
The wedding day

Kaya_Williamz · ย้อนยุค
1 Chs

My shameless wife

there is a man named: Benjamin and today is his wedding day and his soon to be wife is: kylie, Kylie's father was sick with stage 4 cancer and as I kid she didn't get it. and her father passed away after a week and she was homeless and pityfull but one day her life changed when she meets Benjamin, Benjamin was poor but had a roof over his head and he was kind enough to let her live with him, Kylie was 10 and Benjamin was 12 and got a job at a restaurant but Kylie wanted to help out but she didn't know so and came to the point of going to a club giving drinks to people and to her luck she got the job! she worked when Benjamin left the house at noon and came back at the Early morning at 4am, she went at 5pm to 10pm when she arrives home she makes food for her and puts some in a box for Benjamin,she had amazing long black hair and green eyes and red clothes, But ln the other side Benjamin liked his one shirt a lot and broken pair of shoes but be did had cute blue exorcist eyes and red hair and just liked black to wear, he was paying rent and she had enough to pay the rest this week and put it in his money box,so we can say that they have seen better times on. the wedding went perfectly and they got married happy:)