
The Warlock's Throne

This is a world where knowledge comes with power. The so-called gods are just stronger arcanists.

Jian_Gao_4638 · แฟนตาซี
20 Chs

Chapter 7 Harvest and Temptation

Breathing the reddish blood mist around him, Lucien's hands and feet went limp, his head twitched and swelled, and the scene of Correa and Howson fighting in his eyes suddenly turned into Correa and the giant mouse, and then back to The two killed each other, as if illusion and reality were superimposed.

"Wait, hallucinations?!" As soon as Lucien thought of this, he had a rough guess in his heart, concentrated his attention, and let the feeling of spirit spreading like a tide appear, so the scene no longer changed, the red mist no longer distorted, and everything They all stabilized, and it was indeed Correa and Howson who were fighting to the death. Blood flowed from many wounds on their bodies, and their respective movements seemed to be very slow and strenuous, as if they had reached a limit.

"Is the blood of the red-eyed mouse inherently hallucinogenic, or is it that the blood is absorbed and transformed by the strange plants in Chapter 7 Harvesting and Tempting to lure people into hallucinations? It's really a clever magic trap."

Lucien finally understood that both Howson's disappearance and Gary's sudden attack were all due to the influence of hallucinations, and this influence probably started from killing the first red-eyed mouse, and it was already difficult to distinguish when the senses were completely blinded. Yes, only Lucien was freed from the illusion because he was protected by the Holy Light Shield behind him and his spirit improved.

The "Holy Light Strike" shot from the Sacred Emblem of Truth not only gasified Gary's right hand and part of his shoulder, but also penetrated upwards, hitting the stone roof directly above the secret room, creating a deep hole. It was like rain falling, as if the entire secret room would collapse at any moment.

Gravel and dust filled the air, dispelling the reddish mist of blood, and recovering some of Lucien's weakness in his hands and feet.

Lucien didn't know if there were any other serial magic traps behind him, so even if he was temporarily safe, he didn't dare to relax and thought about a solution quickly.

The "Sacred Emblem of Truth" can no longer inspire any divine spells except for the two light spells, and I have no more reliance, and even my physical strength is paralyzed by the light red mist Chapter 7 Harvest and Temptation The effect becomes very weak.

Suddenly, Lucien saw the strange plant being shaken by the falling stones.

"Aside from creating hallucinations, it doesn't have any other ability to protect itself?" Lucien immediately came to his senses, stood up with his limp hands and feet, and walked towards the strange plant.

With no strength in his feet, he stumbled, and Lucien walked very slowly. He fell into the gravel several times and was scratched all over his body. The pain was unbearable, and blood even flowed out from several places.

"Bah." Lucien took a breath, held back the pain, and took advantage of the temporary sobriety and strength recovery brought about by the pain of the wound, and walked to the side of the strange plant with difficulty.

After this series of encounters, Lucien's youthfulness and hesitation became much less. Without any delay, he held his breath, carefully but firmly stretched out his right hand, and held it on the trunk of the strange plant.

The meridians under his hands were beating, and blood was rushing like a stream. Lucien felt that what he was holding was not a plant, but a living creature, and then he pulled it aside violently.


All the branches and leaves of this strange plant shrank at once, making a sharp and mournful scream, like a dying person.

Without breaking it, Lucien continued to exert force, and the strange plant let out a miserable cry, while stretching out its branches and leaves again, and wrapped itself around Lucien.

A wet, slippery and disgusting feeling came from the skin, and countless tiny burrs were piercing into his body. Lucien forcibly held back his fear and fear, and pulled hard again.


The crying stopped abruptly, and Lucien was sprayed on the chest by the light red liquid in the plant, and the bloody smell wafted out of his nostrils, which made Lucien's limbs weaker and weaker, and he could only lean against the stone wall next to him to avoid falling to the ground .

As the plant was torn into two by Lucien, the reddish mist in the surrounding air became more and more dense, almost condensing into liquid.

The three shimmering books on the nearby desk, as soon as they sensed this rich light red mist, they quickly corroded. It only took two or three seconds from the first page to the last page, and they were completely destroyed. Disappeared so fast that Lucien, the people nearby, couldn't see what was written on it.

Of course, with Lucien's current state of paralysis, it must be too late to stop it, and it's even difficult to take a step forward.

The desk immediately became empty, but strangely, there were no traces of corrosion except where the three books were. Lucien figured out the key point after being surprised for a while: "It seems to be another magical Traps, when the concentration of the red mist reaches a certain level, the magic traps on those magic notebooks will activate by themselves, destroying itself, so as not to be obtained by the enemy."

"It's a pity that these few magic notes are missing." Lucien sighed regretfully in his heart. Those are the magic notes that can learn extraordinary power!

Suddenly, Lucien was taken aback, he found the library in his soul glowing strangely.

Out of curiosity, Lucien poked his spirit into it, and then saw with wide eyes that a brand new bookshelf appeared in the library, with the words "Magic (Arcane)" written on it, and on the bookshelf, there had been With three books, it is the three magic notes that Lucien saw just now.

"Does this library still have the ability to collect books? But how did the content come from?" Lucien was very surprised, "Maybe I need to see the content with my own eyes, well, although the three books just now were corroded quickly, But if the whole process is slowed down, it should still be corroded page by page. It is strange that the library can record the content from beginning to end, so there are projections of these three books, otherwise it would be impossible to fabricate the content out of thin air."

Lucien can only guess at the moment, and he will have to do several experiments with other books in the future to be sure.

Looking at the three magic notebooks, Lucien, who was quite regretful just now, hesitated instead: "If learning magic, is it too dangerous in this world where the magic is so powerful that magicians can be publicly burned to death?"

Unable to make a decision, Lucien put it down for the time being. After all, he and the others are still in the secret room and have not been completely out of danger, so Lucien began to accumulate strength.

There were no strange plants, and the reddish blood mist was getting weaker and weaker. Correa and Howson gradually got rid of the hallucinations and looked at each other in shock, but it was much too late to wake up, and both of them were on the verge of dying.


Benjamin on the ground let out a muffled snort when Lucien touched the "Sacred Emblem of Truth" mentally to activate the "Strike of Holy Light", put down his right hand, and looked at the secret passage in surprise.

"Master Benjamin?" Paul the guard hurriedly asked when he saw Benjamin's strange behavior.

Under the light of the silver moon, Benjamin's complexion became very bad, and he whispered: "There has been a change below, and my spiritual imprint in the holy emblem has been touched. Damn it, it's just a magic apprentice who got this It's really useless! Paul, you wait for me here, if I haven't come out within five minutes, you can ask the bishop for help."

It was precisely because of the existence of the spiritual imprint in the holy emblem that Benjamin could safely give the holy emblem of truth to Lucien for use. The magic and strange things are much weaker, and he will not hand them over to others casually. Who knows that his spiritual imprint was touched, and he failed to stop the magic that shouldn't be stimulated at the critical moment.

Negligence and carelessness have always been companions of pride and prejudice.

In Benjamin's heart, he has always had a deep prejudice against knights who rely on their blood to gain power, thinking that they are crude and lowly, and they are not comparable to noble spellcasters who explore the mysteries of the world, even if the opponent is evil magic Masters, so they are not worthy of using magic and wonders at all, so he subconsciously gave the Holy Symbol of Truth to Lucien, whose spiritual power is higher than ordinary people.

This attitude comes from Benjamin's background and his long-term experience.

As one of the most powerful families in the Principality of Violet, the Rafaty family also relies on the power of the "divine favor" of blood, but it is different from the knights. They rely on the power of blood to cast spells, and they are real A spellcaster, and Benjamin, as a member of the Rafaty family, even though his blood is thin and unable to arouse his own strength, he has emerged after entering the monastery to study since he was a child, and he has successfully become a priest, firmly walking on the road of a spellcaster .

But now, as an official pastor, such a small matter has made a big omission, and his position in the church will inevitably be affected in the future, so Benjamin hastily left.

Paul was equally surprised: "With the holy emblem of truth, there will be accidents? Could it be that there are other official magicians?"


Lucien recovered a little bit of strength, and when he was about to walk out of the secret room leaning against the stone wall, he suddenly heard the sound of footsteps. Magical creatures or her friends, I am afraid that it will be difficult for me to escape.

When he saw that it was Benjamin's white holy robe, Lucien was half relieved, but he still didn't dare to relax. The secret room is such a good place to kill and silence.

"Lapland blood vine?" Benjamin glanced at the situation in the secret room, and quickly judged the general process from the knowledge of magic and plants he learned. He understood that Lucien, who was moving slowly against the wall, was on the verge of dying. Why did Gary and others end up like this, "Fortunately, none of them died."

"This kid is lucky, and his mental power has increased a bit, reaching the level of a low-level trainee priest. It seems that the impact brought by the breakthrough has touched my spiritual imprint. Unfortunately, it is not the church that was so powerful more than three hundred years ago. , the age when you can learn divine arts by relying on your talents. If you haven't laid the foundation and systematically learned the knowledge of divine arts since childhood, you will never be able to become a formal priest. A golden age of four hundred years in which magic and magic developed by leaps and bounds."

As a member of the Rafaty family, Benjamin knows more about the world situation than most priests, and he doesn't seem to be so pious about his own beliefs. To be precise, Benjamin, who is a member of the nobleman, and Benjamin, who is a member of the church Benjamin is somewhat contradictory in his position.

More importantly, after the "Supreme Theological Conference" more than 300 years ago, the church split, one south and one north accused each other of heresy, but even so, no matter which side, the acquisition of divine arts was not affected in any way , This made many bishops and cardinals silently doubt in their hearts whether God exists or not, is this a test for believers.

This attitude has directly affected every young man who has become a priest over the centuries, including Benjamin.

Moreover, in order to adapt to the era of rapid development, several popes have introduced part of the knowledge obtained by the great arcanists from exploring the world to transform the theological foundation. The location, standing still under the gaze of many powerful enemies such as heresy, evil magicians, and dark creatures, but it also once again caused more cracks in the already unstable internal beliefs.

Benjamin relaxed, fine white dust slipped from his hands, and he uttered strange syllables. A gust of wind blew past, blowing away the light red blood mist without a trace.

Then he didn't read the incantation, and didn't throw out the spell-casting materials. He just pointed at Gary, and a pale light fell on him, making the scorched black on his body fall off, the wound healed, and he got rid of dying and became an ordinary man. seriously injured.

Each time he cast the divine healing spell at intervals of one to two seconds, Benjamin revived both Correa and Howson, and also healed Lucien's injuries.

After asking Lucien, Correa, Howson, Gary and others what happened, Benjamin looked at the desk, and after confirming that they were not lying, he ordered: "Move all the items in the secret room to the church, um, including The dead bodies of these rats."

At the same time, he caught the holy emblem returned by Lucien: "The sins on your body have been washed away, go back and rest, may the Lord bless you."

Originally, if Lucien could succeed this time, Benjamin would not be stingy with financial rewards, and would even secretly try to see if he could cultivate him if he had the opportunity. After confirming that there was nothing hidden on him, he sent him away early. After all, Correa and Howson were fine, and Gary without his right hand would be more troublesome. Regeneration of severed limbs was not a magical technique he could master.

Seeing that Benjamin hadn't killed anyone, Lucien didn't have the heart to stay here, so he hurried to the secret room. When he got to the sewer outside, Lucien, whose spirit had broken through a certain limit, suddenly heard Correa's words inside. This made Lucien feel a little heavy. He whispered to Howson: "Gary won't be able to become a knight without his right hand, and he will be called out of the guard."

Lucien, who didn't know what mood he was in, stepped out of the secret passage, and immediately received inquiries from the poor people around him.

"Little Evans, have you purified the ghost?" Aunt Alisa asked from a distance.

Lucien nodded: "It has been purified by Lord Benjamin and several guards."

Everyone became relaxed and began to ask and communicate eagerly: "Lucien, what does a ghost look like? Isn't it scary?"

"Lord Benjamin is worthy of being an official priest."

"Lucien seems to have received the blessing of the Lord this time, and he can use the holy emblem of truth."

"It's a pity that Lucien is no longer a child and cannot be sent to the monastery for training. Otherwise, it would be a very honorable thing for us to have a Lord Lucien in Aderjan District."

Hearing these discussions, Lucien was a little dazed: "I can't become a priest?"

Although due to his identity as a time traveler, Lucien never thought of becoming a priest, but he had only experienced the extraordinary and inhuman power of magic, and was told that he could not walk this way, so he was inevitably a little downcast.

"Poor little Evans, looking at your face, you must be exhausted, go back and rest quickly." Seeing that Lucien's face was not looking good, Aunt Alisa quickly said.

Lucien had a lot of things on his mind, and he really needed to be quiet, so he nodded, went back to his hut, and sat by the bed, listening to Benjamin and others coming out and going away, listening to the onlookers leaving, and listening to the peacefulness restored in the middle of the night. Tranquility, keeping the thoughts of parents and others deep in my heart.

"I can't become a priest, and it seems that because I haven't trained since childhood, I don't have much hope to become a knight and stimulate the power of my blood."

"If you want to gain extraordinary power, I'm afraid the only way is to learn magic."

"However, once you choose magic, you will be against the church and most ordinary people, including Aunt Alisa and the others inside. "

"Perhaps there are other paths?"

"Anyway, the magic note is in my mind, let's take a look first, well, it should be no problem."

Lucien, who was hesitant and struggling, decided to look at the magic notebook first, so he entered the library mentally and opened the magic notebook.

After a long time, Lucien's low, dumbfounding voice sounded in the room:

"What if I can't read?"