

The little girl stared at the horror in front of her, her parents bleeding out in front of her as a wolf with hollow eyes came forth from the bushes, snarling.

Her mother's mouth was moving, but no sound was coming forth, only blood, as the wolf advanced.

Terror spread through out her, a silent scream ripping itself from her tiny body, only to be cut short as the beast lunged, it's maw agape.

Out of no where a howl could be heard through the woods in which the girl was, and next a blur of black.

Snarls and growls was all that could be heard for two seconds and then they went through the bushes, quiet settled again.

The girl didn't dare to breathe, not even when she felt something brush against her leg, whimpering.

Sirens sounded, drawing her out of the stillness she had fallen into, allowing her to finally notice the black wolf pup gazing at her with worry, it's snout rubbing against her palm.

When the police arrived she was curled up under her mother's arm, sobbing like she had fallen into hell it's self...