
The Way He Looks At Me

makes my skip a beat.

vmnstigma · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

Chapter 1

Have you ever wanted to punch someone in the face so bad? Or is it just me?

Well, I'm not exaggerating when I say I would literally kick his ass if I had the chance. Unfortunately, It doesn't seem like I can in this lifetime since it's not lady-like to beat someone up, even though I am no where near the typical delicate and quiet princess.

Oh, you're probably wondering, who is this "he" and why I want to pulverize him so badly. His name is Zain Sinclair, prince of the Southern kingdom. I've seen him a handful of times in person and every time I wished I could have messed up that pretty face of his.

His father and his army had come to the Northern kingdom, my homeland, and completely left it in ruins. They burned down buildings and houses, terrorized the citizens and left them severely injured, stole money and rare ore found only in Northern land, casted curses and so many more horrible tragedies. Orpheus Sinclair, his father, and Zain Sinclair were at the very front, leading the way as they traveled through Northern territory and destroyed everything in their path.

It pains me to think about what my people went through, they were innocent! The Southern king left a message for my father, this was revenge. Revenge for what?! We still don't know! What did we do that was so terrible to deserve this misery?

We've been always kept to ourselves and never disrupted the other kingdoms, so why do my people have to suffer unnecessary consequences?

Word spread from survivors of the terrible incident that the Southern king had a look of contempt while his son had a complete poker face. How could someone not have an ounce of sympathy or regret after ruining the lives of hundreds of innocent people?

It's been a little over a year since the whole incident took place. Our lives are beginning to go back to normal, well, as normal as they can be. No one recovers completely from a calamity that horrible. If someone from the outside is looking in, they will see a normal kingdom working its function. However, Northern natives all recognize that look of pain and turmoil in each other's eyes as they return to every day activities, something no other kingdom will understand unless they experience it themselves.

Just thinking about the Southern kingdom makes my blood boil. I WILL have my revenge. I will make them fearful for their lives. I will watch as Zain Sinclair's face turns into emotions of despair for what he has done. I will wipe that sly grin off of Orpheus Sinclair's face.

This is what I had planned, until I received word about my marriage.

My marriage to Zain Sinclair.

hey besties, doing this for fun. next chapters are gonna be longer

vmnstigmacreators' thoughts