
The water mistress (Pokemon fic)

quiet, yet talented, she only wishes to master the water type in it's entirety and travel the world to explore all it has to offer!

Ttrion · วิดีโอเกม
7 Chs

Chapter 6

For weeks we continued training all his stats and dthe proficiency of the moves he currently has.

The status moves, their proficiency increase simply speeds up the activation process and decreases any light show that occurs, efficiency basically.

The damage of tackle scales with slowpoke's physical conditioning so nothing much to improve on there.

Our biggest gains outside of improved stats were his two special attacking moves water gun and confusion.

Yep, he managed to learn and master confusion in just the first few days, we have been practicing that alongside confusion for a while now, few weeks to be precise.

Water gun is now capable of blowing through a tree now, slowpoke's was very proud of that and I knew he could be even stronger since we were just starting out after all.

Apparently, that specific move, due to us giving it special attention has becoming something that even mom, an expert in water Pokemon, was surprised to see and said that it is very strong for a Pokemon I only started training a while ago.

Confusion, he mastered the move in a few days, since then we have been practicing it alongside water gun, it is now strong enough to shake trees and cause all the leaves and some branches to be knocked off.

This may sound underwhelming till you remember that it is mostly a mental attack with any physical effects simply being a side-effect, a side effect that makes it convenient to know how strong confusion is.

It seems that Pokemon also learn moves naturally while simply becoming stronger, something i overlooked thinking it was a game and anime thing, since how could new moves just connect in their minds out of nowhere?

I learnt of this when I saw it use yawn for the first time, I also recently saw it use a move that i found out was disable after some guessing using my ability.

I should probably get to training those tona sufficient level as well but only once we get gravity down.

Gravity is a move the species CAN learn according to my ability but not naturally, i plan to teach him calm mind first then combine the experiences from both moves into gravity.

TMs are not a thing either unfortunately so we are stuck learning each move one by one.

For calm mind I just had him gather up the psychic power in him and focus it around his mind, both calming his mind and increasing his special attack and defense.

Now, we are ready to learn gravity.

'alright then slowpoke you know the plan, use calm mind to give yourself a boost, pick out the physical part of confusion and focus on increasing the gravity, the weight of everything in the area in front of you'

[Determined, eager: ok got it]

I managed to gradually decrease the gesturing needed for the thought transfer down from full arm swinging to hand gestures, I hope to bring that down further to finger snaps and eventually just thought.

We have been practicing outside the gym nowadays near a pond a little outside the city, it's getting more and more busy in the gym since the circuit started a while ago and I like a more solitary training space.

Recently in this solitary space though, i have noticed our training sessions being stalked by a certain...guest.

A very rare guest that becomes a very rare and strong water Pokemon but few know that it does, so it is thought of as useless as a magikarp that can't evolve.

That is correct fellas, my little stalker here is a feebas, I, well slowpoke actually knew that something was watching us since a while ago but it wasn't hostile, i only just got to know yesterday it's a FEEBAS though, pure water type and most importantly, the pre-evolution of milotic.

I wanna see if I can get onto the team, since milotic is one of my favourites.

I go up behind it while it is busy stalking slowpoke and say, " hello there"

Oh, didn't know feebas could splash that high, it went up to twice my height I think.

"I saw that ... You were ... Watching us"

[Nervous: i am sorry], she said so in a rather nervous and ashamed tone at being caught.

"No issue there...wanted to talk", i say so and then spend some time explaining my ability to her, once i get permission i switch to intent speech.

'why were you watching us?'

[Awe: never seen a Pokemon blow through trees like that Before], she replys and i nod to that, Pokemon in this area are pretty weak after all so it makes sense.

'do you want to be that strong', she replies with a lot of hopping at that, it was probably meant to be excited nodding since i sense a lot of excitement and also some insecurity coming from her.

[Excitement, insecurity: yes, but I am a weak feebas] , she says the last part sounding downcast.

Do feebas still evolve from prism scale? Yes they do, ok time to make an offer to the sad fishy.

'you evolve into milotic, I know how to evolve you and overall make you very strong' , I get a reaction of more excitement at that that.

[Excitement: really!], I assure her of that and then make my offer.

'would you like to join us?', i get more excited hop-nods at that, but i quickly ask her to settle down and add in some conditions to make sure this works and no charizard situations occur.

'i have some small conditions to that, since you want to be strong I will train you to be so, but if you are confused about something then ask but don't just ignore me cause you think what I say doesn't make sense', she quickly nods to that while saying she will do so.

I take out a pokeball, I asked mum for one yersteday to catch myself a new partner, and gently hold it out to her, she touches the button with her fin and let's herself be caught.

And just like that I caught a feebas, come to think of it, hey intuition, milotic produce prism scales correct?

Yes. Why are the chances so low per month for the milotic I found on the pokenet? ... No reply, right only yes or no questions with some extra here and there.

Is it dependent on the beauty of the milotic, the luster or shine of their scales? No. Straight no, not even a small positive response.

Then is it dependent on training? Yes, but weak response.

Is it dependent on their training as a milotic? Yes but still weak response. So their training as a milotic only has a small impact, makes sense, everyone would train a milotic since they are strong so if that was a major factor then their milotic would produce many more prism scales per month.

Is it dependent on their training as a feebas? Yes. Straight yes, great, i was planning on training her hard in her feebas form anyway as evolution bonuses are multiplicative and feebas to milotic have some of the highest increase in power so this is a double win.

I bring out feebas and ask her to demonstrate her moves, she shows all the typical moves of a feebas such as tackle, flail and splash, but the last one is a surprise to me, dragon breath, an egg move!

I praise her for her moves, can't forget that and then explain today's training to her along with the fact that evolution bonuses are multiplicative and feebas to milotic evolution gives some of the highest bonuses.

A physical training session of swimming under intense gravity commenced, since slowpoke has got it down now and his proficiency with it will only increase as we keep using it in our training.

Gradually, days, months and even the rest of the year passed and I turned 8 years old, I did not have interesting encounters again like feebas during this period, which works for me since I'd rather get them to a high power first before expanding my team.

we abused intense gravity not only for physical training but also special stat and move training, by applying intense gravity to someone using a move we can make it more difficult to use and sustain said move, this forcing the user to make the move more powerful.

We also got them both more in tune with water energy, i figured that having them more in tune with water type energy would help with learning water moves better so I had them just feel out and play around with water energy.

I repeated this process with psychic energy for slowpoke and dragon energy for feebas and normal energy for both.

We trained like we are gonna be fighting Claire's ace team tomorrow in blackthorn, so you bet we got a lot of benefits out it, though their development has been slowing lately, apparently it's because they are nearing their limit in their current form.

Slowpoke learnt all the moves he naturally is capable of learning outside of a few, namely psychic and hydro pump, his attacks now are powerful enough that one water gun can blow through multiple trees, I counted it going through about 8 trees.

Confusion can completely destroy one tree, and you know what they say about psychic attacks and physical damage, the more physical damage they do, the more their power in the mental area.

Apparently those particular attacks are in a limbo between the higher end of ace level and lower end of leader level. Which means the rest of their attacks are strong enough to challenge Pokemon in the higher end of 8 badge level or lower end of ace level, for slowpoke atleast, feebas is stuck in the 6 badge level though.

Headbutt was easy enough to teach, it is just concentrating normal Type energy in the head and slamming the opponent with said head, zen headbutt is just a psychic type version of it.

I asked feebas to help slowpoke with mastering yawn and disable and they got that down easy enough on their own.

Next came water pulse, it is essentially the condensation of water energy into a... Water rasengan for the lack of a better term. It can be then utilised in two way, it can be slammed into the ground to create waves of water or it can shot at an opponent in which case two things may happen, if it hits then it will trap the opponent, the revolving currents will try to confuse them before exploding, or it may directly explode on contact.

Amnesia was simply him giving his mind a jolt with psychic energy which made his energy more active thus increasing special defense against foreign energies.

Next, heal pulse, unlike water pulse, here slowpoke concentrated healing psychic psychic energy in either his hand or tail and spread it in a wave towards the intended targets.

He learnt psych up and slack off on his own, we then moved onto rain dance, slowpoke channeled water type energy throughout his body then danced in rhythm with the energy, i am not sure of the internal mechanics but this helped transform the energy into a weather changing move.

We reduced the amount of dancing needed for rain dance down to a tiny hand wave and i instructed him to start that up whenever he enters a battle.

Come to think of it, we STILL has not battles, I was having so much fun with training that i ended up overlooking battling, need to rectify that but where can I find someone willing to battle?

Next, feebas, i still haven't gotten my hands on a prism scale but her training is coming along great atleast, she is a 6 badge level Pokemon all in all, i first has her practice dragon breath more, then moved onto more dragon moves and then water moves.

She learnt dragon pulse, scale shot, water pulse, rain dance and chilling water.

For rain dance and water pulse I just had slowpoke teach her, for chilling water, I made her focus on lowering the temperature of her water energy, and then condense it into a prb which was shot at the opponent.

For scale shot, i had her see a video of a Pokemon using it to give some reference, then told her to concentrate dragon energy on her body, condense and shoot scales made from that energy, the energy condensed on her body serves both to produce those energy scales and launch them.

Finally dragon pulse, I had her take the dragon energy in dragon breath but increased it further then condensed into a orb and then shot it towards the target.

Daisy and mom both told me about how my Pokemon are learning abd mastering moves very quick compared to others but none of us have any idea why.

Anyway, i plan to go out to the city and try to find a battle or a few tomorrow if possible. I told slowpoke and feebas of this and they seem hyped, probably more than me even.