
The werewolf king and his wife

On a rainy night, the new wolf king gets seriously wounded when he was fighting with his enemy. After getting wounded, his power vanishes, and he becomes a little wolf. One girl saved him and came back with him to her house. Then she nurses and heal him. From then on, the little wolf stays with her. When he gets back his all power one day, suddenly the wolf leaves without saying anything to her. But later when he came back to her house to take her, he didn't find her anywhere.

Starry_Lotus · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs

He is happy

"She came back. She didn't leave me alone. She slept with the wolf king. How dare she left me alone when she slept with me. He is angry because he doesn't remember he isn't a human now. I am relieved she came back. What! Why am I relieved because she came back? This is the first time an unknown woman didn't find me a burden. All the women came to marry me they all wanted power and wanted to kill me. All that was a conspiracy of others."

"Oh, you ate the food. Good boy."

"Hmph, you remember you have someone in your home."

Then she took him in her arms and kissed his forehead.

"How dare she kiss me? I can't say anything to her. But it didn't feel bad. What! What do I think now."

"What did you do all day, little wolf. You want to hear what I did all day. If you want to hear my story, then keep your hand in my hand."

Then he keeps his hand in her hand.

"Wow, you really understand me. You want to hear my story. I am happy."

Saying this, she kisses his forehead again. He didn't refuse her kiss.

"You do all the things you want. I can't say anything to you. If I say, you couldn't understand me because I am not human now."

Now he realizes that he is not human. He is a little wolf cub.

"You know I will like to stay with you, but you will leave me when you would be a big wolf. Then I will be lonely again. However, I will go to cook dinner. So stay safe and don't go anywhere."

"Where can I go in this state, you fool? I am powerless now. Moreover, I am wounded, and my power didn't restore. How many days will be needed to restore my power? I don't know. I will stay with you till then. How things are going on there? I don't know anything. Is Sura doing his job or going to find to me the entire continent? In his nature, he will not stay in the clan and sit there. I think he was finding me all the moon forest."

A few hours passed thinking, but he did not notice.

"Little wolf, little wolf."

He didn't hear anything because he was thinking something else.

"Little wolf, little wolf, food id ready."

"Growl, growl."

His stomach sounded. Now he is back to reality to hear his stomach sound. He is ashamed.

"You are hungry. I was calling you, but you didn't hear. What are you think so hard? You are a small little wolf. You don't need to think so hard. You only need to eat and stay healthy."

Hearing her words, he is about to cry.

"How many years no one didn't care for me? I am happy someone is thinking for me. Thanks for worrying about me."

"Let's eat. Today I cook meat soup, vegetable bun, grilled chicken. I came late because I was going to market to sell medicinal herbs and buy some things for us. You didn't heal completely. So I will start to treat you with my healing power now. So let's eat quickly and then start to heal your wound. You won't be able to tell others I have healing power. Because you are a little wolf. So I trust my secret with you, when you will be a big wolf, do not disclose this to others."

When he hears she has healing power, he is surprised.

"I know, I know, I am a little wolf. You don't have to tell all the time. You have healing power. Then you are not an ordinary woman. But how do you here in this moon forest when you are so little? I am curious."

Wolf from Thanatos was whining to hear the little wolf.

"Oh, you don't like little wolf name. Then what I will call you from now on. Okay, let me think."

Then she was thinking hard about what name can give him. After thinking for a long time, she found a name.

"I think I will call you ruby. Your eye color is red. So your name is ruby. I like ruby. Are you happy now?"

She is saying ruby and smiling.

"You choose a stone's name. But what I see, you are so happy to give me a name. Then I will go with this nickname. So my eye color is ruby."

"Ruby, ruby, I like you. Let's start healing you. You are so little and weak."

When Thanatos heard her say "I like you" to him, he was blushing.

"You shameless girl. Do you know what are you doing? How can you say casually that word? But it didn't feel bad."

Then they finish their food. After eating, she took him to the bed and started using healing power.

"I feel refreshed. I didn't feel like in ten years like that. When my brother died, I fell in darkness. There wasn't any better feeling in these years. Every day was to survive in this world. There were so many obstacles. But I didn't know one day I would feel refreshed like this again when I was little. And I don't have to worry about anything. I am happy."

She finished.

"That's for it today. I will heal you again tomorrow. Let's sleep together. You will heal in time."

"I feel like my power is coming back. Her healing power is good for me."

Then she embraced him and fell asleep.

"Again this feeling. I feel her touch is refreshing. It's like spring. When she touches me, my power increase. So I need to sleep beside her then I will be fully healed. My power will be back to me."

Then he fell asleep. The next day he woke up first. He saw she was sleeping and looked at her.

"She didn't wake up. But that's good. I didn't know you were so beautiful. You took care of me when I was in my critical time. I will give you a big present. You like ruby so I will give you ruby neckless. It will look good on you. I don't know your name yet. But I can't ask you. A wolf can't talk, and I am a little wolf. If I write some words, it will look suspicious. Even I will be suspicious of me."