
C01: Zombie Killer [01]

A lone adolescent traveling alone across the streets. He moved without fear, his katana on his back. He was dressed casually in a white hoodie, blue pants, and a baseball cap.

An aura of arrogance and pride surrounded him. Indifference was written all over his face. Each stride he took drew unwanted attention to himself.

Ten walkers headed for the man walking alone. A perfect prey... or so they thought.


A walker just a few metres away from him headed straight for the easy kill.



The zombie's head thudded to the ground with a slice that seemed to cut even the air. His blade was covered in blood, yet that was not the end.

Without hesitation, the remaining nine went straight for the lone person.

"So annoying."

If the walkers weren't brainless and could sense fear, they would have recognized the danger of the man's katana.

The man kicked it in the upper body and sliced a walker through its torso. The top body flew towards the two walkers behind him. The two walkers collapsing on the ground.


Rushing at two more approaching walkers, he slashes both of their heads off with a single slash. The bodies were about to fall on him, but he takes a step back before it happens.


He yelled at the three on the ground walkers.

He effortlessly finishes the three walkers on the ground.

"Four left."

He turned his back on the four walkers approaching him. He raises his katana, pulls it back, and tosses it at them.


He quickly dispatches two more walkers with a head kill.

The remaining two walkers were on their way to the individual. His katana had been entangled with the dead walker. How could he possibly win now?

"Time for some hand-to-hand!"

He clenched his fists and smacked the walker across the jaw. The walker's jaw had been dislocated. He kicked him on the temples after the first jab.

The walker collapsed, and the individual smashed its head with his foot.

The final walker swooped down on him. He seized both of the walker's hands and placed his foot on his chest. He pulls on the walker's hand, and it falls off.

The walker had fallen, but it was not yet dead. The person's right foot became caught inside the walker's chest, but he crushed the walker's head with his left foot.

"I just fought many people's nightmares so easily. F*cking proud of myself!"

The whole road was filled with blood of the recent battle. If any survivor saw this, he wouldn't be able to decide that who was a monster?

The sound of the fight could attract more walkers.

"Hundreds of them are trouble for even me. I gotta head off."

He pulled his katana and jumped over a wall to search the building he was looking for.


Some minutes later.

Walking near a two-story house, I saw a person approaching a garbage throwing place where a cardboard was left.

"Here goes nothing."

I ran like my life depended upon it. I jumped and pulled my katana up. Like a knife cutting butter, it went through the cardboard and also killing the walker hidden beneath it.


The person whom I just saved, took out a gun from his back pocket and pointed it at me.

He glanced at the walker which I had just cut, but he shook his head and with anger, looked at me.

"Drop your weapon."-Lee

"Look here I don't wann-"


He shot a warning shot on the ground near my foot.


"*Sigh* And I thought it would go in a better way."

"What are you-"-Lee

Grabbing his gun, I tried to snatch it from his hands but he was not letting go.



Two empty shots were fired in the sky. Headbutting him on his face and pushing him, I managed to take the gun from him.

"The walkers probably heard it."

"What the f*ck!? There were gunshots here!"-Kenny


Kenny, Omid and Christa approached us. Taking a glance at the situation, Kenny aimed his gun at me.

"Don't move sonuvab*itch!"-Kenny

"Was he the one stalking us earlier?"-Christa

Omid looked at the situation with his eyes wide opened.

"We should all calm down!"-Omid

Wrapping my one hand around Lee's neck, I used him as a shield so that Kenny wouldn't shoot.

"Put that back."

Gritting his teeth in anger for some seconds, Kenny looked at Lee.

"Don't do it! He might kill him!"-Christa

"He has Lee!"-Omid

Lee nodded as he looked at Kenny. Kenny put his gun back in his pocket.

"Leave him now."-Kenny

"First listen to me..."

I said as I picked my katana up while having one of my hands wrapped around Lee's neck.

"You want to save Clementine, right?"

"What happened to Clementine!?"-Christa

"You really were the one stalking us! And you kidnapped Clementine!?"-Kenny


Kenny looked at me with anger. I could tell that he wanted to punch me badly.

"Where is Clementine? Tell me!"-Lee

Lee tried to break through my grab but he was weaker than me.


About thirty walkers, started to come in our direction. The road was filled with them. There was probably more.

"Let's head inside and don't shoot. I want to be your ally and not your enemy. I am not the one who took Clementine but I know where she is."

I had planned this through. Currently, they had no leads on finding Clementine. I was their only hope.

"DON'T BELIEVE HIM LEE! He might be one of them!"-Kenny

"He is our only lead on finding Clem!"-Omid

After looking at the walkers nearing us, Lee looked at the others.

"I believe you. Tell me where is Clementine?"-Lee

...As I thought.

"As you say, Lee."- Kenny said.

Kenny looked a little disappointed but he still agreed. He took out his gun from his backpocket and aimed at the walkers almost reaching us.



Kenny shot the two walkers as we headed inside the building.

"Okay. First of all, we'll head to the storeroom at the top. Don't waste ammo."