Rose, the beautiful, smart, and strong girl, went undercover to participate in the biggest knight contest in the kingdom. She wanted to become one of Prince Hans's honorable knights due to her father's debt. But, there was something that she didn't know about. Her master was a werewolf. How will she react to that secret? And why does everyone keep calling her" Rosalina"?
- So, both of us were born on the same night?
- Yes, you were like twins. I don't know who was born first because I couldn't bear the sight of your mother being in pain so I left the room, but both of you were completely healthy.
- Did you kick the witch out of the castle?
- I was going to do it, but Helen stopped me. She refused completely to separate the baby from his mother. I think it was because she had a baby too, and she knew how she will feel if she was deprived of her little girl.
- So, she stayed.
- Yes, since she didn't do anything worrisome. I started accepting her presence in the castle. She even became friends with Helen which made it more difficult for me to get rid of her...
- If they became friends, then how did things go wrong?
Julius held the painting with eyes full of tears.