
The Wasted

The Waste (廃棄物), Haiki-mono,日向の侍 is a brutal, heart-pounding tale. Prepare to enter the land of silk and steel, where the fantasy clashes against grim reality, and where the good guys don't always win in the end. It's a harsh world with tough decisions at every turn. Can Akio help his peers survive this cruel world... or will he fail?

Nicky_RBLX · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs

Chapter 13: The Lion's Cage Of Spirits

"First I must warn you. My visions are not always accurate...I once had a daydream of you two, beneath the shadow of a duck's wings. You were riding towards me upon a gigantic koi fish, of all things! Ha-ha! What silliness!"

Masami and I exchanged glances. There may have been something to these dreams after all. The Emperor cleared his throat, then proclaimed the following:

㊀ "A spirit of greed. Her being taints those who are pure with her poison. I saw a nest of snakes. She must not be allowed to live."

㊁ "The spirit of the mountain. This one will cause mudslides and earthquakes against my forces when the time comes. I saw an old mountain entangled with vines and undergrowth. It makes a beautiful painting."

㊂ "A spirit of opportunity. He will stop at nothing for power. I saw boats and mass bloodshed. An isolated village full of desperate children. Where noble souls are endangered. I wake up feeling as if sea-salt is being rubbed into my blood."

㊃ "A spirit of manipulation. A truly vile creature who cannot be killed by normal means. I'm afraid that it will find you before you find it."

㊄ "A spirit of honor. Show him that pride can cripple a man from the inside. I recognize the man, a general under my command, Shatao. He is head of the barracks in the mountain pass. Tread carefully with this one."

㊅ "And finally, a spirit still yet pure. Of warring bloodlines of two clans. If they are united they will grow too powerful...you will have to swing your sword in a different way to finish this."

I had to hand it to the Emperor. Of all the assassination contracts I had taken on, these made the least amount of sense. For starters, some of those targets didn't even sound human. Last I checked, my katana could only cut through flesh and bone—not magical monsters from another plane of existence!

Even that aside, I couldn't help but frown. After a complication that occurred around five years back, I made it my motto not to have multiple employers at once. I doubted that Masami would cause any problems, but you could never be too sure in my line of work. Biting off more than you could chew was a good way to suffocate.

But I guess I could make an exception for the ruler and most powerful man in Hyuga. My less-than-pleased look prompted Emperor Satsuma to ask for questions. "I'll provide whatever additional information I can, Akio-san."

"Why don't you let your dogs—I mean, your soldiers—take care of this?"

If these spirits endangered the future of the country, why not send your entire military might at them? I like to consider myself more capable than most, and Masami is certainly special—but we're only two people. Why would the Emperor risk everything on us when he has an army of samurai who'd fall on their swords if he asked them to?

Even if those dogs were more bark than bite, a pack would tear his enemies to pieces.

"If only they could." Satsuma sighed, staring into the candles with a frown. "My hands are tied more than you could know. Every move I make is scrutinized; I am distrusted by the other nobles at court and even my own generals. They would believe that any use of my Shinto agents serves to directly undermine them. They sicken me, to be honest." The Emperor shook his head, frustrated at affairs that I couldn't and didn't care to understand.

"You must remember I've had a crash course in politics in the last two years. I'm not the cleverest of tongue. If news of my visions got out I would be further discredited."

I shot Masami a glance while the Emperor petted his lion again. She was captivated in every movement the graceful ruler made, staring with open eyes and listening with an open mind. I had seen that look on girls before—and I hoped that she'd wise up before getting herself hurt. Though I suppose that even the most talented of bodyguards couldn't protect against a broken heart.

"As you know, I took upon my father's position only two years ago. I am titled the 'Young Lion' in public, but I know of the names my political opponents call me in private. Even as they try to snip my claws, you two shall be my thunder and growl. You will keep the evil at bay where I cannot." His confidence seemed to echo against the walls of the destitute chamber, spreading to each of us like a disease. I was feeling more than a little delusional by this point.

The confidence turned into a foreboding prophecy—the sort of prediction that always came true in stories. "There are about to be great changes in this Empire. My wedding is scheduled for the end of the harvest, when the sign of the Lion is highest in the sky. From then the scales will pour over into our favor, but only for a year's time. This mission must be fulfilled during this period...otherwise, Hyuga is doomed."

The awkward silence that followed caused a question to spark in my mind. I was ashamed by it in two ways: that I thought of it in the first place, and that I didn't think of it sooner.

Every fiber in my being burned to ask the pivotal question. It didn't matter if this man ruled Hyuga, dreamed of spirits and courted with foreign princesses. Akio doesn't work for charity. "We're getting paid, right? I mean...traveling expenses and such."

Roaming all around the country to hunt these spiritual villains was, among other things, a logistical nightmare. Food and lodging, bribes for bandit gangs, guides through inhospitable terrain, decent saké to keep myself sane—the list went on and on. The Emperor may not be able to offer us samurai support, but the aid that jingles in your pockets was fine by me.

The ruler scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, and nearly knocked his headpiece off. I think I can count myself among the few able to unsettle His Imperial Majesty and keep my neck on afterwards. "I had nearly forgotten! Though as it stands, my stipend is monitored like a hawk does a mouse. I can only give you this necklace, which you may be able to sell for a sizable sum."

He removed a sparkling, ivory necklace encrusted with jewels that he had hidden beneath the folds of his priestly kimono. I could tell in an instant that its value was immense. This caused the shinobi to break her long-held silence. "Satsu—My Imperial Majesty! That was your mother's, and you shouldn't hand it to this outlaw!"

The voice was familiar. The ninja's fist shook in my direction with barely-restrained rage. I was prepared to dodge a right hook when Satsuma put an end to it with a harsh voice. "Akio-san is no outlaw. This trinket will serve them more than it ever could around my neck. And besides..."

He walked up to Masami, who was paralyzed from the proximity she now shared with the almighty ruler. Redness lit up her cheeks as the Emperor motioned his hands behind her neck to fit the pendant around.

"...it looks far better on you than me, Masami-chan. It matches the lily in your hair." He parted the girl's hair back to its original form, his eyes smiling warmly down to hers. The moment they were sharing made me sick to my stomach, for a few reasons. But it was the shinobi who got a sudden cough that broke the tension.

After the necklace was securely fashioned, the Emperor turned towards me and spoke with a frightful sense of finality. And while it was directed at me, it felt as if his words were meant for someone much greater.

"I must return now, and feign ignorance as I entertain the fools of my court. Orchestrating this meeting has been no easy task, but it was something that had to be done. Know that my visions are not always accurate—the future is never written in stone. As I leave I have but one asset left to lend you." He looked at the masked woman in shinobi garb.

"My most trusted advisor and greatest friend, Toshie."