
The Well of Wishes

If you're seeking a heartwarming slice-of-life love story, look no further than this tale. Meet Holo, the charismatic soccer captain of their college, and Aria, a fresh-faced freshman attending the same institution. Delve into their enchanting journey of love as their lives become intricately entwined with the age-old legend of the Wishing Well. This is a regular novel, which will end in 100K -120K words

DreamMerchantH · แฟนตาซี
20 Chs

Trek Begins

Cherry occupied the middle row, eagerly awaiting DJ's arrival. As soon as he stepped onto the bus, she greeted him with a friendly wave. "DJ, over here!"

DJ beamed at Cherry and made his way to her, taking the window seat beside her. On the opposite side of Cherry, Aria settled into her seat. Holo and Joe found seats together a few rows ahead of DJ and Cherry. The bus accommodated five more passengers, all destined for the Nebula Fall trek.

Moments later, the bus set in motion, embarking on the journey to the trek site, which was 50 kilometers away from Papoli. About ten minutes into the ride, Aria moved towards the front of the bus, commanding the attention of its occupants. She cleared her throat and spoke up, her voice resonating throughout the vehicle. "May I have your attention, please?"

All activities within the bus came to a halt as everyone turned their focus towards Aria. "I trust everyone has brought all the necessary items as listed on the WhatsApp group. I'll quickly run through the checklist for confirmation. If you've missed something, let me know, and I'll do my best to assist," she said, scanning the occupants on either side.

"Understood," responded a few passengers.

Aria retrieved her phone and accessed the WhatsApp group. "Please notify me if you haven't brought any of these items: raincoat." She glanced around, ensuring no one raised a hand or voiced concerns. Satisfied, she proceeded, "Water bottle... Torch... and food."

After receiving no objections, she continued, "Excellent. It appears everyone is prepared. We'll reach the trek site in about an hour. If you have any questions about the trek, feel free to ask."

However, the majority of the passengers returned to their phones after Aria's briefing. Observing this, Aria acknowledged, "Thank you. Please enjoy the journey." She then returned to her seat.

A few minutes drifted by, Aria lost in her thoughts while DJ and Cherry exchanged tender conversations. However, her concern was palpable, impossible to miss, especially by her best friend. "What's on your mind, girl?" Cherry inquired.

Aria sighed, contemplating her thoughts before responding, "There's something I've been meaning to ask you for a while."

Cherry stood up from her seat. "Can you slide over a bit?"

Aria shifted to the window seat, making room for Cherry beside her. DJ sensed that the girls wanted some private time for their conversation, so he reclined in his seat and immersed himself in a casual game on his phone.

Cherry looked at her best friend, curious. "So, what did you want to ask?"

Aria took a deep breath to steady herself and began, "Yesterday, a guy asked me out."

"SERIOUSLY?" Cherry exclaimed.

Aria quickly covered her mouth, urging her to lower her voice. When Cherry composed herself, Aria continued, "I don't know much about him. We've only talked a few times, and that's it."

"Do you think he's a good guy?" Cherry inquired.

"I believe so," Aria replied hesitantly.

"Then give him a chance. But remember two things," Cherry advised, her gaze intense. "Don't accept any drinks he offers. Stick to water from a sealed bottle. And don't go anywhere with him after the date."

Aria looked at Cherry, her brows furrowed. "Alright."

"Where did you meet him, by the way?" Cherry asked.

"Sorry, I can't tell you right now. It's a bit embarrassing," Aria confessed guiltily.

"Okay. Can you at least tell me where he's taking you?" Cherry pressed.

"Don't you think you'll show up if I tell you the place?" Aria replied.

Cherry admitted, "Hmm, you're probably right."

"Don't worry, he's taking me to a very safe place in Papoli. If I don't feel alright, I'll call you instantly," Aria reassured.

"You better," Cherry said.

After their conversation, Cherry rejoined DJ, and they both began watching a movie together on DJ's phone. Meanwhile, Aria started researching dating-related queries, a task she had been engaged in for some time now.

After some time, the bus pulled up at the station right next to the entrance of the Nebula trek. Everyone disembarked, finding no one but the ten of them. Not a single kiosk or tea stall dotted the area. "Looks like we're the only trekkers today," one of them remarked.

Aria moved forward, turning to address the group. "Alright, everyone. Time to gear up. The trek is 6 kilometers long, not overly steep, but the path is uneven with stones. Don't dash recklessly. Stay with the group, and please avoid venturing into the forest alone. In the past, some individuals did, and they ended up lost. A rescue team had to be dispatched to find them," she informed. "Any questions?"

A person from the back raised a hand. "Yes?" prompted Aria.

"How long does it take to reach the destination?" the person asked.

"Experienced trekkers generally take 1.5 to 2 hours. However, since our group includes some individuals new to trekking, I'd estimate 3 to 3.5 hours," Aria responded.

"I'm also fairly new to trekking," the person said with a smile.

"Any more questions?" Aria inquired.

No one raised their hand, so she continued, "Great. Let's begin then." With that, the group started their ascent. The trek presented a moderate challenge, adorned with breathtaking natural beauty. Most of the path was shaded by large trees, with lush grass and leafy vines carpeting the ground on either side. The gentle murmur of the water stream from Nebula waterfall accompanied them throughout the trek, occasionally crossing their path.

Everyone was managing well, except for Joe. Whenever the group paused for photos or a break, Joe would lie down and mutter, "Should've hit the gym more often." He struggled throughout the trek. Fortunately, his friends were there to encourage him to push through, and initially, it worked. When the words of encouragement lost their effectiveness, he turned to the energy drink he had brought along.

Upon finally reaching the ruins of the temple, within whose garden the Nebula fall resided, Joe collapsed on the ground to catch his breath. "Go ahead. I'll catch up in a while," he panted, addressing the others