
Chapter 2: Training, training, and oh more training #1

Deep into the forested wilderness, there is a young man in a small clearing doing handstand push-ups shirtless while medium sized rocks and branches are seen floating in an aerial pattern around the trees. It is almost as if they have a mind of their own as each rock and branch are moving independently of each other never once bumping or touching the trees or each other. This would seem strange to most people as they would think the amount of concentration needed to have these results would belong to a pro hero, but instead it came from this teen.

Said teen was continuing his exercise with sweat dripping down from his once curly black and dark green hair. "98..99..100!" as the boy said this, he bent his elbows and pushed off the ground doing a spring flip back onto his feet. Opening his emerald green eyes, a light flashed through them as the rocks and branches suddenly froze in place as if they were waiting for an order. The boy raised his right hand, flicked his wrist to the left and those very same objects rushed as if they were speeding bullets towards whatever object the boy flicked his hand towards.

They embedded themselves into a large boulder that must have weighed upward to a ton or more. Now it looked liked a swiss cheesed porcupine.

"Finally got that control exercise down pat. Now to finish with my physical training and head home."

Yes, that boy that demolished the boulder was our very own Izuku Midoriya. Now 14 years old and looking a lot older due to his height of 6' even and a body that belonged to a trained fighter (imagine Tokita Ohma from Kengan Ashura) as he gave off a presence of a blade, noticeable but deadly when unleashed. "I can't believe it has been 6 years since I got my quirks." As bends down to grab a rock and crush it down to fine powder. "It felt like it was only yesterday that I tried to make one ball hover around me."

6 year ago…

"Izuku! You got a quirk! My baby actually has a quirk!" Inko couldn't help but start to tear up as she watched her precious baby boy make a pillow start floating with a level of intense concentration. "Yeah, does that mean I can be a hero now Mom?" Izuku looked at her with eyes that spoke of her hoping to say yes.

"Yes! Yes, of course you can be hero baby. You were always going to be a hero." said Inko with pure happiness radiating off her like a light bulb.

Izuku smiled up at her with tears starting to stream down his eyes as he finally the words he had wanted to hear 4 years ago when the doctor told him he was quirkless. "Yay! Wait, that means I got to start training now. I am already 4 years behind everybody else that means I need to work at least 4 times harder than everybody else"

Izuku looked into his mom's eyes and said with as serious of a voice as an eight year old can make. "I need to go train. Can we go visit some martial art gyms?" Inko knew that her son is behind others his age and readily agrees to take him where he needs to go.

4 years ago…

In a dark space, a dark gray cloud formed and expanded until the center opened up revealing ten people in a semi circle surrounding one man. They seemed to be in a jungle as a the trees there were humongous. They easily reached 50 meters and were at least a quarter as thick with the bark being an ashen brown color. The floor was the a bluish gray color as the grass barely had sunlight due to the trees' leaves shading them. Fog was scattered in clumps like they weighed more than the air itself.

The ten men and women were dressed in dark gray robes with black chest piece like armor and gauntlets over them. Each one held strange weapons that were unique for each one, some had two of them or one that had a staff-like weapon. The only thing that was the same for each one was the color, a dark red laser came off of these saber weapons. The man that was facing off against them was even more strange as he wore metallic armor that included a chest piece, gauntlets, boots, shin guards, gloves, and a T-visored helmet; all of it was colored a rustic red color and looked like they were worn extensively if the dents and scratches were any indication. No skin was shown as underneath the armor was this midnight black skintight mesh clothing. A cloak with a hood topped it all off, giving him a menacing figure of death and war. He also had those strange swords as well though they were in different colors than the ten, he held two of them, one for each hand as he faced them in a strange stance. One foot in front of the other, widened for stability and balance but with bent knees at a 45 degree angle, with the shoulders squared off facing away from his opponents. His sabers pointed away from him, the left saber facing the front group in a fencing position while the other faced backwards behind him. When they lit up, the left was a dark, almost bloody red while the right was an azure blue.

"Lord Malak was most displeased when he heard of your survival Lord Revan. He has sent us to finish off what he started all those years ago." sneered the head of the group.

This Revan fellow never made an indication of acknowledging them and just stood ready to engage. The group took this as an insult and attacked, lunging towards him swinging their weapons as it gave a low hum. Revan responded with a jab straight into the throat of one assassin while the other saber blocked and deflected the attack of another. To many that would view this, it looked like a deadly dance of back and forth. Revan dominating with skills and techniques that included using his legs to kick them where they were open and use the blades to slice and stab in vital areas. It all looked so simple, but complicated at the same time as one wrong step or twitch can lead to his death.

After only 2 minutes the assassins were all laid out on the ground, dead in various ways. With Revan looking straight ahead as if he sensed someone watching this all happen.

"I hope this has been a good learning experience for you." Revan said in a smooth voice almost sounding like he was amused. "Next time, I will do this bare handed and in various styles of combat, but for now it is time wake up now, Izuku."

And like that, Izuku's emerald green eyes shot open in shock with heart racing in fear of what he had just witnessed. He has been experiencing those dreams for two years now and each time he wakes up those styles are ingrained into his head telling him to practice. It first started with a basic defense and offense form until each one got more and more complicated leading up to this one. "He was trying to teach me his style of combat, those forms of swordsmanship. I never seen them before and I doubt sensei knows them either." Izuku looked over at his All Might alarm clock and saw that it was 4 in the morning. 'Might as well start practicing those forms now and get the hang of them.' So with that he got dressed in black athletic shorts and a blue t-shirt and headed out for a run and to practice those forms.

That was not the last of those dreams either as they kept going with different styles of combat. Whether it be hand-to-hand, swordsmanship, marksmanship, throwing, or mechanics and maintenance Revan taught it and showed him how it worked on a person or multiple people. The mechanical aspect was to show him how to build what he now knows as a lightsaber and how to recreate the metal of the armor he wore.

Along with those dreams of combat, he also received dreams of a man of medium height and build with sandy blonde hair who would wear mostly just robes. This man, Luke was his name, would teach him how to control his quirk called the Force, and showed examples of what he can do with said quirk. Luke would also instill him philosophies of what the force is and what the manipulation of the force meant to the user. This led to Izuku meditating and wondering how he can find balance within himself in order to balance how he uses the Force.

There were also these weird memories that included what exercises are best for what sport or movement. Things like strength training, calisthenics, free running, parkour, and more were in his head as if they were implanted there along with different martial arts that he has heard of and new ones that he had to look up to see if they were real or not.

Of course, Izuku never neglected to work on his quirk journals, in fact, he worked even harder on those and on his studies as he believed that a strong mind and body are important things that a hero needs. Much to his old bully and former friend's ire, he never showed his quirk to people despite everyone begging to see it. He didn't want to show off to these hypocrites as he believed these quirks are ours to use for saving others and protecting loved ones. Of course, his old friend didn't think so.

2 years ago...

"Oi! Deku! Get your ass back here and fight me!", yelled a spiky blonde haired girl that was chasing down Izuku like cop after a crook.

"Sorry Kacchan, can't do that. I promised myself I will not use my quirk unless in self-defense, protecting someone I care for, or saving a person.", said Izuku while trying to run back home and change into his work out clothes.

"DON'T CALL ME KACCHAN! It's Katsumi you stupid Deku!" yelled out Katsumi with a blush on her face.

Too bad Izuku didn't hear her or notice the blush as he kept jogging home, excited to trying a new aspect to quirk that he theorized. 'If I can do this then that means I won't have to worry about having to take others to the hospital in an emergency situation or I can support others when I can't do it myself.'

He figured out that he heals faster than any other person in his school or in the city in general. He figured it was at least 10x faster if not even quicker than that so he wondered if he can use the Force to speed up the process.

He went into his room after kissing his mother on the cheek as a greeting and bowing to his father's picture. Oh yeah, that was a thing that happened, Izuku's father Hiashi died when he was six years old, in a plane crash during one of his long business trips, it came out in the news that it was orchestrated by villains. Inko and Izuku were able to move on, but that only further motivated him to become a hero. Anyways, here we are with Izuku cutting the palm of his hand with a pocket knife and concentrating on healing it faster than letting his healing factor.

It took multiple tries for him to get it done, but he managed and his hand looked good as new. He was so excited that he ran to mother and told her what he experimented. Its safe to say that Inko gave Izuku a good scolding for cutting himself, but overall she was proud of her lovable puppy as she told him to test it on her and it proved to truly work as a small scar where an otherwise sharp cut would have been. From then on, he would tell his mom on what he theorized then would go to the woods to experiment.

And like that we're back to the present where his story begins.

And that's a wrap! Now I feel like I am only getting started. Let me know how I did and what I can fix for next time.

The harem list will go like this let me know who else to add and I might consider it.


Uraraka Ochaco

Yaoyorozu Momo

Kyoka Jiro

Utsushimi Camie

Hatsume Mei






I think those five are good enough, but hey I'm not too sure so feedback is appreciated. Thank you for reading.

MalachaiKanecreators' thoughts