
The Warlock's Throne

This is a world where knowledge comes with power. The so-called gods are just stronger arcanists.

Jian_Gao_4638 · แฟนตาซี
20 Chs

Chapter 19 Forced Memory

Lucien took a deep breath, opened the hard-shell book as if opening a new page of fate, and found the first page of the first chapter "Pronunciation". He was delighted but not surprised. It was found that these letters were used in one of the magic notes.

Moreover, for Lucien who can use the common language fluently, as long as he masters the pronunciation of the thirty-two letters and the preliminary spelling rules, he can try to read the words, compare them with the words and syllables he usually uses, and understand their meanings , You can also convert the usual syllables into written words through spelling rules and letters, so that you can learn the common language very quickly by comparing and memorizing.

Victor didn't notice Lucien's little joy, and he spoke the pronunciation of the thirty-two letters several times in a very serious manner, watching Lucien make some strange marks on the paper, and read back and forth. After reading it twice, he walked towards the ordinary boy next to him in satisfaction: "You read it dozens of times carefully, and when I come over, if you can read it completely with the book on your back, then I will start teaching you the basic spelling rules." and grammar."

He just encouraged Lucien. As a beginner, it is impossible to memorize the pronunciation of the thirty-two letters so quickly, unless it is those guys with super memory, and this kind of people, as long as they are willing to work hard, they can learn the pronunciation of the thirty-two letters. In the career he has done, he can have some achievements.

Lucien carefully read the pronunciation of the thirty-two letters, and then compared it with the pronunciation marks on the paper, which he made by combining Chinese with English and patterns. After confirming that there was nothing wrong, he calmed down, concentrated, and opened the book in his soul. museum.

In the library, there is an additional bookshelf called "Common Language", on which there is a piece of paper with strange marks and a black hard-shell book, which are exactly the same as the one in front of me.

Opening the black hard-shell book, Lucien saw, as expected, that there was only the content on the first page, and the back was blank.

So Lucien quickly flipped through the "Common Language Pronunciation and Elementary Grammar" on the small round table from beginning to end, and saw with satisfaction that the black hard-shell book in the soul library had become complete.

"It's exactly the same as what I speculated." Lucien said to himself with a smile.

With the help of the Soul Library, Lucien was full of confidence in learning the common language in a short time, so he began to try to memorize the pronunciation of the thirty-two letters.

There were many mistakes in the first pass, and there were still many mistakes in the second pass. The mistakes in the third pass began to decrease, but some of the ones that could be recited before were forgotten... Fifteen times, Lucien forcibly memorized the pronunciation of the letters.

Of course, Lucien understands that this is only an instant memory, and if it is not consolidated for a period of time, it will be forgotten soon. Moreover, in the process, Lucien discovered that the mental power he used to stimulate the magic has a significant effect on memory. great help.

After Lucien stammered and recited it twice, Victor finished his teaching and walked up to Lucien again.

There was a slight tiredness on his face, but compared to when Lucien first came, he was no longer in the state of pacing back and forth and restless. It seemed that diverting his attention would help him relax a lot. big help.

"Lucien, recite it to me." Victor said kindly to Lucien with a smile.

Lucien didn't hesitate, and started to recite it directly. Halfway through the recitation, he suddenly forgot the pronunciation of a letter. In the confusion, he found the pronunciation mark directly from the paper in the soul library, and then finished the recitation smoothly.

It's not that Lucien wants to cheat, but that he has limited money, so he can hurry up and learn more. Even if he doesn't master it, there is a library, so he can digest it later.

Victor has been preparing to correct Lucien's mispronunciation and unclear places, but after he finished reciting it, he didn't realize it. After a while, he asked suspiciously: "Have you learned pronunciation before?"

This question came out in a slightly louder voice, making the other people who were studying hard raise their heads curiously and look at Lucien.

"No." Lucien shook his head in denial.

Victor didn't doubt it, he nodded slightly, and praised: "Your memory is very good, very rare. Alright, then I will teach you the rules of spelling."

The others looked at Lucien in amazement. They didn't expect his memory to be so outstanding. Of course, there were also some with ridicule and contempt. They thought that Lucien must have learned pronunciation before, otherwise how could he have completely learned pronunciation in a short period of time? Remember, this is just pretending to deceive Mr. Victor's favor, and maybe he can be accepted as a real student who can learn music in the future.

But this kind of trivial matter did not cause much disturbance, especially among the noble students, three of whom were already studying music with Victor, and they quickly lowered their heads again, continuing to look at the score and music theory knowledge.

After nearly an hour, Lucien learned the spelling rules without any distractions. At this time, in this environment, Lucien finally realized thoroughly and clearly:

time is money!

Because an extra day of study costs a lot of money!

"Okay, gentlemen and ladies, relax, eat some fruit, drink a cup of tea, and continue studying later." Victor seemed to be in good spirits, and when the servants brought tea and several plates of cut fruits, Go to the second floor.

The tea is placed in a pale white glazed cup with a simple pattern and a handle. Jasmine, orange slices and other things are added respectively, showing an orange color. Some fruits are familiar to Lucien, and some have never been seen before. The quirky kind.

Wearing ordinary aristocratic attire, the young man with dark blue hair like sea water smiled and said to his companions: "Mr. Victor seems to have some inspiration. If the inspiration keeps flowing, I am afraid that today's study will be over."

He looked a few years older than Lucien, with long and narrow eyes, a high nose bridge, and a thin book of music in his hand. Among the several noble students, he felt like he was being surrounded. Only one of them was wearing wine. The noble girl in the long red dress sat dignifiedly, but replied in a lazy tone:

"Lotte, if Mr. Victor ends early, he will definitely make up for it on the weekend, and if he can make new music, we can do practice exercises with the orchestra in the past few days. I don't want to just do monotonous For music theory learning and ordinary flute playing training, only by practicing with a regular symphony orchestra can you progress faster."

She is about seventeen or eighteen years old, with a bright appearance, long flaming hair, thick and sexy lips, and her waist is not as thin as her cousins, which seems to be cut off, because it will make it difficult to breathe. , and dyspnea is not a good flute.

Lott looked at the red-haired girl and couldn't help laughing: "The band that works with Mr. Victor just came a few days ago with a chief who is as handsome as a silver moon, Phyllis. We were together at the time. I went with Mr. Victor, you want to practice with the orchestra so much, could it be that you fell in love with him?"

The principal of the symphony orchestra is the first violinist. When there is no conductor, he also plays the role of conductor.

"Don't insult me with your playboy heart, I just think his violin is very good, much better than the original Mr. Chief." Phyllis retorted, but there was a strange blush on her face, "Don't you Don't you think he played very well when he played the 'Unaccompanied Violin Sonata No. 1 in G Minor'? Don't you think your violin playing level surpasses his? "

When it came to music, Lott immediately became serious and excited, and began to discuss various music knowledge and pieces with Phyllis. Several other noble students interrupted from time to time, obviously interested in this topic, so Even when the brunette girl among the commoner students they had been treating coldly couldn't help but interjected and made an insightful remark, they got their nods of approval.

At Aalto, music is another lingua franca.

Of course, the noble students still ignored the commoner students and Lucien intentionally or unintentionally, and the commoner students also turned a blind eye to Lucien intentionally or unintentionally, and tried to get close to the noble students.

There is no sarcastic remarks, no sarcasm, only deep estrangement and indifference.

Perhaps, in the minds of noble students, ordinary citizens and poor people are not worthy of being treated with a bad attitude. After all, they don't even have a common language, and they just habitually exclude them from their circle. Contempt in the heart.

For these, Lucien didn't care at all, and raced against time, hurrying to learn, like a sponge that had dried up for a long time, being thrown back into the ocean of knowledge, greedily absorbing nutrients.

But from their discussions, Lucien occasionally heard some sentences and humming, and found that the music in this world, whether it is scales or melodies, is very similar to that on Earth, only in the expression of specific music symbols. different.

"What a serious group of students." Lucien looked up at them who were eagerly discussing, took a sip of the strange-tasting black tea with jasmine petals, ate a piece of fruit that might be Sydney, and continued to concentrate on it. study.

Mr. Victor's inspiration didn't last long, and he walked away after ten minutes, with a tired and anxious look on his face.

However, after carefully teaching the students, his irritability improved a lot.

After this hour of struggle, Lucien finally learned most of the spelling rules before the end, and memorized them with the soul library.

At ten past four, the study was over. Except for Lott, Phyllis, and a noble boy named Herodotus who stayed to learn how to play musical instruments, everyone stood up and left the hall.

Lucien recalled what he had learned today, and walked very slowly, while the three commoner students exchanged and laughed with each other, and walked briskly at the forefront. They often looked at the two noble students in the middle who were discussing music, but But they didn't dare to get too close. As for Lucien, no matter they, or the two noble students, a man and a woman, they only glanced lightly occasionally.

Out of the gate, two carriages drove over from nowhere, the brown horses were tall and strong, snorting, and then the two noble students boarded the carriages sent by their respective families under the envious eyes of the commoner students, and left slowly .

No matter what the family situation is, as long as they don't starve to death, most nobles will choose to maintain a minimum of decency.

The three commoner students watched the carriage disappear behind the tall trees at the corner, and then left together in the direction of the Viola District.

And Lucien was like a nerd, silently reciting what he learned today, walking on the boulevard.


"You actually studied under Mr. Victor? He is an excellent musician. Hehe, little Evans, do you really want to inherit Uncle Joel's dream of becoming a musician?" During dinner, Joel learned that Lucien was studying After the teacher of the text, he said jokingly.

Lucien also responded humorously: "Of course, I will become a great musician in the future."

After a happy dinner, Lucien returned home early, lying on the bed that was so smashed that he could barely lie on it, opened the library, opened the magic notebook written in the common language, tried to spell out the pronunciation, and deciphered the words meaning.

Of course, because of the unavoidable problems of accent, vocabulary accumulation, and lack of grammar, Lucien did not expect to be able to understand the notes and start learning magic after only one day of study. Review and reinforce what you learned during the day.