
The Weakest Otherworlder

In a world where everyone was gifted an opportunity to devour everything in front of them, but what if that opportunity was out of reach? And suddenly a being that they called a God came down and gave everyone a spoon so they could reach them and devour them? Everyone devoured all those opportunities and satiated their greed. Power, wealth, you name it. But there was a person who could only watch those people satiating themselves with a spoonful of power and wealth. So, he prayed to that so-called God. "Please! Just give me an opportunity just like the others, God! Even if it's just a tiny bit! I would really appreciate it!" A young man with messy long gray hair asked God with tears in his eyes as he watched the people around him being killed by Otherworlders. [You have been chosen] [God has gifted you the power to devour all opportunities!] [Welcome, Candidate Alseace LaRoze] "You're kidding, right?" Alseace asked in a trembling voice and forced a smile as he stared at the ability God gave him. "What the fuck am I going to do with this?!" He shouted at God who gave him the ability and glared at the cloudy night. While everyone was given a normal spoon, Alseace LaRoze was given a spoon with a giant hole that even a grain of sand would be hard to pick off with it. Alseace chuckled in disbelief and started laughing as the people around him screamed in agony. "You gave me an ability called Leftover?! Don't joke around!" Alseace screamed his lungs out. [God gave you what you wished for, be grateful]

Iqfauli · แฟนตาซี
52 Chs

Chapter 28: Academy life was over.

"Is there any news about Alseace LaRoze? They should have found him by now," Lucretia said as she was sitting in the backseat next to Sebastian.

"They're still waiting for him, and he's still not present in the reciprocity," Sebastian answered as he looked at his phone. "The time is running out. I think he doesn't want to be present there since Estian might have warned him about the reciprocity," Sebastian continued as he locked his phone and put it on his lap.

"That's fine, but at least tell them to find any information about him. Any information is better than nothing, like how he looks like, how tall is he, what's his class etcetera," Lucretia replied as she looked outside the window.

Sebastian hummed as he grabbed his phone and told their representatives to gather information about Alseace. After waiting for a few minutes, they sent pieces of information about Alseace, and when Sebastian found out what Alseace looked like, he hit his face really. It startled Lucretia, and she immediately looked at his pained expression.

"What's the matter?" Lucretia asked.

"Alseace LaRoze, he's quite a tall kid with long gray hair and he has a slender body. He has a pretty face and he had gold eyes," Sebastian answered as he kept covering his face with his palm.

The moment Lucretia heard the description immediately realized that Alseace LaRoze was with them during the conference. She clenched her fists and looked irritated because he was right in front of them, and yet they didn't realize it.

"Wait, didn't he come to the auditorium with Elenoir? Doesn't that mean he's already been recruited by the Entities Guild?" Lucretia asked.

"Most likely, yes. I think we are already too late to recruit him, Luc," Sebastian nodded his head in agreement.

"No, I think we can still do something about it and take him away from her. We both know the big guilds from West Dasmein are nothing compared to us. If they have something, we have four folds of what they have," Lucretia shook her head and grabbed her phone.

Sebastian already knew what was going to happen because Lucretia wouldn't let things go so easily without trying. She would do anything to get what she wanted and didn't care what would be the cost of her actions.

"Please don't overdo it this time, Luc. We are talking about Elenoir here, and if you pick a fight with her, you might get heavily injured," Sebastian said and he looked a bit anxious.

"If that happens, I have you to back me up. What's the problem?" Lucretia glanced at Sebastian and she like the way he said it.

Sebastian raised his hands and didn't want to argue more with Lucretia since he knew he would lose. He stayed quiet after that and just silently stared at the street and the people on the sidewalk.

(At Pave Academy)

Alseace was dropped at the entrance since he had class in the evening with Julius. He managed to talk with everyone before he left and was happy to be able to speak to them even though it was only for a moment. He grabbed lunch with them in a fancy restaurant, but he noticed that Sierra seemed to be out of place.

They tried to ask what had happened back there when she spoke with Niko privately, but Sierra kept her mouth shut. Whatever it was, they knew it was something important, or even something important that made her like that.

Alseace looked at the entrance, it was empty, unlike in the morning, and only a few students were wandering around the entrance and garden. He went to the male dormitory area, but then he saw Luke and Edgar making a scene again. He had no idea what had happened, but it must be something trivial, so he walked past them and went straight to his room.

When he wanted to unlock his room, he felt a presence inside his room. He then opened the door without even unlocking it because he knew who was in his room.

Cleo was reading the book that Julius gave to Alseace about morality. The content of the book absorbed her, and then she realized that Alseace was walking past her.

"Welcome back," Cleo said as she closed the book. "So, what were you doing in the Emissary headquarters?" Cleo asked and looked at him getting a bottle of water from the fridge.

"How do you know that I was there?" Alseace asked as he walked to the table and opened the bottle.

"It was obvious because you entered a car that belonged to the Emissary, especially the Agent that drove the car," Cleo answered.

"Well..." Alseace sat down in front of Cleo and looked her in the eye. "If you want my information, you have to give me some information as well to make it even," Alseace replied.

Cleo crossed her arms on the table and leaned her body forward, "What kind of information do you want to know?"

"I want to know who you truly are," Alseace answered and drank his water.

Cleo hummed as she tapped on her left elbow and pursed her lips. She tilted her head and was thinking really hard about whether she would accept the deal or not, but then she shook her head as she smiled. "Whatever information you have there, I don't think it's worth the information you want," Cleo smiled with her eyes closed.

Cleo stood up as she stretched her arms up and said, "Well then, I guess I have no more reason to stay. It was a nice try though." "I'll see you around," Cleo waved at him as she left the room.

It was a month ago when Cleo said that, and that was the last time he saw her. He wondered if he made her angry or uncomfortable since he tried to dig into her life. But that was in the past, and now his time at the Pave Academy had finally come to an end. He managed to get a perfect score on the test, and he learned a lot from Julius.

In the past month, the incident of a portal turning into a vortex happened four times, twice on West Dasmein and twice on East Dasmein. Luckily, nothing bad happened and they managed to clear the vortexes because of the new policy.

"Are you nervous?" Estian asked as he drove to the Emissary headquarters.

"I'm fine. I was thinking about something else," Alseace answered.

"Is that so? Well then, if you have time to think about something else, that means there's nothing to be worried about," Estian replied as he raised his eyebrows and kept his eyes on the road.

On their way to the Emissary headquarters, they saw people running away while they were screaming in fear. Estian immediately stopped the car and looked at what had happened, but then he saw a Roc bird fly past them. It was holding human remains and eating a man that tried to cross the road.

"An outbreak?!" Estian was shocked as he opened the door and left the car.

Alseace followed him after he grabbed his sword and staff and looked at the roc bird that flew up high into the sky. A bird that was big enough to grab an elephant with its feet, and not to mention how wide its wings were was enough to create a windstorm.

They stood in the middle of a junction and looked to their right. They were surprised when they saw a giant hole in the road, and then they checked if that was where the bird came from. They saw a giant portal in the deep sewer, and Estian was in disbelief that they didn't notice there was a vortex that opened inside the sewer.

"The vortex can't be entered. It has become a one-way entry, we have to deal with that giant bird first before we can enter the vortex," Estian said as he looked at the sky. "You stay here, I'll call for backup!" Estian said as he walked to the sidewalk and pulled his phone out.

Alseace looked up and saw the bird wasn't planning on going down because it knew that he was superior in the sky. The bird also got its share of food and didn't need to go down to eat anymore. Alseace then looked at the buildings around him and saw the people had left and escaped.

Estian was calling for backup until suddenly he saw Alseace jump as high as a 4-story building so casually. He was dumbfounded and watched Alseace climb into a higher building and to another until he was standing on the tallest building in the area.

"You must be joking..." Estian slowly lowered his phone from his ear.

Alseace looked up into the sky as the strong wind struck his face. He pointed his staff at the bird and cast Water Bullets spell and made it as dense as possible because the wind would blow the water away.

The moment it became as big as marbles, he shot it into the sky and he managed to hit the bird right on its right wing which was 100 meters away from him. The bird was screeching so loudly that it created a sonic wave and shattered the glass on the building he was on.

The bird bled and tried to run away, but Alseace kept casting the same spell until he shot through the bird's chest. The bird was slowly falling down and spun in the air, and the moment it was close enough to where Alseace was, he grabbed his sword and used Aura Blade.

Alseace jumped as high as he could, and the moment he was about to hit the bird, he swung his sword and cut the bird's neck. He then bounced off of the bird's body and landed back on the building he was on. He saw the bird descending and hitting the ground hard.

He watched the Candidates that just came and they immediately charged at the bird and started attacking it. The bird was still able to resist, but not for long because the bird lost a lot of blood.

[0.003381% EXP]

"Shame, I thought I would get a status point from it," Alseace said as he wiped the blood and went inside the building through the door on the roof.