
The Way Ahead Of Us

Louis discovers a great invention his parents left him. But was it really so great? Losing, regaining and discovering. Louis will have to deal with a lot of things. But what will he discover. Will he find what killed his parents? Or will he die in the process. Who knows...

RickyVulchanov · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs


When he got back home, the smell of fresh baked turkey filled the house. The Christmas tree was filled with red and white ornaments and warm LED lights. 'You really did your best, dad.' he said with a smile on his face. 'I did, thankyou.' his dad answered.

Louis loved Christmas. It made all the bad things dissapear with the warmth of his family.

It was a time of peace.

That made Louis think of the invention. If he agreed to continue the work of his biological parents, this would maybe be the last peaceful Christmas. So he deciced to forget that for a second, and just enjoy the time he could spend with his mom and dad. 'Is any family coming?' 'No, most of them are on vacation. You're not too disappointed right?' his dad asked. 'Of course not. Christmas with us three is also fun.' he smiled as he went to the dining table. 'Dinner is almost ready! Are you coming Philip?' his mom said as she placed a large bowl on the table. 'Yeah honey!'

While they chattered and ate Christmas dinner, it started snowing.

This was so perfect. Snow on Christmas was all he wished for. But ofcourse his parents didn't forget his gifts. 'Here.' his parents said with a wide smile on their face as they gave him his present. 'We hope you like it.'

Louis opened the wrapping paper and saw some green and then some blue. To his surprise it was the book he really wanted some time ago. But he only mentioned it once, to Carlos. 'Oh my god! Thank you so much!' he said as he hugged his parents. 'But how did you know that? I never told you I wanted this book.' 'We called Carlos some time before Christmas and asked him what you wanted.' his parents admitted. 

That was true, Louis had been yapping about that book for a long time now. It was science-fiction, but Louis absolutely loved science-fiction. 'Imagine you were in a world full of aliens or such.' he told Carlos on a weekly basis. His eyes twinkled every time he talked about it.

'I'm really happy with it. Thanks.' he hugged his parents and went to the Christmas tree to get their presents. 'I hope you'll like it.' he said as he handed them their presents. 'You didn't have to do this! It's really kind of you honey.' his mom thanked him. His dad also went to Louis and hugged him: 'Thankyou, son. We know one present isn't that much but... you can choose where we go on vacation this year.' 

'Really? You know i'm bad at choosing. But i'll think it through.' Louis chuckled. 

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

I know this isn't much, again. But i have a busy life and i want to enjoy writing this so i don't force myself. To who is reading this: Thankyou so much for reading my novel!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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