though what I really wanted was to kiss the hell out of him. 'Zeb, control yourself', he said through the mind link as I kissed his earlobe. "Who lost their balls?", Victor asked coming from the shower making mother laugh at Boris. He just rolled his eyes at us. "Wine?", Jennifer asked when we were having dinner. "Yes, fill it up please", I said avoiding Alex's eyes. "Zeb, is everything alright?", mother asked looking worried. "Yes mum, am fine", I said taking a tiny sip. We ate in silence until my mother decided to break the silence by telling everyone about my childhood. It made everyone laugh, it was good times and it made me miss my father a bit even though I never got the chance to know him, he died when I was three.