
The Weakest Otherworlder

In a world where everyone was gifted an opportunity to devour everything in front of them, but what if that opportunity was out of reach? And suddenly a being that they called a God came down and gave everyone a spoon so they could reach them and devour them? Everyone devoured all those opportunities and satiated their greed. Power, wealth, you name it. But there was a person who could only watch those people satiating themselves with a spoonful of power and wealth. So, he prayed to that so-called God. "Please! Just give me an opportunity just like the others, God! Even if it's just a tiny bit! I would really appreciate it!" A young man with messy long gray hair asked God with tears in his eyes as he watched the people around him being killed by Otherworlders. [You have been chosen] [God has gifted you the power to devour all opportunities!] [Welcome, Candidate Alseace LaRoze] "You're kidding, right?" Alseace asked in a trembling voice and forced a smile as he stared at the ability God gave him. "What the fuck am I going to do with this?!" He shouted at God who gave him the ability and glared at the cloudy night. While everyone was given a normal spoon, Alseace LaRoze was given a spoon with a giant hole that even a grain of sand would be hard to pick off with it. Alseace chuckled in disbelief and started laughing as the people around him screamed in agony. "You gave me an ability called Leftover?! Don't joke around!" Alseace screamed his lungs out. [God gave you what you wished for, be grateful]

Iqfauli · แฟนตาซี
52 Chs

Chapter 30: Agent of Emissary. (2)

"Congratulations! You have officially become an Agent of Emissary now," Gratya said as she looked at Alseace who had just gotten his Agent card.

Alseace looked at it and realized it was different from the card that he knew because there were only 2 types of Agent cards. The first one had a blue stripe that specialized in civil and public relations, which focused on guilds and the people. The second one had a red stripe that specialized in observation and discovery, which focused on portals and vortexes.

"Why is my card had a black stripe? Not red or blue?" Alseace asked as he showed off his card.

"That's the extermination team that has the highest privilege to enter all portals and vortexes. It has been around for a few years now, but since there wasn't a single Agent that was qualified to be in that team, it's not well known," Gratya answered.

Gratya was on the discovery and observation team, and that was why Gratya was the one who contacted Sierra when they found the purple vortex. Estian specialized in civil and public relations teams, and that was why he was dispatched to East Dasmein and became the principal of the Pave Academy.

"Currently, there are only 2 members of the extermination team, Julius and Renata. They both are A-Rank Candidates that might become S-Rank in a few months," Gratya explained. "Although they're in the extermination team, they're not really reliable, well, maybe Julius, but not Renata," Gratya pointed out as she thought about it.

Alseace listened to her as he looked at his own photo on his Agent card, and then he heard quite a commotion coming from the outside of the room. He decided to take a look with Gratya, and he was taken aback when he saw Cleo wandering in the main hallway.

"Cleo?" Alseace furrowed his eyebrows and looked at Cleo walking to the elevator.

"Did she not tell you who she is?" Gratya asked as she stood next to him. "Well, I guess it's better for her to tell you herself. Although she's trying to hide it, seeing you look at her in this building is enough to tell who she is. I think she doesn't know that you're here right now," Gratya said.

"Then I guess I should follow her and ask her myself," Alseace said as he walked to the elevator.

Gratya followed him from behind and then watched him standing behind Cleo who was waiting for the elevator.

"It's nice to see you here," Alseace said.

Cleo flinched as she turned around. She looked surprised, and her calm and collected expression were nowhere to be found. Alseace chuckled because of her reaction, and she looked a bit panicked when she saw him there.

"You're here? What are you doing here?" Cleo asked as she cleared her throat because she felt embarrassed for getting startled like that.

"I belong here. What about you? Why are you here?" Alseace asked back.

"I'm..." Cleo paused as she sighed. "Just follow me. You'll see why I'm here," Cleo continued as she glanced at Gratya who was standing behind Alseace.

The three of them entered the elevator and Cleo pressed the 24th floor. It was the highest floor on the elevator, and Alseace wondered if that was where Niko's office was at.

"By the way, what do you mean by you belong here? Don't tell me..." Before Cleo could finish her sentence, Alseace showed his Agent card to her. "You're in the extermination team?! Well, I'm not surprised..." Cleo said as she looked at the card in Alseace's hand.

Cleo looked so happy for some reason, and couldn't stop smiling as the elevator reached the highest floor. The moment the elevator doors opened, it looked like a throne room, but with a modern look and touch.

Niko was sitting at his desk with Sierra sitting on the sofa while she was enjoying her espresso. She then looked at Alseace and was wondering why he was there, but then she looked at Cleo and hummed with understanding.

"It's a pleasure to be finally able to see you, Miss Red," Cleo looked at Sierra with admiration. "I'll introduce myself, my name is Cleo Fengrim, and I'm the successor of the Emissary. I believe you have heard enough about me from Uncle Niko," Cleo said.

Alseace looked at Cleo and didn't expect her to be President Niko's niece, especially her being the successor. He realized why she was so laid-back since she already had a heavy burden on her shoulders that she wasn't bothered by trivial things at the Academy.

"I heard enough, and I already have the big picture of who you are," Sierra replied with the cup on her bottom lip. "Have a seat. I have a few things that I need to confirm first. With that being said, I think you both shouldn't be here," Sierra looked at Alseace and Gratya.

Gratya nodded with understanding and brought Alseace with her to the elevator then left. Gratya brought Alseace to the cafeteria to have lunch together since it was already lunch break.

"The news about the outbreak has been posted and the total of casualties has been confirmed as well," Gratya said and she looked troubled. "That bird that you killed, that was a Roc, and Mihangel believed that Roc was classified as an S-Rank monster," Gratya glanced at Alseace who was eating his salad. "You just single-handedly killed an S-Rank monster that required at least 3 S-Rank Candidates to kill. How does that make you feel?" Gratya asked.

"You're asking me if I'm proud of myself? I am but compared to what I saw back then inside that vortex, I don't think I will feel scared anymore," Alseace answered as he chewed on the salad.

Gratya didn't know how terrifying it was for him to experience a big war like that with Candidates that were four times or even five times stronger than Elenoir. She believed it must be hard for him, but seeing how he overcame it so easily made her think if she should be worried or afraid of his resolution.

"By the way, since I have become an Agent now, when will I get my first job?" Alseace asked.

"You will start working once we are back to West Dasmein because there are so many new portals that appeared 6 months ago. We have analyzed that the number of portals and vortexes has been skyrocketing. We are running out of human resources," Gratya answered as she drank her tea. "I almost forgot to tell you this, but you'll be working with Renata when we got back to West Dasmein," Gratya pointed out.

"I'm fine with that, and it's better if I have a partner rather than doing it on my own," Alseace responded.

"Is there a specific reason why you prefer to have a partner? Is it because it would be lonely for you?" Gratya jokingly asked with a teasing smile on her face.

"I have my own reason," Alseace answered.

They both talked until lunch break was over, and once Sierra was done with her business in the Emissary, the three of them went straight to the airport. They went to West Dasmein in a private jet that belonged to the Emissary.

On the flight, Gratya gave a document to Alseace and it was information about portals and vortexes that appeared in the inhabitant areas. Elenoir and the others' hands were full because they also had to deal with them in the territory they owned. There were too many portals to maintain and too many vortexes that they had to make a joint team to clear them.

"There's something that I want you two to hear," Sierra said with a serious expression. Both Gratya and Alseace looked at her and opened their ears wide. "Do you remember when I said this world is a safe haven? I said that because this is the most peaceful world that I have been gone to, and that means if we put this world in a chart, this world would be the lowest among the other worlds that had a similar situation with your world," Sierra explained as she looked at Gratya.

Gratya nodded her head with understanding and waited for Sierra to continue her speech.

"If we put this world in a tower, this world would be floor 0. With that being said, sooner or later, I believe a Dimensional Crack will appear, whether for refugees to escape their world or to be invaded by another world, just like Alseace's world," Sierra said as she looked at the clouds. "If you won't work together, it's either the otherworlder will destroy your world, or you will destroy your own world because of your stupid competition," Sierra pointed out.

"We are trying to act as a bridge for the big guilds in East Dasmein. We are aware of it and how things started to get out of control. We all have a hunch that something bad will happen soon, and we are very lucky to have Alseace here," Gratya answered.

"You're relying on him? I think you forgot something important about Alseace, Gratya. Alseace doesn't belong to your world, and he has no obligation to protect it. So when a Dimensional Crack is open, he will leave your world and start his own journey," Sierra said with a serious expression. "And I can't stay here forever as well. I have a place to go back to. I have things that I have been neglecting, and someday I have to go back and deal with them. Without Alseace and me, who are you going to ask for help? You have to protect your own world," Sierra stated.

Gratya knew that Sierra wouldn't get involved in the affair of Dasmein and its people. She had said that to each one of them when she picked them up and trained them. She did what she could, she taught them what she knew, and she didn't have any more responsibility or debt to the world that she had been using as a temporary home.

"I'll tell the others about this so they will be prepared when the time comes," Sierra said as she leaned on her seat. "That's all I have to say, so wake me up once we landed," Sierra closed her eyes and started to doze off.