
The Monarch Of Gwangju

The sun has finally set casting Korea into the darkness of the night. With the continued escalation of nocturnal attacks by the vampires this was the time where the average Korean's apprehension was at its highest. Despite this there are places and people who have all but remained ignorant to the woes of the world and continue on their day as if it were normal.

There is no place in Gwangju which exemplifies this state of mind than the entertainment district, a place that has always operated at night and continues to do so unabated despite the numerous incidents which crop up around and in it. There is a reason for why that is and it stems from the presence of a certain individual who runs the most popular nightclub in the entire city. Said nightclub is called The Monarch and right now it was about to gain a special visitor.

The night had only just begun so the club wasn't open yet. There was still time before the bulk of the patrons arrived. At the back of the club in a side alley a pair of security guards used the time before their shift started to get the new hire acquainted with his new lot in life.

"This is the easiest job in the world rookie" spoke one of the bouncers who was more like a gangster "we don't get any trouble since everyone knows not fuck around on the boss' turf."

The 'rookie' in question is a younger man in his mid twenties wearing a sharp suit which is supposed to be the standard attire for security.

"Yeah there's only one lesson you need to learn" spoke the other one who took a draft from the cigarette.

"And that is?"

Blowing out a circle smoke in the air he continued "Noble Bloods are to be obeyed no matter what."

"I understand!" the rookie said sharply before a more of uncertainty entered his expression "but can you explain what exactly a 'Noble Blood' is?"

"You're kidding right?"

"You mean they didn't even tell you something so basic?"


"Bah, better you learn it now than fuck up and get yourself killed later. Alright listen up Noble Bloods are the ones who command all us Common Bloods. There are six of them in total who control all the vamps in the country and they are all in a completely different league from the likes of us."

"They have overwhelming power that allows them to control lesser vampires and a single one can destroy the whole city if they wanted to" the other one added.

With how serious their tones turned when speaking of them which was in direct contrast to their earlier jovial tone the rookie took their words to heart.

"Whoa, destroy the city? Are you serious?"

"Dead serious."

"Take it from us rookie if you ever encounter a Noble Blood keep your head down, keep your mouth shut and fall in line."

"But how would I know if I ever meet a Noble Blood? I mean I've seen pictures of the boss before but…"

"Oh trust me rookie you'll know when you meet one."

"Okay, I'll take your word for it Sunbae."

"Ha that's what I like to hear" he slung an arm around the rookie's shoulder "just follow the rules and you'll be taken care of rookie."

The rookie couldn't help but grin along with his Sunbae. Even if they are gangsters the two of them are alright.

Then he noticed someone approach "who's that?"

His two Sunbaes noticed the man walking in their direction for a while but only now deigned to acknowledge him. The man in question is a bit on the tall side with a slim yet muscular build, short cut brown hair and is wearing a grey open trench coat over a black shirt, dark pants and dress shoes. He walked towards them at a sedated pace with his hands in his coat and would have walked past the three on a straight path to the backdoor had one of the older bouncers not stopped him.

"Whoa there bub you're on the wrong side. Club entrance is over there" he pointed in the general direction "you can't miss it. There's probably already a line forming."

"I'm looking for the Noble Blood."

At the strangers words the tension rose up a notch. The first bouncer lost all traces of his friendly facade and the other flicked his cigarette stub away giving the stranger his undivided attention.

"Noble Blood" the first bouncer spoke "I don't know who the hell you think you are but you need to get outta here before I fuck you up!" and as he spoke his eyes bled red.

Unfortunately the stranger ignored his threat and simply shoved passed him causing his friend to laugh at him "he totally ignored you."

Despite being jovial the second bouncer made sure to block the stranger's path as his partner regained his composure.

Now boxing the man between them the slighted bouncer snarled "you're fucking dea-"


It happened in an instant, one moment the two bouncers were standing on either side of him and the next the stranger's hands moved and two hits were delivered to each men's chest and head. The rookie only saw the aftermath of the impact as his two Sunbaes keeled over before turning to dust. Now on high alert the rookie revealed his vampiric state and snarled at the stranger.

"Who are you!?" he demanded.

"I told you" The stranger simply looked at him his eyes now red "I'm here to see the Noble Blood."

Moments Later…

Inside the Monarch nightclub the members of staff are busy getting everything ready for the opening when one of the security personnel crashed through the doors and slammed into the bar situated in the middle of the dance floor. Among the general commotion of shock and confusion it caused the employees several of the on sight security pinpointed the source of their comrade to find a man wearing a grey trench coat dragging another security personnel by the throat.

"I heard there is a Noble Blood hiding here" he tossed the vampire in his hand away like trash "bring him out."

In return for his declaration he was attacked on all sides by half a dozen security personnel all bearing fangs and claws. Despite their overwhelming numbers however the man expertly defended himself delivering punches, kicks, throws and even grappling techniques dispatching each of them with quick and ruthless efficiency

"Who the hell is this guy?" a vampire bartender asked.

"Wait I think I've seen him before" the DJ spoke up.

As the stranger finished another security personnel with a well placed roundhouse to the temple it was clear his patience had its limits.

"Stop sending out these weak ass bitches to fight and show yourself Noble Blood!"

His declaration caused the vampire employees around him to mutter.

"Is he crazy?"

"Calling out the boss like that…"

"He has a death wish."

And on the comments went but none dared to approach the man after seeing how easily he dispatched the security, none save for one. A slow clap was heard over the din of muttering as another made himself known and at the sight of him all of the employees went quiet.

"My that was ex~cellent, ex~quisite even" the vampire applauded "you burned through my security like they were toddlers. I would expect nothing else from a former UFC champion~"

That's when the DJ figured it out and muttered "oh shit now I remember he's Sol Minsu!"

Despite his muttering there were some in earshot that picked up his words and the shock escalated into wild mutterings.

"Seriously that Sol Minsu?"

"You mean the UFC champion?"

"When did he become a vampire?"

Ignoring the whispers the now identified Sol Minsu looked the vampire over. He looked like someone important so he didn't bother attacking him…yet.

"Who are you?"

"Why, I'm the one you're looking for~" the man replied cheerily with a pleasant smile and his eyes closed "you are looking for a Noble Blood are you not?" The man gave a theatrical bow "Chong Ji-Hae at your service~"

"You're a Noble Blood?"

Minsu scrunched his nose up at the other vampire who didn't cut an imposing or impressive figure to him. He was a shorter, pale man with dyed purple hair, ear piercings, wearing a designer tuxedo suit with loafers and seemed to have gold fangs in his mouth. He looked less like the most powerful vampire in the city and more like the pompous rich bastard who manages a club like this.

"A scrawny little shit like you is a Noble Blood?"

"Now you're just hurting my feelings" Ji-Hae pouted "not all of us are built like a brick shithouse Mr. UFC champ~"

Minsu's eyes narrowed "whatever, hand over your position."

Ji-Hae gave a comical confused tilt of his head "my position? Oh don't tell me you want to become a Noble Blood. Gee I've never heard that before~" he began to slowly stalk around the stationary Minsu "what is it this time hm? Power, prestige, wealth or maybe~" he gave a dramatic pause "you realized that having a lifespan of five years sucks ass and you figured 'hey Noble Bloods live for however long they want so if I become one I won't have to worry about dying' am I right?"

After completing a full circle around him Ji-Hae tutted "tsk, tsk tsk you know there's easier and safer ways to extend your lifespan champ. But I'll forgive ya since you seem desperate and between you and me" he looked around before loudly whispering "I'm actually a huge fan~" then continuing normally he spread out his arms "so here's my deal, you work for me to supplement the guys you took out in your little rampage and I'll take care of you. Wealth, prestige, power and an extended lifespan will all be yours along with other benefits. You'll be a made man set for life. So what do you say?"

His entire spiel Minsu remained quiet and by the end of it he had only one thing to say "are you done?"

"I am-OOF!"

Ji-Hae is punched so hard the impact snapped his face to the side "I'm not fond of working under scrawny fuck bois like you."

Another hook snapped Ji-Hae's head back and Minsu grabbed him in a clinch before delivering a rib cracking knee to his chest and several more punches to his face the last of which sent Ji-Hae smashing into one of the speaker systems breaking it apart.

As Minsu stalked towards the downed Ji-Hae menacingly he spoke "last chance, if you hand over your position then I'll let you work for me."

Ji-Hae pulled himself up with not a scratch on him despite his now unkempt appearance much to Minsu's surprise.

The Noble Blood chuckled "you really don't know how this works do you?" he brushed the debris off himself "it's a shame I could have used a guy like you on my team."

Minsu clicked his tongue and blitzed him. He didn't choose to become a vampire the choice was made for him after a string of defeats. Some disgruntled fan who lost on him in a bet turned out to be a vampire and ambushed him after a match. He figured turning Minsu into a vampire would offset the losing streak and he'd be able to cash out on his next fight. His attempt to control Minsu after turning him failed miserable because you don't turn a UFC champion (even if its former) into a vampire against his will and expect to come out unscathed.

After killing the vampire that turned him Minsu did manage to use his newfound abilities to regain his former glory whilst keeping his vampirism a secret and in check using various means. Through overtures into the underground he was able to find out more about vampire culture and explore his own abilities. He eventually found out about the five year life expectancy and how Noble Bloods are purported to be the only truly immortal vampires. It took a while for him to find one of them and after some investigation hatched a plan to usurp the Noble Blood's position.

Admittedly he didn't know much of the details of how he would go about doing that but he figured he could just beat the information out of said Noble Blood. Minsu was always confident in his combat skills and since turning into a vampire he's become even more proficient. They say vampires become stronger with age but that alone won't be able to trump actual skill and as someone who has made a career out of fighting Minsu holds himself as one of the strongest vampires in the city.

'No, I am the strongest' he roared in his mind as he pummeled the so-called Noble Blood

"So this is what a Noble Blood amounts to huh?" he sneered as he continued to lay into a defenseless Ji-Hae who was raising his hands to ward off the storm of blows "how the fuck are you one of the strongest vampires?"

Minsu didn't have any lofty ambitions when he set out to take the Noble Blood position, he just wanted that 'lifetime guarantee' but the more he fought the more he saw that other vampires were nothing special. And with the Noble Blood currently at his mercy he felt vindicated in his decision now.

'To think I was willing to settle for an extended life. No I'll kill this annoying shit become a Noble Blood and live on top of the world.'

As he thought this the adrenaline, the power that came with dominating caused Minsu to give a fanged grin.

"Die!" he cocked back his fist ready to land the final blow and end this farce.

"Right back at ya~"

Before he could even finish the windup for a haymaker Ji-Hae opened his eyes for the first time since his appearance. They are the deepest shade of red Minsu has ever seen on a vampire. Ji-Hae wore a wide deranged smile as his tongue licked his golden fangs and moving at a speed that was almost instantaneous raised his hand to Minsu's forehead. The UFC champion could barely perceive the movement even as his body was still in mid motion.




A miniature sonic boom was created as Ji-Hae's flick to Minsu's head sent the vampire flying like a bullet into the far wall creating a crater several meters wide and several inches deep.

The ensuing silence that came from the display was broken by Ji-Hae "is he dead?"

A moment later and Minsu's body turned to dust much to Ji-Hae's disappointment.

"I thought he'd be an interesting guy since he's a professional MMA fighter but he turned out to be trash like all the others" the Noble Blood lamented.

Sitting by the bar he snapped his fingers at the nearby bartender "get me the usual and clean this place up."

One of the employees approached him "um sir, with the damages done to the building we won't be able to open the club tonight."

"Ah shit" Ji-Hae cursed "this was the first interesting thing to happen all month and I got carried away with the theatrics."

"Here you are sir."

He took the drink "how long until we can open?"

"By my estimate, two days sir."

Ji-Hae clicked his tongue draining the glass and demanding another "gonna be bored out of my fucking mind" he looked to his assistant "anything interesting happen today? I forgot to check."

At that the man whispered into his ears causing Ji-Hae to pause before his expression brightened considerably.


His assistant nodded "we believe that to be the case sir."

He knocked back the eerily red beverage uncaring that it spilled from his lips to his expensive suit. Then with sparkling crimson eyes and a fanged grin he made an announcement.

"I think it's time I pay a visit to the Pureblood."

Advance chapters available on my Pa treon, link is in the synopsis.

Streggaecreators' thoughts