
The Way Ahead Of Us

Louis discovers a great invention his parents left him. But was it really so great? Losing, regaining and discovering. Louis will have to deal with a lot of things. But what will he discover. Will he find what killed his parents? Or will he die in the process. Who knows...

RickyVulchanov · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

Christmas is coming

Louis rang the bell of his house. His mom opened: 'Louis?! Where have you been? I was so worried.'

She hugged Louis and closed the door behind them. 

'It's almost Christmas.' she smiled 'Are you excited?' 

He nodded with an apathetic expression as he slowly let go of the hug. 'Did you already eat?' he asked. 'Yeah, I'm sorry. I can order you some pizza if you want?' 

'No, no mom. It's okay, I'll go get something at the night shop.' he smiled faintly as he walked back to the door. 'Be safe, Loulou!' 

He chuckled. 'I will mom.' 

He opened the door and just like that he was back in the cold darkness. The Christmas lights didn't make it any better. His eyes widened as he saw someone come out of the night shop, heading his way. 'Fuck...' he mumbled. 

That was Zane. His best friend who left him behind. They were so close, but because Zane got so fed up with all the rumors about them they got a fight. The rumors had a wide range. One was about them starting a cult, the other about them dating. Louis sighed as he thought about it. Zane started the fight, and ended it. It was his decision. Luckily that was just before Christmas break, otherwise going to school would be a torture. It was Zane's choice, so Louis wasn't going to try to start any conversation. 

He looked around and turned back home. He'd rather skip a meal, than talk to that prick. 

As he ringed the bell Zane drove by on his motorcycle. Leaving a sting in his heart. His mom opened the door: 'You're already back?'

Louis sighed 'Yeah, it was Zane...'. His mom looked shocked. 'Did he do something to you again?!'

'No mom, I'm fine. I just didn't want an encounter with him.' His mom looked at him with empathy as she answered: 'I understand that honey. I'll order some pizza or sushi for you.' 

'It's okay, mom.' Louis faked a smile to make his mom feel better. 'I'm not that hungry anyways.'

He walked to the stairs as he told his parents goodnight. 'Love you, and sorry for being late.' he said as he slowly stepped up the stairs. Out of exhaustion he flopped down in his bed and started to process all that happened today. His biological parents, seeing Zane again. He didn't have anyone to talk about the first one. Normally he would tell Zane.

Missing Zane was something he'd never do. Atleast, that's what he shouted to him while Zane slammed the door in his face. But in reality, he lost his bestfriend. Now Louis was just some stranger to him. Only because of that stupid incident. Only because of that...

The fucking rumour that got spread between them.

It's not much but i've been busy lately. Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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