
The Way Ahead Of Us

Louis discovers a great invention his parents left him. But was it really so great? Losing, regaining and discovering. Louis will have to deal with a lot of things. But what will he discover. Will he find what killed his parents? Or will he die in the process. Who knows...

RickyVulchanov · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs


After the Christmas holidays Louis and his friends hung out alot. He really tried fixing the friendship with Zane, and so did Zane.

School also started, and Zane's penalty studies were done. Everything slightly went back to normal.

The bullies finnaly had stopped and spring was just around the corner. Which also meant that exams were coming. 

When his parents went on business trips, Louis went to Zane, Carlos or cooked himself.

He was most familiar with the mexican and indonesian kitchen, because of his friends. Italian was something his parents loved and maked lots of.

It was a long time ago since he had contact with Arthur, but that evening Arthur asked him if he had time to come to his office again.

Was this finally gonna be the big step? Was he actually going to get all necessary information about the invention. Whatever it was, Louis was scared. But he texted Arthur back anyway: 'Yes, I'll come when i have time. Probably this weekend.'

A few days later, Louis got back on his bike and cycled to Arthur's office. He didn't know what to expect. As he rode, several thoughts crossed his mind. Could he really not tell anyone? Not even Zane? His parents? It was like a burden, not being able to tell anyone.

But his thoughts were quickly at rest upon his arrival at the old house.

He rang the bell, and Arthur was quick to open the door. 'Good to see you again, Louis. I have some important things to tell you.'

The air around them was cold. Unlike other times. The room seemed darker, a different smell had spread itself around the house.

'This may sound rushed but it's important.' this caught Louis' attention. 'We have to go to France as soon as possible. Summer vacation is coming so that's useful.'

Louis was struck by the information. The plan they had discussed before, became reality. He really had to do something with the invention. 'Can I... take someone with me? Or... do I have to go alone.'

Arthur waited a bit before talking again. 'Before answering that, I'll have to see the person, or people, you want to bring with you. But we have to keep this short. I have some things to do.'

Louis' eyebrows furrowed in confusion. He had to go already? It had only been 15 minutes. 'Go Louis, please. I have to go right now.'

He didn't say anything to Arthur anymore. As he stood up from the chair, the old man rushed to the door and held it open for Louis. Louis nodded his head to say goodbye while walking out the door. When he stepped on his bike, the man was already running to his car.

It looked like he was possesed. The air around him became colder again. He shaked it off and he biked back home.