
The Way Ahead Of Us

Louis discovers a great invention his parents left him. But was it really so great? Losing, regaining and discovering. Louis will have to deal with a lot of things. But what will he discover. Will he find what killed his parents? Or will he die in the process. Who knows...

RickyVulchanov · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs


The office was mostly made out of wood and even though the man had chased Louis, he wasn't scared of him anymore.

'I'm sorry for the weird approach again, but this is really important.' the man said as if he could read Louis' thoughts. 'It's okay, I... understand.' Louis said with hesitance.

The man sat down at his desk and told Louis to sit down in front of him. He took a bunch of papers with words skribbled all over them. The genealogic looked at Louis 'First, my name is Arthur. Second, Louis... you're special. You're one of the only ones left.'

Louis had no idea what the man was talking about. He scratched his head and nodded slowly, waiting for Arthur to continue.

'You're probably asking yourself what i'm talking about.' Arthur started. 'You probably don't know any French, huh?' he asked. 'No, i moved to America when i was very young...' he said hesistanly. 'I expected that.' Arthur nodded understandably. 'I'll translate this for you then.' he shoved a paper across the table to Louis. 'Here's a copy.'

'So Louis, i'm sorry but i have to tell you that your family is not here. I just had to say that to catch your attention. But they are not completely of the radar. They confided in me, so you can't share this information with anyone. You understand that?'

Louis nodded. He twiddled his thumbs, all this new information came to him like a sandstorm. He got nervous as he looked around the office, full of bookcases. He tried to read some titles but Arthur quicky pointed at the paper to regain his attention. 'Louis. What I'm about to tell you, might be shocking, and I bet you want to tell it to your parents or just anyone. But I need you to understand that you will have to die if you do that.

Louis nodded. Whatever Arthur was gonna say, he wasn't ready for it. His hands were shaking. His head was fuzzy.

All those things he always wanted to know may come to the light now. Why did his parents leave him. What was this huge secret. Who were his parents and are they still alive, or was Arthur just talking about some distant family...