
The Ways: Path of the Enigma

I tread into the deepest, darkest secrets of the universe. Amidst the storm I listen to the voice of reason. My path is not held down by anything else but myself. For I am my own body, mind and soul. My will shall penetrate all of doubts and fears I face. All life shall know my own name. ----------------------------&&&&---------------------------- Currently on heavy editing. This is my first book and I am really eager to make my story clean, not perfect but acceptable. So please if you have any inputs, insights or advices you are free to do so. Please forgive my grammar too as english is my third language. My vocabulary is limited and I consider writing this as a learning experience. I do research on my words a lot and will use new ones if necessary. Thank you and have a good time reading. Approximately 1500-1800 words per chapter. Story is slow-paced.(maybe) If you guys want to have a discord chat maybe you could strike me up and say it to my face. (I'm lonely so plz...) Also if you aren't lazy to read the Prologue here it is: In the beginning, loud screams and wails echoed throughout the void, supernatural powers spread out the lands and in turn, evolved the surrounding creatures into monstrosities that devoured and prey on the weak. Humans and other intellectual species hid in the dark, fearing what they may become if they stand face to face with the horrors across the lands. Though the time that passed through the lands made the beings impatient and tried to devise a way to kill the horrors. They made tools, crafted plans and waited. They had succeeded and from the corpse of the first horror they brought down brought blessings to the people making them have the morale and ingredients to make artifacts which was made to kill the monsters. They had brought down many monsters with their breakthrough and made a place for themselves in the surface. Humans were the first civilization to fight the horrors whilst the elves cower in the protection of the tree's leaves and the Dwarves hid deep into the crevices. Though scared they also found a way to fight the monstrosities in their own traditional way. Until one day the age of the supernatural came. Powers came to be and their users brought changed to the lands, exiling the horrors into the Forsaken Lands as they claimed the surfaces for their own. The First Emperor of Humanity brought to light the spark of humans, whilst the First Elven King revitalized the lands. The First Dwarven Enchanter crafted legendary artifacts. Finally bringing the Brilliance and Pale Era. These are the Recorded Legends in Grandia Lands, some legends were left untold as the First Rulers suddenly vanished. However people had already forgotten about it only to be told as storytimes for children but there is a prophecy that they would return, and that is the day the whole lands will end.

Abandoned_Destiny · แฟนตาซี
17 Chs

Chapter 4: A Friend.

Walking inside, I widened my eyes when I saw a multitude of students already present in the hall, probably 1500 students which was by my estimates already a lot due to how the poverty made its rule over the lower classes.

"Now that is everyone's here. I'll begin my speech." The speaker was an old man, his hair dyed gray due to his years. He had a frown on his face yet his eyes glimmered with light as he looked down on us from above, yes. He's flying.

He wore a grey robe that contained a malevolent force inside and the sheer supernatural forces his body was emitting brought the space around him to distort.

"My name is Abraxus Zelaf and I am the dean of this academy and a royal advisor of the emperor. I hailed from the house of Zelaf our ancestor the dragon slayer and what I would just like to do is welcome all of you here."

"You have all come here from far away, tired and need of rest, some of you here sacrificed a lot just to enter this institution so I won't waste time any longer and say my piece; Learn what you can in this academy, strive for a higher power, attain your own glory and discover the secrets of the lands. Burn yourself so you can grow, Burn so you can acquire your own precious desires. Burn so your light shines throughout the lands. Burn for you can only do so much with a spark. That is all I want to say, so please if you have questions, there are a lot of teachers and seniors here that could help you in understanding the rules and regulations. Just one warning to all of you... Don't do deals with the devil." Abraxus left in an instant, disappearing away from prying eyes.

"Huwaw..." I had chills in my body when he disappeared and I thought that magic could be use to teleport?

"Fascinated? I am too." I turned to the nearby voice amidst the noisy clamor of the nearby students. It was a boy and he seemed older than me by a year. He had jet black hair and had round black eyes too, I was sure he would be a model in our world if he exist there due to his handsome baby face. He was like a child jittery to the things around him.

"I want to learn how to do that, or maybe other awesome things around here, so I supposed you wanted to do that too?" I awkwardly glanced at him and stared at the background.

"Of course I would! Just imagine attending under the most famous academy, graduating and finally being able to use superpowers. You do know that it is a dream come true right?"

"By the way my name's Rizuko Landerfall you?" He offered me a handshake which I delightedly accepted, his hand was firm when I shook it.

"Virule Hearst. Nice to meet you Rizuko, can I call you Rizu?"

"Rizu, Rizu, Rizu! I think that's okay!. Anyways what do you think your superpowers would be? Magic, Life force or maybe the rare Ether? I hope I get Ether though I think it's OP." I looked at him strangely? OP? is that a word here? The only OP I know is a genre from my previous world.

"I don't care what power I get, I'll just adjust myself to whatever is suitable for me." I blurted out and he accepted it quickly.

"I mean if you don't care then that means anything's nice right? I mean I don't care too I just like having Ether as a power." He smiled kinda flustered for an unknown reason.

"Hey Rizu, where do you think all these power comes from?" Rizu looked around searching the ceiling for an answer.

"You mean, where does this supernatural forces comes from huh? I don't know about that..."

"That's what my goal is, to know those secrets." I chuckled, then smiled bitterly at my goals.

"Cool, well if that's your goal then mine is—To be the strongest in this world." He tightened his fist and look up into the ceiling. Weird...

"World?" I smiled at him innocently yet I had a suspicion.

"Oh! I mean lands yeah I want to be strongest in all of the lands. funny of me saying something I don't know haha..." He dodged my eyes but I didn't pursue it.

"Oh yeah I forgot we should go to our first class. It's at the second floor Room 21, you Room 21 too?" Rizu added, trying to divert my attention.

"Yeah... I'll be going first then I hope I'm not late."

"You do know there's an elevator here right?"

"An elevator? oh! A Floor Ring."

"Yeah, A floor ring why do I always forget." Rizu scratched his head.

"Don't be, I didn't know Floor Rings are there so thanks for the spot."

"Yeah!" We both stepped inside the Floor Ring. Rizu touched some buttons and the "Elevator" hovered us to the second floor.

"Alright, I guess we're here."

We arrived at the door hoping that we weren't late yet and fortunately it seems that we were early as half of the students wasn't there.

We both sat close to each other though we didn't interact much, so we just waited for the class to start. Though when I looked around I saw girls glimpsing at Rizu, I gave Rizu a bitter grin which he just considered that I was amused.

When the entire class was present, the teacher soon entered the room, he was a quite handsome teacher wearing a standard uniform of the academy, he looked rather sleepy. I hope that he isn't one of those lazy teachers...

"Hello Everyone, I would like to introduce myself to all of you, I am Harian Crusoe your teacher in the Basics of supernatural forces, but before I start the class I would just like to ask you all a question; do you all know the basic supernatural powers in the lands?" When he was finished talking a tall and beautiful girl raised her hands, she had a creamy blonde hair which was fashioned with a unique hair braid that seemed messy but was suited for her style. She smiled passively as if everything that she looked at didn't need her full participation.

"There are four known supernatural powers in the world. Magic, Faith, Life Force and Ether all of this are the baselines for the paths we will use to connect deeper into the supernatural."

"Correct! You may sit down now Ms.?"

"Dairia, Dairia Lucretia. Sir."

"Thank you Ms. Lucretia."

"Now I will explain to all of you these supernatural powers. Let's start with magic, Magic is composed of three pathways; The path of Elemental Users, the path of Summoners and lastly the path of Enchanters. These three talks for themselves, a elemental user uses four basic elements, summoners summons a creature and enchanters enchant objects. these are open for all to use but focusing on all of them may be more of a liability than a blessing."

"The explanation for that is the more you grow in a specific direction the more your affinity becomes attuned in a path respectively, it is the same for the other supernatural forces, the more you focus on one thing the more you become attuned to it. So I advice all of you to choose a specific path do not pick all of it."

"Though there are some people— Talented people who have acquired three paths but that isn't for me to decide so in your own way, explore a path that is suitable for you." He seemed to be happy with his explanation and then continued.

"Any questions?" I wanted to say none but I think Rizu had a question as I've seen him raise his hand.

"Yes, Mr.?"

"It's Rizuko Landerfall, Sir. My question is can we pick another supernatural power or combine them with another supernatural power? Like Magic and Life Force?"

"Well, that would mean a greater exertion of your body, making you grow weaker rather than stronger if you don't have enough balance and monstrous control over different supernatural forces then you'll likely be crippled or explode."

"That means a yes right?" Rizuko's eyes were twinkling, didn't know I was friends with a id- dreamer like me.

"I don't recommend it, but yes you can."

"Woah!" We talk about a lot of more topics regarding supernatural forces before finally it was time.

"Alright time's up, next week we would be discussing about the other supernatural forces so be prepared." He tidied his books and left. It seems like they value practicality more than theoretics based on the time given to our first teacher.

"Hey! did you hear that?"

"uhmm, nah I daydreamed." I said lying under my breath.

"Well, the teacher said that we could have more than one supernatural force! that means more power for me and that means smooth sailing for my goal." He had a smirk on his carefree face that seemed to annoy me.

"Good for you, but I don't think that's what you call smooth sailing though..."

"Huh? Why'd you think so?"

"Well, with more power means more responsibilities and I don't see you as a responsible guy." I tried to say it in a derogatory way so he won't notice my sneaky quote.

"Hmm... You know you remind me of a certain comic book hero..." Rizu thought out loud.

"What's a comic book?" Shit did I mess up? I think he's stupid so I could go with this.

"Sigh, never mind. and wait did you just call me irresponsible!?"

"You're hearing things." I said with a deadpan expression.

"I guess I am." He snorted, then smirked.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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