
The Weakest Otherworlder

In a world where everyone was gifted an opportunity to devour everything in front of them, but what if that opportunity was out of reach? And suddenly a being that they called a God came down and gave everyone a spoon so they could reach them and devour them? Everyone devoured all those opportunities and satiated their greed. Power, wealth, you name it. But there was a person who could only watch those people satiating themselves with a spoonful of power and wealth. So, he prayed to that so-called God. "Please! Just give me an opportunity just like the others, God! Even if it's just a tiny bit! I would really appreciate it!" A young man with messy long gray hair asked God with tears in his eyes as he watched the people around him being killed by Otherworlders. [You have been chosen] [God has gifted you the power to devour all opportunities!] [Welcome, Candidate Alseace LaRoze] "You're kidding, right?" Alseace asked in a trembling voice and forced a smile as he stared at the ability God gave him. "What the fuck am I going to do with this?!" He shouted at God who gave him the ability and glared at the cloudy night. While everyone was given a normal spoon, Alseace LaRoze was given a spoon with a giant hole that even a grain of sand would be hard to pick off with it. Alseace chuckled in disbelief and started laughing as the people around him screamed in agony. "You gave me an ability called Leftover?! Don't joke around!" Alseace screamed his lungs out. [God gave you what you wished for, be grateful]

Iqfauli · แฟนตาซี
52 Chs

Chapter 39: Hunting.

Alseace and Sierra went to East Dasmein and went straight to the Emissary headquarters because Julius' body was being autopsied. Sierra knew who killed him, so she didn't care about why he was dead. She came to check how he died.

Alseace saw Renata and the others arrive at the headquarters not long after him. He remembered that Julius was a part of the extermination team, and that was why they came. They wore sunglasses so he couldn't tell what kind of expression they were making.

"Miss Red," Renata said as she nodded her head and walked into the building together with the others.

"Show me where they're doing an autopsy," Sierra said.

Renata nodded her head and guided Sierra and Alseace to the elevator and went to the lowest floor. They walked in a very long hallway with doors every few meters that looked like interrogation rooms. There were so many Agents on the sides, watching Sierra walk past them.

Gratya and Katya were standing in front of a door at the end of the hallway, and they both looked furious and sorrowful at the same time. They opened the door for Sierra, and then let Sierra, Alseace, and Renata in while the rest were forbidden to enter even though they were Julius' closest friends.

Sierra and Alseace looked at Julius' body laying on the operating table without any visible wounds. Niko was there with a doctor, talking about something, and when they saw Sierra, they both immediately went to the operating table.

"Miss Sierra, the-" Niko was about to say the report, but Sierra stopped him by putting her hand in front of his face.

"Before you tell me everything, when they discover his body, what was his state?" Sierra asked as she looked at Julius' naked body with only a towel covering his genital.

Niko looked at Katya as he nodded his head since she was the one who found him with Estian.

"He was tied down on the chair with chains wrapped around his body as you can see the marks on his body. The state he was in, it was terrifying," Katya answered and looked uncomfortable. "His eyes and mouth were wide open, but his teeth and eyeballs weren't there," Katya continued as she closed her eyes and furrowed her eyebrows.

Sierra went to check Julius' eye sockets and his eyes were missing as Katya said. She then opened Julius' mouth and saw nothing but gums, and he lost his tongue as well. She sighed as she closed Julius' mouth and looked at Niko with a cold stare.

"This is a sign of offering," Sierra said and looked at everyone in the room. "It's not just his eyes, teeth, and tongue, but one of his right ribs. Am I correct, doctor?" Sierra glanced at the doctor with her eyebrows raised.

The doctor was surprised that she was right about it, and he was confused because he didn't see any extraction or open wound on Julius' body. He was still investigating it so he didn't want to jump to a conclusion even though it was visible and he could feel it.

"Yes, that's correct," The doctor answered as he nodded his head in agreement. "But, how did someone take one rib when there wasn't any sign of extractions?" The doctor asked.

"A demon soul took it, in a way that science can't explain. There's no logic in this kind of thing, doctor," Sierra answered as he covered Julius' whole body with a white cloth. "Now, let's get straight to the point. Where's Carazen?" Sierra asked and looked at Gratya and Katya.

Alseace and Renata looked at Sierra with confused looks when Sierra mentioned Carazen's name. But looking at the expressions that Gratya and Katya made, they realized that Carazen might be the culprit.

"We can't find him anywhere. We can't go an all-out search because it's dangerous to deal with him, and we don't want to attract the Guildmasters' attention. Right now, Estian is searching for Carazen because he's the only one who can do it," Gratya answered.

"I warned you, didn't I?" Sierra glanced at Niko and she looked disappointed. "Now that it has come to this, you can only blame yourself for what's about to come. But, I'm not going to let this world to be destroyed yet, so you owe me for this one," Sierra said and left the room.

Alseace looked at Gratya and Niko because he didn't know what to do. Katya then wrapped her arms around Alseace and Renata's necks and brought them outside the room. She brought them all the way up to the lobby without saying a single word.

"Who wants to get something to drink?" Katya asked as she kept putting her arms around their necks.

"Miss Katya, it's still noon," Renata replied as she looked at Katya's resting face.

"So? I really need a drink right now. Won't you accompany me?" Katya sighed as she looked at Renata.

"You can have a drink with Renata. I'm going to catch up with Miss Sierra and want to see what she's going to do with Carazen," Alseace gently removed Katya's arm from his shoulder. "I'll take my leave now," Alseace continued, and left to catch up on Sierra.

Sierra entered the car after she contacted Estian and asked for his location. The car drove off and Alseace decided to follow the car with a taxi from the distance to avoid being caught by her.

They drove quite far away and ended up in a remote area where there were barely any cars on the road. Knowing that it was a remote area, Alseace decided to go on foot to avoid being spotted because of the taxi.

Sierra arrived at the location where Estian was, and it was an abandoned mining site. Estian was with a man and a woman beside him, and they were the right-hand people that he trusted.

"Is it confirmed that he's inside?" Sierra asked as she got out of the car and looked at Estian smoking his cigarette.

"I'm not so sure, but the last sighting of him through the surveillance cameras, he came to this place last night. We're not sure because we don't want to be hasty about it," Estian answered as the hot wind and dust hit his face in the middle of a rocky plain with giant boulders scattered around.

Sierra looked at the abandoned mining cave and the hills around her. It was a perfect place to hide and how it was far away from everything.

"We also checked the nearest town, and there were at least 58 people that were found dead this morning. They're in the same state as Julius," Estian said with a serious expression. "Does that mean it has started?" Estian asked.

"It already started the moment he accepted to become a Demon God worshipper. You can only pray to God and hope it would happen later in the future," Sierra answered as she walked past Estian. "You stay here, I'm going to go inside and take care of him," Sierra continued as she walked to the abandoned mine.

Estian watched Sierra enter the cave and he used the opportunity to look at Sierra's [Value] through his skill. He was dumbfounded when he looked at Sierra's value was 1,832 points which were lower than S-Rank. There was no such thing as an error when it came to a skill, and so he wondered if Sierra had the ability to hide her power or if it was something else.

Estian was staring at Sierra's value, and suddenly he felt something just go past him. He looked around, but he didn't find anything, and then he looked at the others who seemed to not feel it.

Sierra walked in the dark, but then her eyes started to glow and she was able to look in the dark like it was nothing. She then slowly loosened up her tie as he looked at the rail under her feet, and then she smelt a pungent smell coming from the other side.

"You have stooped so low, aren't you?" Sierra said as she walked deeper into the cave.

Sierra looked at a few bodies scattered inside the mine, and they all looked petrified with their eyes and mouths wide open. They looked like homeless people who used the mining cave as a shelter. She walked past them and wasn't bothered by the scenery and the smell.

She stumbled at the 3 holes in front of her, she could sense a strong presence on the left hole. As soon as she walked into the hole, she was welcomed by the faint sound of a giggle in the distance.

Carazen appeared right in front of her with his dagger ready to stab her in the throat. Sierra raised her right eyebrow and suddenly Carazen was thrown away and hit the wall really hard. Carazen was stuck on the wall with his body upside down, and he looked so shocked that his eyes blankly stared at Sierra.

"Did you just seriously try to take me down like that?" Sierra asked as she glanced at Carazen.

Carazen was still in shock because he couldn't even see anything when he jumped to Sierra. All he remembered was that he appeared right in front of her, and the next second he was already stuck on the wall.

"(Is our gap really that far?! Even with all the powers that I have gained from the offerings?!)" Carazen thought to himself.

"(Do you want more power?)" A demonly voice could be heard inside Carazen's head.

"(Yes! I would give you everything as long as I can kill that bitch!)" Carazen answered as he glared at Sierra.

"Do you think I don't hear your conversation with that demon?" Sierra asked as she stood in front of Carazen and removed her right glove. "And do you think I would let that happen?" Sierra grabbed Carazen's face with her right hand.

Carazen felt like throwing up as his head started to spin like having vertigo. He couldn't even scream or move his body, and suddenly he felt sleepy that his eyes started to close on their own.

Sierra removed her hand from Carazen's face and immediately put her glove back on. She then glanced at the shadow in the tunnel and said, "How long are you going to hide like that, Alseace? Come out."

Alseace came out of the shadow and looked at Carazen's dried body which looked like a mummy. He watched how it all happened, and he was terrified by it and he never thought Sierra had a skill like that.

"Are you curious? What I did do to him?" Sierra asked as she grabbed Carazen's body and dragged him toward Alseace. "It's one of my unique skills called Life Drain. I take their life energy and make them mine," Sierra pointed out. "If you say a word about it, I'll use that skill on you, do you understand?" Sierra said as she stood in front of Alseace.

"I have no reason to tell anyone about it," Alseace answered.