
21 - Block 2 (2)

Immediately, Jonathan moved away from the door and a nearby zombie. As soon as he was out of the firing line, the group started shooting, '' Don't stop shooting!''

Jonathan took out a rifle from his INVENTORY, but as soon as he tried to lift it, he groaned in pain. His left arm had no strength, ' Right... I can lift anything heavy.'

Switching to an SMG, something that he could lift with his good arm, Jonathan also started to shoot the zombies.


Despite shooting without stopping, it seems there were a lot of zombies inside the gymnasium. In less than 2 minutes, the door had a mountain of zombie corpses but it seems their number didn't diminish.

' This won't do. At this rate, the door to the gymnasium will be blocked by the corpses and no more zombies will come out.'

Quickly thinking of a solution, Jonathan shouted to his group, '' Guys, we need to back off a bit! If we keep this up, we're going to lose access to the gymnasium.''

Even with the noise of shots being fired, the group listened to Jonathan and began to back away slowly. This proved effective, since now, even with the mountain of bodies, the zombies inside slowly began to come out of the gymnasium.

While the group backed up into the corridor, the zombies kept coming. When Jonathan noted the zombies already were away from the door. '' Okay, start shooting!''



After an hour and at least 500 bullets spent, all zombies inside the gymnasium were dead. In a rough estimate, at least 200 zombies were inside. ' That's a lot! We will have to work extra hard to take all of them out.'

Jonathan sighed and looked at his group. Nathanael was checking the inside of the gymnasium, while Eve and Samantha were sitting on the bench.

'' Guys, I know you're tired but we need to clean this place up. Let's take all the bodies out and burn them.''

Jonathan tried to be an example but as soon as he tried to carry a body with his arms, he winced in pain. Ignoring the pain, he continued to carry the zombie's body with one arm.

Eve and Nathanael also began to carry the bodies out. Even if the four of them did this, thanks to a large number of bodies, it would take some time.

Samantha noticed Jonathan's expression and came to his side. '' Are you alright?''

Jonathan gave a fake smile, '' Never been better.''

Samantha wasn't stupid and realized that Jonathan was in pain, '' You're still not 100%, right?''

Jonathan sighed but continued to carry the bodies outside, '' Yeah. I can move the arm around but I can't carry any weight for now. But hey, at least I can still use it.''

Getting shot in the arm and didn't get hit in the bone was very lucky. Sure, Jonathan wished he could lift things with his arm, but still, he was very lucky.

'' Give it a few more weeks and it will be normal again.'' Jonathan didn't stop carrying the bodies outside. Samantha wanted to help, but Eve, Nathanael, and Jonathan refused to let her carry things.

Samantha sighed in defeat, '' Ok, I'll trust your judgment, but if it gets worse, please talk to us. We are family now.''

Jonathan nodded, '' I will.''

A few hours later, Jonathan set fire to a huge pile of bodies in the courtyard of Block 1. The entire group was watching the pile burn. They watched for a few minutes before all left.

It was just noon, but the entire group was tired. They fought zombies in the morning and spent the rest of the day moving corpses.

'' You guys can rest now, I'll just check the rest of Block 2 and then I'll go sleep.''

'' No can do. We will go together.'' Everyone got up from where they were seated.

Jonathan wanted to say something but he saw their eye. ' It seems they will not take a no as an answer.'

Sighing, Jonathan said, '' Okay then. Follow me.''

After going to block 2, Jonathan went directly to the plot of land he saw before, ' Let's see what we are dealing with.'

Arriving at the land shortly after, Jonathan looked at it. ' The space is not that big... but if we plant the right things, it should be enough for 20 people. In any case, this is just a backup plan, in case I can't buy more things from the SHOP.'

While the SHOP is very helpful to Jonathan, he wasn't sure if it is forever. If he were to lose the SHOP and the INVENTORY... ' Things would be chaotic.'

Anyway, Jonathan picked a piece of the soil. ' Hmmm, it's a little hard... I'm not an expert on this.'

Patting the dirt out of his hands, Jonathan looked at the sky. ' The sun is hitting the soil right now. Is this good or bad?'

With more questions than answers, Jonathan focused his attention on the SHOP, ' Anyway, let's buy the seeds first.'

After going to the GARDENING section of the SHOP, Jonathan knew exactly what to buy, ' While I'm not an expert, I know for a fact that potatoes are the best thing to plant. The harvest is abundant and it is easy to plant.'

Jonathan found what he was looking for, ' Potatoes seeds... 500$ for a pack with 10. Damn!'

Ignoring the price, Jonathan bought a pack. When he took it out of the inventory, he was surprised to see it was a pack with 5 potatoes inside, ' What the hell... I just paid 500$ for 5 potatoes!?'

Thinking something might be wrong, Jonathan turned to his group, who stayed around the area, '' Guys, do you know how to plant a potato?''

When everyone said no, Jonathan decided to trust his friend Google. He searched for how to plant potatoes.

'Let's see...'

After watching and reading a few things regarding planting things, Jonathan spent the next 30 minutes planting the Potatoes, ' It was harder than I thought but I'm finally done!'

'' Phew, guys, I finally finished! We just need to water the potatoes regularly. One time a week, from what I saw on the internet.''

Nathanael, Eve and Samantha, who watched Jonathan do the entire plating, nodded, '' Leave it to us! Now, what are we going to do?''

Jonathan checked the hours and noted it was only 5 P.M. They still had a little bit of light, and they still had the flashlight, so going inside block 2 again was something they could do. Since they had to take care of the zombies, they couldn't search the entire block 2.

'' How about we search the rest of block 2?'' Before Jonathan could speak, Eve took the initiative to talk.

'' I'm okay with that.'' Samantha added.

'' Me too.''

Seeing that everyone was thinking the same thing, Jonathan said, '' Then let's go!''

It was an uneventful search. The only thing of relevance the group found was the location of the director's office, where Jonathan presumed the keys to the watchtowers and the place they could find where the generator is.

The only problem is that the office was on block 3 and the group now was really tired. They were before, but now they're at their limit.

'' Jonathan, how about we go sleep?'' Eve said.

'' No problem. Tomorrow the first thing we will do is search inside Block 3. Then I will finally be able to sleep well.'' Then Jonathan remembered something, '' See guys? Imagine if we left block 2 unsearched and those zombies escaped. We would be screwed!''

'' Yeah, yeah.'' Nathanael ignored Jonathan.

'' Hey!''

After a little bit of banter with Nathanael, Jonathan, and the group entered block 1. They went directly to bed and slept.


The group ate their breakfast and the first thing they did was go directly to Block 3. The path to Block 3 was clear and the rolling door, identical to the one that led the path from Block 1 to Block 2, was also opened.

The path was clear, with no blood on the ground or corpse around. '' Guys, I think we are lucky. I doubt there will be zombies inside.'' Jonathan was quite confident in that.

'' What about humans?'' Nathanael asked.

'' That... I don't know. But if there are, we will deal with them. No mercy this time.''

Jonathan tried to retain his sanity and not kill any prisoner on sight, but the experience last time changed his mind, '' This time we will send them out of the prison, no more living in another block. If they don't comply... we kill them.''

When Jonathan finished speaking, no one said anything. It could be that they also think this is the logical option or they're trying to cope with the fact that they would have to kill someone again. Of course, they could feel bad for some time, but they knew that mercy was a privilege they couldn't give to others.

The group continued forward, passing the small courtyard, and arrived at the door that gave access to Block 3. Jonathan tried the doorknob and it was open, '' Let's do the same formation again!''


Different from Block 1 and Block 2, the group was lucky in Block 3. No zombies or humans and they found the director's office fairly quickly.

Block 3 also had no eletrecity.

And now, Jonathan and the rest of the group were inside the director's office. Before they entered the room was tidy. Now, there were papers scattered across the entire floor.

'' Anyone found anything?'' Jonathan was searching for some paper on the director's table. The rest was doing the same but in other parts of the office.

'' No. We found some keys that might open the watchtowers and some others places, but we can't find the location of the generator.'' Samantha was also looking around but found nothing regarding the thing they wanted.

Nathanael was trying to crack the director's computer but so far with no success. Eve was also helping.

They were searching for a good couple of minutes, with no luck. Just when Jonathan was about to give up, he remembered his cheat, ' Let's see if I can find anything that might help open the director's computer.'

As Jonathan was more preoccupied with searching for things regarding his and his group survival, he almost didn't search the others areas of the SHOP. Of course, he might have passed his eyes on the area of the SHOP, but he didn't search extensively.

After 3 minutes of searching the SHOP, Jonathan found an area that might help. It was labeled as COMPUTER.

Jonathan instantly clicked on it. ' Let's see...'

It had batteries, mouses, HD, and many other things. If this was before the apocalypse, Jonathan would make a feast buying all, but now it is almost irrelevant.

' FOUND IT!' Jonathan found what he was looking for. It was a USB. The description said it would crack any password in the world, on any device.

The price was following the value of a such thing, ' 10M! What the hell...'

Mind you, 10M was the same price as a shield made of titanium, which would protect you from almost any bullets out there.

Sighing, Jonathan bought the USB and went near Nathanael, '' Here, use this.''

Nathanael received the USB with a puzzled look, '' What do you want me to do with this?''

''It's a cracker. Plug it in and it should do the trick and open the computed.''

Nathanael was dumbfounded for a few seconds but quickly recovered, '' At this point, I'm not even shocked, just a little surprised.''

Plugin in the USB, Nathanael watched in amazement as the computer opened up, '' ... I'm in.''

Eve and Samantha joined Jonathan as they all went beside Nathaal and watched as he opened all files.

When he opened one called PERSONAL, they all thought it would be something related to the prison, but they were wrong. It was porn.

Nathanael quickly closed the files and continued the search as if nothing happened. Eve was the only one who blushed a little bit.

After a few more minutes, they found what they were looking for: The location of the generator!

'' Found it!'' Nathanael was quite pleased with this. They would now enjoy some luxuries, like TV and such.

'' Let's see where it is...'' Jonathan urged Nathanael to see the location and he did.

'' It says it's on ... Block 1? The hell!?'' Nathanael was surprised by this.

Eve quickly noticed something, '' It seems there's a basement on Block 1, which we didn't find.''

The entrance was very hidden, so it was normal the group didn't find it.

'' It powers all 3 blocks?'' Samantha asked.

'' Let me check something...'' Feeling that his mom's concerns were justified, Nathanal looked some more and found out it was the only generator.

'' Yes, mom. It's only one generator.''

'' It says what type?'' This was something Jonathan wanted to know the most.

Nathanael quickly looked at the file again. When he looked at Jonathan again, he was smiling like a madman, '' It's moved by gasoline!''

Everyone in the group had the same reaction as Nathanael. They all knew they had an unlimited supply of gas, thanks to Jonathan.

Jonathan felt he could finally relax now, seeing as he had the layouts of all blocks and all hidden places.

'' Now what?'' Eve asked with expectation in her voice. It was the first time Jonathan heard such a tone since Nathan died.

Jonathan looked at his group, '' We now live!''

Next chapter we will have a small time skip.

As always, thanks for the Support!

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