

Miles away and days later, Ashilynn and her family, both new, and old, land off the southern coast of New York's beautiful land. Their wings retract from the long flight and the boy's, Jace and Daniel, curl up in a ball on the ground. Heaving.

Ashilynn laughs. "Have you boys ever flown in a plane before?"

They boys just shake their heads. Ashilynn laughs.

"You'll get used to it ." The boys just nod and wipe their mouths. "Well, let's get going our safe house is a miles walk from here."

The boys roll their eyes aloud.

"I heard that" Ashilynn laughs aloud. "Just wait until we start drill. I hope you guys like exercise because your in for a long day if you don't"

The boys moan and haul themselves up from the ground. Slowly they make their way over to Ashilynn.

"Dad? May I do the honors?"

Gabriel nods.

A low whistle escapes from Ashilynn's perfect lips. From the sky above a crack of lightning is heard as the clouds part and there suddenly appears a herd of wild, winged, golden horned, horses.

The boys look on in amazement as each horse chooses its rider. A maroon horse with black hair and golden wings chooses Gabriel as his rider. Gabriel mounts the steed with ease and the rest of the herd soon follows its friends ' suit. A pure white horse chooses Ashilynn as its rider. Michael and Serena both end up with light red horses with flecks of orange and yellow across their hides.

The boy's steeds are pure black and their only variance is their tails Jace's steed has a fiery red and the golden tail with a hint of orange speckled throughout it while Daniel's steed has a gold and silver, rustic-looking, tail.

All of the horses are stunning and to the mortal eye they seem to look like regular stallions, yet to the angels whom they appeared for, they are horned and winged creatures of beauty and grace. Magical beings that only show up for the angels they wish to protect.