
The Way Ahead Of Us

Louis discovers a great invention his parents left him. But was it really so great? Losing, regaining and discovering. Louis will have to deal with a lot of things. But what will he discover. Will he find what killed his parents? Or will he die in the process. Who knows...

RickyVulchanov · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs


Louis thought a lot about the old man's words. He procrastinated his homework until late in the evening. It was Sunday. He had a maths exam the next day. When it was around 4pm he decided to call Zane. 'Hey, Louis. Everything alright?' Zane answered the phone. 'I can't concentrate...' Louis sighed. 'I'm probably gonna forget everything tommorow. I haven't even looked at everything we need to know.' Louis felt a rush go through him. He still had to go to the shop because his parents weren't home, and the time that was left to study kept ticking away.

'Louis... you won't forget everything. Also, these exams aren't that important. Just take a short break. Clear your mind.'

Zane didn't even complain about his ranting. He felt a little at ease again. 'Thankyou, Zane. 

Oh yeah, I also wanted to ask you something.' Louis quickly added.


'Do you want to meet up this Wednesday. I need to take you somewhere.'

Louis had decided. He wanted to take Zane with him. Putting Carlos and Keiko in danger was not an option. But he knew he was gonna survive. With Zane. 

'Oh, yeah sure. I'll come around... around 2pm?'

'Okay. See you.' Louis smiled behind his phone. 

When the call ended he felt overwhelmed by all the things he still needed to study for. Everything except maths seemed so interesting right now. A long lost diary from when he was 10. His sketchbook which he didn't touch for over a month. Everything was so silent, yet so loud. All the motivation he had this morning was absolutely gone. 

He closed his laptop after doing some unnecessary on it. It was 4:23 pm now. The anger and dissapointment for his lazyness encouraged him to actually start learning. It was raining and the wind was blowning. He took his headphone and put on some music, from his old playlist he made with Zane. There were some really good songs on there, but he preffered classic music while studying. 

An hour or two later he went downstairs to eat dinner. His parents arrived around half an hour ago, but he didn't even notice. His mind was so occupied with what Arthur said. 

'How do you feel about your exam tomorrow? Will it go well?' his dad asked. 'I hope so...' Louis replied, not confident in his work of the past weekend. 'I'm sure you'll do well, Louis.' his father gave him a gentle pat on the shoulder. Louis nodded, but a smile couldn't form on his face. He walked to the dining table and sat down in his chair. He missed the comfort of his parents. They weren't home often because of work. His mom was a dentist and his dad worked at a flower shop, it was a sort of family business. There was no pressure from his father to be in charge of the shop later in life. But he always tried to help him a bit in the vacations. His thoughts were interrupted by his mom who put dinner on the table. It was a sort of stew. 'It's ratatouille, from France.' his mom smiled. 

A rush of warmth went through his heart. His mom always tried her best to make dishes from France, his home country. He didn't always liked them, but ate them anyway. 

After dinner, he slowly walked to his room. He decided to leave maths as it was. If he studied more, he would probably get more confused. It was 7:34 pm. The groupchat he had with his friends was flooded with messages. He didn't bother to open them, but closed his eyes as he sat down on his bed. Since Arthur's words, he had had a feeling of emptiness. It felt cold. 

He shaked his head 'Why do I believe that old guy. He's probably on drugs or something. He could've even kidnapped me by now.' Even though he said that, he knew he would go back. This time with Zane. 

But was it real? Something like that could never even happen in real life. How did they even keep it a secret. He stared at the twilight of the evening sun while laying down, his hands behind his head, slowly drifting away.