
Poor/Middle-classed people come to the academy!?

{ It was a normal day at Faith West Academy,the private academy for only Wealthy kids..well until now..: }

Alyssa: "OMG ARI!!"

Aria: "What is it Al?"

Alyssa: "Have you heard!? there are non Wealthy people coming to the school!"

Aria: "omg..poor people..coming here? I gotta tell Emily!"

{ the rumours spread..}

{with the new students pov }

Derek : "so..how did everyone get to go here?"

Alejandro: "I worked and studied hard for a scholarship"

{ Alejandro said,leaning on one of the nearby pillars. The others say how they got into the school,the principal then appeared before them }

Principal : "Welcome new students! I hope you will enjoy your stay at the academy!,now come with me!"

{they follow the principal,making it into the halls,crowded with wealthy people,many people whispering and gossiping }

Alejandro : "..tch..they seem so... judgemental"

Elira : "Agreed."

{ The principal then turned to the new students}

"oh,and here are some phones from the school since you would probably need them"

{ they took the phones they were given }

New student 1 : "I..i always wanted one!"

New student 2: "me too..."

Principal : " theres a Library over there as well,and the student council is open"

{ The principal walks off }

Alex : "Well,I'm heading to the Library"

{ Alejandro looks around,finding nothing interesting,he explores the school more }







~ End ~