
The Way Ahead Of Us

Louis discovers a great invention his parents left him. But was it really so great? Losing, regaining and discovering. Louis will have to deal with a lot of things. But what will he discover. Will he find what killed his parents? Or will he die in the process. Who knows...

RickyVulchanov · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

Christmas ball

It was the day of the ball. Atleast Carlos went with him but he had alot of missed calls from Zane. He was sure Zane would try to make things right. Could he forgive him?

Zane did some things that were just unacceptable. The straw that broke the camel's back was the fact that Zane tried to do something to his friends. It was not his idea, but he couldn't even refuse the proposal of those popular kids. 

Zane's standpoint

They said to him: 'If you rob his house when he's not home, we'll stop the bullying.'

He didn't fully think that through.

It would stop the bullying but actually it hurted Louis even more. And it also affected his parents. They would have alot of paperwork and stuff like that. 

He eventually refused the offer but when they gave him another opportunity to stop the bullying he blindly took it. Why did he have to be so stupid. He had Louis, his bestfriend, and as long as they weren't affected too bad by it, mentally or physically, they still had eachother. But Zane didn't think it through. All he wanted was his old life back. Ofcourse the bullies wouldn't stop bullying them unless they stopped the friendship, but he was blind to it. The consequences that came of it were much worse then the bullying itself.

First, he had to start a fight with Louis' good friend: Keiko. He had to knock her out and steal her money. Zane was okay with this but he didn't know Keiko was one of Louis' best friends.

Keiko was like a sister to Louis' and he was a regular at her house. 

So after school Zane waited for Keiko to come out of her classroom. He started to talk to her and they talked until everyone left the halls. Then Zane asked her to come to an empty classroom. He was about to hit her but she dodged. She knew a bit of karate, but not enough to stop Zane.

At the right moment, Louis came in and stood in front of her. 'What the hell are you doing?!'

That words where engraved in his memory.

When Louis said that to him, he seemed to realise that what he was doing was definetly wrong. His face turned pale as he looked at Keiko. She wasn't very hurt, but she did have blood coming out of her nose and an abrasion from falling to the ground. 

Louis left immediatly with Keiko and reported it to the principal. 

Zane wasn't expelled, but he had weeks of penalty study. He acknowledged that he did something very wrong and didn't talk to Louis anymore.

Until they saw eachother at the store.

Did Louis feel the guilt Zane had? He didn't forgive him, Zane knew that. But he talked to him, which was better then completely ignoring him. 

It was three months ago now and the only thing Zane wanted, was to explain himself to Louis and ofcourse to Keiko. 

He really missed the friendship they had. But he accepted the fact that it wouldn't ever be the same again. 

He snapped back to reality when his mom honked the car to get his attention. 

'I'm coming, mom!' his voice sounded hoarse 'cause he didn't sleep alot. 

Normally he biked to school, but because his mom saw the risk of him possibly going home drunk by bike she brought him to school. 

He stepped out of the car after a minute or five and sighed deeply. He hoped Louis would forgive him. 

There was a small chance, but he had hope so he steadily stepped inside the schoolbuilding.

Chapters will come more frequently now. The science-fiction part is coming soon, so please hang on.


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