
The weakest werewolf

Mila was a human living in a werewolves pack, under the protection of her adoptive father, the Alpha of the Blue Light pack, She had a peaceful life among werewolves. In the pack, Mila had only one true friend, Nolan. Unlike Mila, Nolan was the weakest werewolf in the pack, he was often humiliated by others. "You're the weakest werewolf I've ever known." "The appearance of a weak werewolf like you is an insult to the Blue Light pack." "Get the hell out of the park and go back to where you belong." Those were insulting words that he had to hear everyday. Finally, He couldn't take it anymore and left the Blue Light pack with a wounded body and a wilted soul. Time passed quickly. When Mila was nineteen years old, the Blue Light pack was attacked by the Crystal pack, and Mila's parents died right in front of her eyes. Mila's hellish life started from that moment. When Mila was most desperate, a hand reached out in front of her, pulling her up from the ground. She thought that the light of her life had returned. Unexpectedly, the owner of that hand coldly whispered in her ear, "I won't let anyone bully you but that's the only thing I can do for you. Even though you haven't kept our promise. But I still haven't forgotten." The moment he coldly left, Mila's ruined world once again collapsed.

N_T_T · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

Humans live in werewolves pack

In a dense tropical forest, there were many werewolf packs. Each pack lived in a different area of the forest. The number of werewolves in all packs increased, so they needed to expand the territory of their packs. The conflicts appeared more and more.

When that war was at its most brutal, I was still a child, an ordinary child living in human society, completely unaware of werewolves and their real lives.

I heard a lot of people talk about the war in the past, but everything was very vague, except for the death of my biological parents.

After long wars that caused a lot of damage, the Alpha of all the packs finally had to sit down and negotiate to create a peace treaty. This treaty had worked very well for many years.

It had been a long time since the last conflict between the last pack of wolves.

The last conflict was thirteen years ago. That conflict made me go from a normal girl living happily with my parents in human society to a hated human living with a werewolf pack in the deep forest.

More than thirteen years ago, this vast forest had a serious forest fire, which burned almost a third of the forest. Many packs lost their territories. Blazing fires passed through the large forest with big old trees, rich flora and fauna, leaving behind the wasteland and burned old stumps. No animal could continue to live in the land ravaged by fire.

The Blue Light pack was fortunate not to suffer any damage after the forest fire, so the land of the Blue Light pack became a delicious prey that other packs wished to have.

After the forest fire ended, the Blue Light pack still lived extremely peacefully and happily, they even held a party to celebrate their territory not being ravaged by wildfires. They didn't know that real danger was coming. Other packs that suffered heavy losses from forest fires had joined together to attack the Blue Light pack for the purpose of stealing territories.

Right when the Blue Light Pack was having a party, the alliance of other packs attacked suddenly, making them unable to react. The Blue Light pack couldn't resist many other werewolves attacking together. They had suffered heavy damage. A large forest was dyed red with blood, the territory of the Blue Light pạcks was divided by other packs.

Alpha and Luna of the Blue Light pack were chased by other packs. With no choice, they had to go to human society to hide from the hunts of other packs.

Only when they successfully ran away could they come back for revenge.

When they were weakest and didn't know where to go, my biological parents helped them. They finally escaped and came up with a way to deal with the other packs.

Alpha and Luna of the Blue Light pack hid in the human world for two years and then returned to the forest. They finally got back what belonged to them, but I lost my parents, forever.

That was the first incident that changed my life.

At that time I was only a six-year-old child, everything was very simple for me, but the pain of losing my parents was still imprinted in my heart. With my own eyes, I saw my biological parents killed by a pack of fierce wolves with sharp fangs.

The scene was horrifying, there was blood everywhere, my parents' faces were no longer intact but they were still staring at me, they wanted to confirm I was safe.

I could only open my big, watery eyes to look at my parents, at that time I didn't even dare to breathe, my throat was choked but I didn't dare to cry, I was really scared.

I was still very young then, I didn't understand a lot of things but I still knew how scary werewolves were.

More than fifteen years had passed, I had also lived with the werewolves in the Blue Light pack but I had never ceased to be afraid in front of my adoptive parents and other werewolves, especially when they appeared in their ferocious wolf form.

My adoptive parents, Alpha and Luna of the Blue Light pack brought me here, they raised me, took care of me, they treated me better than their own children but I still couldn't help but scared of them because they were, after all, werewolves. Every time they appeared in wolf form, I couldn't help but get scared and those scary memories also subconsciously appeared in my head clearly.

The image of my parents lying in a blood puddle, surrounded by ferocious wolves biting them like a hungry dog biting a bone, had never faded in my mind. I was afraid of werewolves, of red, of all that had to do with that terrifying image.

But I had no choice but to grow up in a pack of werewolves. Other than my adoptive parents, no one wanted to raise me.

"Mia, I hate you, I hate you more than anyone!" While I was in a daze, a disappointed voice kept repeating in my head.

I turned around and saw a weak man. He had no strength to lie on the ground, his face was pale, his whole body was thin, it looked like he had been starving for a long time.

I wanted to get close to him but he moved away from me every time I stepped closer. I wanted to see his face clearly, but unfortunately he didn't give me that chance.

After thinking for a moment, I quickly ran up to him. He immediately stood up, his face extremely angry and shouted.

"I hate you!"

I was startled and stopped, not knowing what to do.

The person's face became clear. It was none other than Nolan, my best friend.

Since I became part of the Blue Light pack, my adoptive father, Alpha Otis, had introduced a rule that restricts werewolves from transforming into wolf form. Because of that rule, the werewolves who didn't like me started to hate me more and more. They looked down on weak people but had to respect me. All the werewolves in the pack were disgruntled with me, none of them wanted to be my friends.

I was very afraid of them, so I always tried to avoid people, trying to reduce my sense of existence to the lowest possible level.

Among a huge pack, I only had one friend, Nolan. Although he was a werewolf, he was very gentle and never shifted into a werewolf but always appeared in human form. Someone said he couldn't shift but my mom said all werewolves could, it was just a matter of time.

Our situation was very similar, both were people who were shunned and hated by others. The only difference was that I had adoptive parents to protect me so no one dared to bully me but was an orphaned werewolf. Unlike other burly and strong werewolves, Nolan was a thin and weak boy. In every running race, he was always the last to finish.

Werewolves of his age had all shifted but he was the only one who didn't shift until the age of fifteen. Some even doubted that he was human, not a werewolf.

I woke up in a panic in the middle of the night, it turned out that it was all a nightmare. Every night I had nightmares, I dreamt of my parents, of their desperate and pitiful appearance in front of the wolves. This was the first time in many years, since Nolan left, that I dreamt of him.

"Mia, are you okay?" As soon as I woke up from the scary dream, my adoptive mother rushed into my room, that's her reflex, as long as I had a nightmare, she would immediately come to comfort me so I could continue to sleep peacefully.

"I'm fine! Don't worry about me, please go back to your room and sleep." I coldly rejected her.

She was so good to me, even better to her own children, and yet all these years I hadn't been able to really get close to her, just because she was a werewolf. From the bottom of my heart, I still hated werewolves, if it weren't for them, my biological parents would not have died and I wouldn't need to live under the coldness of werewolves.

Nolan was the only werewolf who could make me let go of all my defenses. Maybe because deep in my heart, I didn't consider him a werewolf, but considered him as my kind. We were weak and we could empathize with each other.

Nolan was my best friend in my childhood, but he wasn't by my side forever. Under pressure from the other werewolves, He left the Blue Light pack and also left my world.

My adoptive mother didn't want to leave like that but she understood my personality so she could only sigh and return to her room.

If I had known it was the last night I could spend with her, I wouldn't have let her go so sad. Unfortunately, there were no ifs in this world.