
The Way Ahead Of Us

Louis discovers a great invention his parents left him. But was it really so great? Losing, regaining and discovering. Louis will have to deal with a lot of things. But what will he discover. Will he find what killed his parents? Or will he die in the process. Who knows...

RickyVulchanov · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs


It was winter.

Everyone was tired, the lack of sunlight made everyone seem sad. But no one seemed to notice when Louis didn't show up to his usual places anymore.

Nothing bad happened to him, but he was at home. Making sure his adoptive parents didn't hear him while he was calling the local genealogic. "How could i have any close family left here, they're all in France or something." After a long discussion the genealogic said: "Come to my office, i'll show you."

Louis thought that was sketchy. But he was curious. After all this time... was there someone who could tell him the answer?

A week later

Louis got a message from the genealogic. He ignored it... And finally he decided to do his usual things again. Go to the library, continue his work as a part-time barista, and walk in the park, or the forest.

His employer was certainly not happy with him for being gone for so long, so he let Louis work overtime.

After his shift, he went home on his bike. It was already pitch black outside, besides the streetlights. It was weird... there was this man behind him. It was just an old man, but he was weirdly fast for his age. Louis turned around a few times and the man didn't look away, he looked Louis deeply in the eyes. The man followed him all the way to his house, so when Louis got home he jumped of his bike and quickly walked towards his door... But sadly, he wasn't fast enough... a cold hand grabbed his arm firmly. "Why are you ignoring me." the man said, with a strange tone sticking to it. "Who are you?!" Louis yelled.

The man chuckled, "Don't you remember, i asked you to come to my office..."

Lucas got hit by realisation. It was the genealogic from earlier. The man he found sketchy and who he decided to ignore.

"Well, i'll ask you again, boy. Come to my office." the man said after some silence.

Louis didn't want any commotion, that was not in his nature.

"I'll come..." he said, unsure of what was coming next.

The man told him to come along with a wave of his hand. Louis did and the man started to talk. 'I'm sorry for my wild approach, but this is really important. You see, i'm pretty old, and you're the only one that... who can continue this "tradition". So please, follow me.'

While Louis was walking besides the man, he started thinking. He felt bad for his adoptive parents, because they gave him so much love, and still he wanted to find out about his biological parents. His mom never told him anything about it, because she said she didn't have any information. That could be true... his biological parents left without any trace. The only thing he knew, was that he came from France...

Sunken away in his own thoughts, the man spoke to him: 'We're here."

Louis nodded and followed the man into his office.