
The Ways: Path of the Enigma

I tread into the deepest, darkest secrets of the universe. Amidst the storm I listen to the voice of reason. My path is not held down by anything else but myself. For I am my own body, mind and soul. My will shall penetrate all of doubts and fears I face. All life shall know my own name. ----------------------------&&&&---------------------------- Currently on heavy editing. This is my first book and I am really eager to make my story clean, not perfect but acceptable. So please if you have any inputs, insights or advices you are free to do so. Please forgive my grammar too as english is my third language. My vocabulary is limited and I consider writing this as a learning experience. I do research on my words a lot and will use new ones if necessary. Thank you and have a good time reading. Approximately 1500-1800 words per chapter. Story is slow-paced.(maybe) If you guys want to have a discord chat maybe you could strike me up and say it to my face. (I'm lonely so plz...) Also if you aren't lazy to read the Prologue here it is: In the beginning, loud screams and wails echoed throughout the void, supernatural powers spread out the lands and in turn, evolved the surrounding creatures into monstrosities that devoured and prey on the weak. Humans and other intellectual species hid in the dark, fearing what they may become if they stand face to face with the horrors across the lands. Though the time that passed through the lands made the beings impatient and tried to devise a way to kill the horrors. They made tools, crafted plans and waited. They had succeeded and from the corpse of the first horror they brought down brought blessings to the people making them have the morale and ingredients to make artifacts which was made to kill the monsters. They had brought down many monsters with their breakthrough and made a place for themselves in the surface. Humans were the first civilization to fight the horrors whilst the elves cower in the protection of the tree's leaves and the Dwarves hid deep into the crevices. Though scared they also found a way to fight the monstrosities in their own traditional way. Until one day the age of the supernatural came. Powers came to be and their users brought changed to the lands, exiling the horrors into the Forsaken Lands as they claimed the surfaces for their own. The First Emperor of Humanity brought to light the spark of humans, whilst the First Elven King revitalized the lands. The First Dwarven Enchanter crafted legendary artifacts. Finally bringing the Brilliance and Pale Era. These are the Recorded Legends in Grandia Lands, some legends were left untold as the First Rulers suddenly vanished. However people had already forgotten about it only to be told as storytimes for children but there is a prophecy that they would return, and that is the day the whole lands will end.

Abandoned_Destiny · แฟนตาซี
17 Chs

Chapter 8: An Old Man's Wisdom.

Going outside of the class I let my eyes wander through the hall. The hall was encased in crystal making the outside transparent for all to see, students were all busy with their own groups and some just watch the certain activities outside which was 2nd years students undergoing their combat class.

I didn't bother to waste my time seeing something I would learn in my 2nd year here and also I have to focus on what I have now, and that is studying so that I could pass if there was any exam.

I assumed nothing was suppose to happen this time around but I assumed wrong.

"HEY! YOU!" I wanted to be surprise to this unexpected calling for me but I just turned around to confront them.

"Why?" My eyes twitch because I recognized that it was the 3 buffoons that got beat up by Rizu.

"I recognized you!" He bickered splashing his saliva all around the place.

"You're with that girl Dairia right?" I wanted to tell him that it was a misunderstanding but I knew he wouldn't understand, so I just shrugged.

"You're not with her?" His eyes were doubting at my actions.

"Yeah, so what's the reason for calling me out? Don't you know there's class we have to attend to?"

"Uhmm..." He was lost for words, I knew that would happen.

"Look." I stared at him, gesturing my hands just to make him see I was being straightforward.

"I know that you doubt me that I'm one of Dairia's minions, but you know what? She can handle herself pretty well without me. So leave me out of your petty revenge, okay?" I made a neutral face one that couldn't irritate his petty pride.

"I-I...I understand..." The leader of the three seemed to realized what I was saying.

"Boss!?" His two minions were shocked because this wasn't in their plan.

"Oh yeah, My name's Virule Hearst nice to meet you?" I stretched out my hand to him, but I've noticed something had changed as the leader had colder eyes at the mention of my last name before slapping my hands away from him.

"Boys. Get him." I was taken aback by his reaction. I thought I had it figured out. The two minions grabbed each of my hand into a lock. I tried to struggle but they were firm in pinning me down. The leader was walking towards me with a smirk on his face as he took something out of his uniform. It was a red pill.

I widened my eyes when the two minions reached out for my mouth, opening it wide. The leader slowly approached and when he was close he shove the red pill into my mouth, he made sure to make me swallow it before the two minions released me.

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!?" My eyes became clouded and adrenaline kicked into my gears but I deliberately stopped myself from commiting a heinous crime.

"That was a secret that my Father had made for me if I ever encountered one of his rival's son. So you came at me on a bad timing Noble House of Hearst!" He whispered on my ears as he took a deep breath before forming a cocky smile on his face.

"Though I don't know what effects it makes but I'm sure it would "Help" you in your days here in the academy, also even if you say that I've given you something like that I really wonder if they would believe it. hehe... Come on boys, Our jobs done here." The three of them left me on the ground. I tried to force myself to vomit but the unknown object they fed me seemed to have been digested too quickly.

"I will pay you back ten times for this humiliation." I muttered under my breath.

Gritting my teeth as people looked down on me through the hall. I headed straight to our next class facing down.

My classmates seemed to have heard the commotion outside and assumed I was the one who did it. I sensed their look at me, filled with curiousness. I didn't bother to explain to them what it was so I just waited for the teacher to come in.

"Hey Virule? Are you alright? I heard there was a commotion out there, they said it was you? what happened?" Rizu just popped out of nowhere and reminded me of the event I wanted to get out of my system.

"It was nothing, you don't have to worry about it." I hid my arms beneath my legs while I clenched it tightly, barely holding back to punch Rizu in the face.

"Is that so...I'll be around if you need help then."

"Sure." Rizu looked at me not knowing what to do so he just returned to his seat, Dairia and the other girl she was hanging out with didn't bother to asked me about it as they already saw that Rizu was left to think.

"Hello Class! It's nice to meet you all again." Tetuclise entered the room and all the students straightened their backs.

"So, I think all of you are fascinated by what we've done last time and I'm sure all of you already didn't forget about it right? Oh new students? I didn't noticed you there Ms.?" Tetuclise looked at the green haired girl.

"Ivery...Colserr." Her voice sounded a bit rough, I guess she doesn't speak much.

"Alright I welcome you Ms. Ivery to my class, it is called Control, which we study in detail of how to manipulate or harness the Giryotes all around us."

"I see..." Ivery said voice cracking.

"I'd like to teach you what we learned yesterday so come to the front please."

Tetuclise did the same yesterday, letting her harness the Giryotes around while advising her. She was talented as she didn't have to be advice twice on how to so it.

"Amazing, now that you can do that, let us continue on our new lesson." Tetuclise looked around a bit and resumed.

"Giryotes are the origin of our supernatural powers. so doesn't that mean it has connections to the origin of this world? Don't you agree?" The teacher expected their reaction and continued.

"Just imagine, everything around us; The air, the trees and the animals. Did you ever think that they come from Giryotes?" Some students nodded while others weren't sure.

"Well, the truth is a lot of people had theorized that in order to strengthen our control to the Giryotes, you should be knowledgeable about the lands before us."

"Knowing every flow and origin of the lands helps us understand the truth about supernatural forces, with accumulation of those knowledge, a supernatural user would rise in heights to their control over their own path."

"So to summarize it, in your own way, explore the origin of the supernatural powers you would possess, every bit of knowledge is important for you to grow stronger and have better control over your powers yet that doesn't mean that is all there is to it."

"Though you may have great understanding of the lands yet without any connection to the Giryotes around us then it would be terribly hard to harness or control the supernatural forces." The teacher looked at me and I turned grim on what he said.

"Is there really no hope?" I thought.

"However there is a way to increase your connection with Giryotes and that is by feeling the nature around us but not just feel but interact with it. That is the only way to strengthen your connection to them."

"Teacher! Does that mean we would be sitting on a forest all day? That would be boring..." Rizu said with his arms crossed probably thinking that he already had an obstacle to his plans.

"That is why it is important to accumulate knowledge before you strengthen your connection with Giryotes, for by meditating on that knowledge would we understand how the Giryotes flow through nature."

"Furthermore, every pathway we take from supernatural forces has their own way of connecting with Giryotes varying results making it impossible to replicate the experience on each supernatural users."

"Did everyone understand what I said? If there are no more questions then we'll proceed again in practicing our control over the Giryotes, I know there are some students here that are talented in harnessing Giryotes but it isn't enough to be said the best."

"So I advice you too improve it more, do not be complacent with your talent, even talented people have limits. So work hard and break past it." Tetuclise said before making us repeat our training yesterday. Everyone practiced their control while I was left dumbfounded that I couldn't even gather the Giryotes in my hands right now.

"Teacher? I think my connection to the Giryotes is gone...I couldn't even manifest it in my hands now." Tetuclise raised his eyebrows at my unusual words. He tried to surmised the reason but he didn't know how in the lands did his connection worsen.

"I think you had something that they hate, did you ever come across a red plant? They are called "Dwindineis" as they have a rather strong hate towards Giryotes, researchers are still researching why but it is still unknown. Forgive me if that is the only answer I could come up with my thick head of mine."

"It's alright teacher I understand." Suddenly I remembered the red pill the three buffoons made me eat.

"Oh fuck..."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Abandoned_Destinycreators' thoughts