
1. My Life Then And Now


Today, I received my acceptance letter from the University of California. I never thought I would be accepted. It's not that I'm not smart but I was not that confident. I was a smart kid since my childhood that's what Ms.Gray said. Ms.Gray is the sister who takes care of us there are other sisters too, but I was pampered and taken care by Ms. Gray itself. She feels like a family to me. When I told her about my acceptance letter she got happy and hugged me tight. When she backed away from me I saw tears in her eyes. She is the only one who supported me and encouraged me. She is the strong rock of my life.

I still remember the day I turned 8. She gifted a beautiful sundress and said " Never think you are an orphan because you have me. Let me be your rock and protect you and love you." I was abandoned in front of this orphanage when I was of 7 months. I was a smart kid but quite introvert and stubborn to open up my heart for others. But that day her words changed me a lot I started to open up and started to love the life that I have instead of hating it. I am grateful to Ms. Gray in ways I can't explain in words.

I asked her why was she crying?

She said " I am not crying, love. Those are happy tears. I am so happy right now that I can't put it in words. I am proud of you, love. Go and show them, who Laney Hart is."

"Yes, I will." I said with a happy smile on my face. It will be hard to stay away from her. It will be for me as well as for her.

"But the most important thing is, you have to take care of yourself. I won't be there with you-" I cut her off and said "I know, and you know I Will."

"Good" she said with a defeated tone but she smiled and got off the chair in hurry. I got confused by her action and asked "where are you off to in such hurry"

"Going to do the preparation for the celebratory feast" she said in a cheerful tone.

"Really?" I asked her in surprise.

"Really, love. Let's go, I'll need your help." She said with love in her eyes.

Then I never knew I would be so happy but now I know that I'm the happiest person on this Earth to have her. And it's not the end but it's the start of my journey.