
The Way Ahead Of Us

Louis discovers a great invention his parents left him. But was it really so great? Losing, regaining and discovering. Louis will have to deal with a lot of things. But what will he discover. Will he find what killed his parents? Or will he die in the process. Who knows...

RickyVulchanov · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

A turbulent day

The next days were pretty chill. Louis mostly stayed inside because of the snowy weather and to avoid Zane, incase he might show up anywhere near him. His cat Cinnamon showed up to his room more, like today. 'Hey, kitty.' he said while he stroked his fur. Cinnamon was a Birman, so he didn't really shed that much. 

Christmas was this evening. He got some chocolate for his dad and some perfume for his mom. Nothing much. He had always been bad at choosing.

The stupid thing about the Christmas holidays was that his school hosted a Christmas ball, and he basically had to come. Except for a few reasons.

Even if you didn't liked that kind of stuff, you could just help. That's what his school said. 'It's a bonding moment for everyone.' Louis scoffed. 

It was still 3 days so he wanted to try contacting a friend which he could stick to during the ball. 

He didn't had much friends left. Two? Three? Not much. Keiko and Carlos for example. But they were probably on a vacation to their home country's. He tried calling Keiko, but she didn't pick up. Carlos did and surprisingly he immediately agreed: 'Yeah bro, i understand. I'm also alone so with a friend would be nicer.'

Louis smiled as he heared this. He wouldn't be alone at the ball.

He stood up and went downstairs. 'Hey, dad. I'm going to take a quick walk.' His dad smiled and nodded. 'Have fun.'

Louis waved quickly as he opened the door.

He went outside and after a while walked past Carlos' house. He met Carlos at taekwondo where he found out they go to the same school.

Louis sighed as he remembered that Zane also went to the same taekwondo club and the same school.

There was no way he could avoid Zane after the Christmas holidays. But so be it. He didn't have to talk to him. As he walked through his village, back to his house, he saw Zane enter another shop near his house.

'Speak of the devil.' Louis said muffled.

He wanted to go to that store. For buying a book. 'I can't let him control my life. This is my own choice.'

He finally decided to enter to the shop. Even if he had to face a confrontation if necessary.

Zane was close to the checkout. He would probably leave.

Louis walked to the to the shelf where the book he needed was located. Ofcourse Zane had to walk back towards the exact position Louis was standing. 'I'll just ignore him.' Louis thought. But ironically, Zane started talking to him.

'Long time no see...' his eyes flashed quickly to Louis' eyes. 'I wanna talk this out... but if you don't want to, or just need time, that's fine.' Zane said after an akward silence.

'You scared me. Weren't you the one that who barked at me for being a bad friend? Thought you hated me.' Louis scoffed.

'Louis... c'mon.' Zane said as Louis turned around.

'We'll call later or something. Bye.' Louis sighed.

Zane nodded and also turned around. He decided to leave it and also go home.

'See you at the Christmas ball?' he quickly brought out as Louis walked to the checkout.

Louis was caught so of guard by the sudden approach earlier. 'I guess...' he said with a stoic expression.

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As i already said this is my first novel, so if it's not meeting your expectations, i'm sorry and i'd like to hear.

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