
The Werewolf's Human Mate

Kayla Mac moved to a new city with her parents and started a new school where she met Lucas Gray; a dashingly handsome and very rich guy. From the moment Kayla met him, she knew there was something not quite right about him. Combined with rumors of werewolves being present in the school, Kayla was yet to find out that she had been mated to Lucas by the moon goddess. Lucas, a werewolf who was to become the next Alpha of the Lucent pack, will do anything possible to claim his mate. What will Kayla do when she realizes that she had fallen in love with a werewolf?

Daoist30r6W6 · สมัยใหม่
10 Chs

Chapter 10


Lucas had been avoiding Kayla. He was doing it to protect her but he was sure she didn't know that. It hurt him to do what he did because he really did like her. But he didn't want to put her in danger of Derrick. She must think he's an asshole right now. She must be thinking the worst of him.

He had seen her in history class. Their eyes had met for a moment and then he had looked away but he didn't miss the look of surprise in her face when he later stole a glance at her. He was crestfallen.

He really did like her and it was not fair that he couldn't have her just because she was a human. Lucas clenched his fist angrily as he entered inside his car. It was the close of school and he was preparing to go home. But he didn't drive off. He sat down and locked the door to the car. His car was parked in a way that it was overseeing the entrance of the school.

Perhaps if he stayed put, he could catch a glance of Kayla before she leaves for home. It wasn't like he could offer her a ride like he did the day before. He hadn't seen Derrick all day but Lucas had a feeling that he was watching him.

It was in Derrick's character to lurk in the shadows like a snake waiting for when to strike.

It didn't matter anyways. With the look Kayla gave him today, he was sure that even if he offered her a ride, she was going to refuse.

Lucas felt the anger rising inside him and he felt like he was going to explode. He clenched his fist and banged it on the steering wheel angrily.

He remembered what his father had told him ""It is such a shame that a man of my courage would have a sorry excuse for a son like you". The Alpha's words had hurt like a punch to his gut. All he wanted was to find his Luna and make his father proud but even that he couldn't do.

He knew that Derrick would be smirking with satisfaction at his luck. Lucas gritted his teeth angrily.

He was doing what he could. It wasn't like it was his fault that the moon goddess had mated him to a human. He has always been a good son and a good crown Alpha prince. Why had the moon goddess curse him with such luck?

Just then Lucas saw Kayla walking out of the school compound. She was with Charlotte. Lucas's first instinct was to duck then he realized just how ridiculous it was. She was walking and laughing and did not seem to notice him just sitting inside his car in the car park.

Lucas watched her as she came along. She really was beautiful. Her blue eyes were clear as the ocean and her blond hair was so beautiful that it glittered in the sun. Everything about her was just right and she was obviously a bright girl too.

Lucas saw as Kayla walked with her friend to the car park, then he saw Charlotte's mother's car pull up and Charlotte entered waving goodbye excitedly at Kayla.

Kayla waved back and the car soon zoomed away leaving Kayla standing there alone. Lucas watched her silently. She seems to be waiting for her mother. She rubbed her face with her hands and sighed. Lucas wished he could just go up to her and offer her a ride but he couldn't do that. In fact, he wasn't really sure that she was going to even accept a ride from him after he had completely snubbed her. Kayla was obviously a smart girl and would have noticed that he was giving her the cold shoulders.

He really wished that things didn't have to be the way they were. The only way he could save Kayla was to stay away from her. Being around her would only put her in danger. If only he could simply talk to her and make her understand but he knew exactly what her reaction would be should he try to talk to her about it. She would completely freak out and he was only going to scare her away from him.

Besides, he would be revealing a secret that had been well protected for centuries. Yes, people could claim that they knew something was off about them and some suspected that they might be werewolves but it was all only just a myth to the majority of people. No one could say for certain. They also were always getting the facts wrong. Some papers claim that they suck blood for a living but that wasn't for werewolves. That was for vampires. It would definitely be too risky for him to reveal it to Kayla. She might speak out about it and that would put them all in danger.

Just as Lucas was thinking, Kayla turned around and her eyes met with his. He had leaned out from the window of his car a little too much and now she had seen him. She seems to study him for a minute. He didn't know what to do to make the situation less awkward and so he just waved. That seems to be some sort of invitation to her because she started to walk towards him.

No no no no no, Lucas told himself as she kept walking in his direction. What if Derrick caught sight of her. He felt like just backing his car out of the driveway and driving off but that would be way too rude. She would never speak to him again if he should do that.

Kayla was soon by his side. He pulled his head back into the car and she leaned down to talk to him.

"How's it going, asshole?" She said

Wow, she was blunt, Lucas thought to himself. He could tell that she was angry but he expected that she would just internalize it like girls usually do.

"Hi Hi" he stammered a reply and gave her a smile. He knew his smile could make any girl go weak at the knees.

"Why are you ignoring me?" She asked. She really didn't have time to beat about the bush. She obviously wanted to get to business and get to it fast.

With her face so close to his, Lucas could feel her warm breath against his cheek. He turned and took a quick glance at her red lips. It looked so enticing and he wanted to kiss her. He wanted to taste how warm and soft it was. She was so close to him that he was finding it hard to resist his urge to kiss her.

"Are you thinking of kissing me right now" Kayla asked angrily

"What..no no..not at all" Lucas said. It was almost like she was a mind reader. That was an ability that a lot of werewolves have but he couldn't really read her. She was like a brick wall that he couldn't break through.

Kayla looked at him and it was obvious that she did not believe him.

"You haven't answered my my question"

She said

"I'm sorry okay, I was just having a bad day" Lucas said and he saw her face soften

She sighed

"I didn't know that. I..I thought you were one of those jerks that tease a girl and then drop her to make her crave him. Just so you know, that shit isn't going to work on me" Kayla said

Lucas laughed. She really was blunt. There was an awkward silence and Lucas knew that she was probably waiting for him to invite her for a ride.

"Hmm. Would you like to come in? Let me drop you off at home" Lucas said

"No, my mom is coming. Thank you anyways" Kayla said

Now she was just playing hard to get, Lucas thought to himself. Gosh her lips looked so inviting.

He wishes he could just ask her for a kiss but he knew that would probably be a bad idea.

"Are you sure?" He asked. You can just call your mom to not bother about picking you up" Lucas said

He didn't know why he was insisting about this. After all, he was trying to avoid her just so he wouldn't endanger her life. It was probably the lips. It was messing with his head.

"I'm good really" Kayla said and lifted her head up to stand straight. Lucas felt her acute sense of loss

"Alright, see you tomorrow" he said

"Sure" Kayla said and went back to her waiting spot. Lucas reversed out of the parking lot and drove into the road. He couldn't stop thinking about kissing her. He could imagine the both of them locked in a very passionate kiss with one hand caressing her breast and the other hand undressing her. He was probably going to masturbate to her tonight.

He thought about the fight he was going to be having with Derrick by evening. Derrick would probably be preparing for it by now and here he was obsessing over a girl. He needed to get his head in the game if he was going to win the fight. He shook his head vigorously and drove on. He really needed to teach Derrick a lesson.

He was still angry about the scar that Derrick gave him on his face. He was going to get back at him for that. Just then an idea crossed Lucas's mind. What if he made a deal with Lucas? He could ask him to promise to leave Kayla alone if he wins. And if he loses? Well, then Derrick was free to do whatever he wanted. All Lucas had to do was to make sure that he didn't lose.