
Chapter 3

****TESSA'S POV****

As the doorbell of the restaurant chimed, my curiosity got the best of me, compelling me to check who had just walked in to the restaurant. my steps carried me out of the kitchen area to the dining area, in the entrance if the restaurant stood a captivating figure. He appeared to be around my age, or perhaps slightly older, his presence exuding a magnetic charm that drew me in.

I found myself momentarily lost in his golden brown eyes, which seemed to penetrate the depths of my soul, leaving me feeling vulnerable. Those eyes held a mesmerizing allure that threatened to engulf me completely.

I couldn't help but notice the delicate yet resilient quality of his skin, and my  imagination wandered to thoughts of resting my head on his broad chest, my heart yearning for the comfort it might find there.

The sculpted muscles beneath his shirt were impossible to ignore, the fabric clinging to them in a way that accentuated their perfection. His wavy hair, impeccably styled with just the right amount of gel, framed his handsome face like a work of art.

A warm, heart-melting smile graced his lips, momentarily stealing my breath. In that instant, I realized I was utterly captivated by this person, though I struggled to find words to describe the depth of my feelings. "I don't know much about falling for someone," I thought to myself, "but I think I might have just displayed it."

"ah-emm" suddenly, a clearing of the throat disrupted my reverie, pulling me back to reality.

"Tessa aren't you gonna attend to him" Jane said.

"oh! Of course" I grabbed a tray and I walked over to him as he sits at a table.

"Hi, my name is Teresa and I'll be taking your order" I smiled as my heart began to pound faster.

"Hi Teresa" he smiled so warmly at me.

As he flashed that heartwarming smile in my direction, a flutter of nervous excitement washed over me, and I felt an unexpected loss of control over my own eyelids. They betrayed me, blinking rapidly as if trying to keep up with the racing beat of my heart. I willed myself to regain composure, desperately hoping he hadn't noticed my momentary lapse.

With a deep breath, I managed to rein in my unruly eyelids, their fluttering gradually subsiding. But, to my chagrin, I couldn't suppress a small, involuntary smile that tugged at my lips when he casually inquired, "Is there something wrong with your eye?" I shook my head, my cheeks flushing with embarrassment, and mustered a polite response.

Summoning every ounce of composure, I asked, "Is there anything I can get for you?" I said as I made gesture for him to check the menu on the table.

"hmmmmm I can't decide" he looked at me "how about you help me choose, any recommendations Tess?"

"certainly sir" I beemed with joy "what do you feel like eating"

"pastries I guess"

"hmmm ok, how about the New York cheesecake" I suggested

"doesn't that take hours to make" he asked

"yeah it does but we have ready made once" I said as I placed the menu on the table.

"okay I'll go with what you chose Tess" he looked into my eyes and smiled

"Do you want a whole cheesecake, mini cheesecake, or cheesecake bars"

"mini cheesecake"

"coming right up" I said as I headed to the kitchen. His request for an order came as both a relief and a new source of nervous anticipation, as I now had a reason to linger a bit longer in his presence.

I hurried straight to the bustling kitchen, the familiar clatter of dishes and the scent of freshly baked pastries enveloping me. "Lopez, I need one mini cheesecake," I requested, my voice tinged with a sense of urgency.

"Coming up," he replied, a seasoned smile gracing his face. With practiced ease, he retrieved a petite cheesecake from the well-lit showcase and placed it gently on the tray I held.

"Your cheesecake," I offered with a polite nod. "If you need anything, I'll be right over there." I gestured to a nearby table, then added the obligatory, "Enjoy your meal."

"Tess, eat with me," he unexpectedly proposed, his words catching me off guard.

"What!" I stammered, a flicker of surprise in my eyes.

"I mean, you helped me choose this. Why don't we eat it together?" he clarified, his gaze warm and inviting.

I hesitated, momentarily taken aback by the offer. "No, I'm good," I declined, my voice softer than intended.

"Have you had one of these before?" he inquired, curiosity dancing in his eyes.

"No, I haven't," I replied honestly, my uncertainty momentarily giving way to a sense of intrigue.

"Okay, then," he said with a slight, enigmatic smile.

Walking away from him, my heart raced with a mixture of emotions. I couldn't help but wonder what had prompted his sudden invitation, and my thoughts swirled with questions, leaving me to navigate the intricate maze of my feelings.

As he finished his meal, he beckoned me over with a subtle gesture, and I hurried to his table, a faint flutter of anticipation dancing in my chest. "Okay, your bill is $10, sir," I informed him, my voice warm and professional.

"Here's my credit card," he said, extending the plastic rectangle toward me. I deftly collected it from him and, with practiced ease, swiped it through the machine, waiting for the transaction to process.

"Here's your card, sir. Do have a nice day, and we hope you continue to patronize us," I offered with a friendly smile, handing back his card.

As I turned to leave, his hand caught mine, causing me to pause and wonder what was about to transpire. "Tess, hold on," he said, his tone softening.

I stopped, curiosity piqued, and watched as he produced something from his pocket. "Here's a tip. This is all the change I have, Tess. Sorry, it's not much," he admitted, extending a $20 bucks toward me.

"Oh my God! No, this is too much," I protested, feeling overwhelmed by his generosity. "I can't accept it, $20 bucks? Jeez, no."

Despite my attempts to decline, he managed to gently place the bill on the table, insisting in his own way. I stood there, conflicted, but eventually, I had to concede and accept his kind gesture.

"Bye, Tess," he waved at me with a warm smile, and I watched him as he left the restaurant.

I couldn't help but smile as I pocketed the unexpected tip, a mix of gratitude and surprise washing over me. As I cleared the table, I couldn't shake the feeling that this encounter had left an indelible mark on our connection, however fleeting it may have seemed.

"Oh my, he's cool" I thought to myself as I squeezed the money into my apron.


After a long evening of serving both the rude and charming guests, exhaustion had settled in, and all I craved was the solace of home. As I began packing my bags, "hello" Jane's voice startled me from behind. A mischievous grin on her face. Tracy joined in with a sly smile.

"ouuuu, it's Tessa," Tracy said, her tone dripping with intrigue.

"I heard you have a crush on one of our customers," Supriya teased, her laughter bubbling.

"Oh, our Tessa is all grown up," Jane added, her voice playful, almost childlike. I couldn't let their baseless rumors spread.

"You should all stop this," I asserted firmly. "I don't have a crush on anyone."

"But the way you guys stare at each other, it was so intense," Jane began, and I interrupted her.

"Jane, it's not right to spread rumors based on your own imaginations," I lectured, my voice rising.

"Oh my, stop yelling, Tessa," Jane quipped.

"I'm off," I declared, determined to escape their gossip. Priya protested.

"Oh damn, here you go again, the crazy one. Spare some time for us" she yelled after me.

I firmly declined, "No thanks,' and without further ado, I fled the scene".

As I made my escape, Jane's voice trailed after me, "I've prepared the leftover spices on the kitchen slab; don't forget to take them."

With a hurried "Ok, bye," I vanished into the night, eager to leave behind the evening's chaos and uncertainty.

I bid the rest of my colleagues farewell as I escaped the restaurant.


As I walked through the front door, the weight of the day bore down on me. Dropping my bag onto the couch, my mother's concerned voice cut through the air, "What's wrong, dear?"

I replied with a forced smile, "Nothing, Mom, I'm just really stressed out." She offered me a leg massage, and I couldn't refuse.

With soothing ointment in her hands, my mother's expert fingers began to work their magic. I couldn't help but let out a satisfied moan. "Ouuuu, a little lower, Mom," I squeaked.

"Did you have a tough day?" she asked.

"Yes, Mom, you can trust me on that," I assured her.

As my mother continued to massage my legs, my dad entered the room. He questioned my position on my mother's lap, and I quickly explained, "Dad, Mom offered. I promise I'm not becoming lazy."

He seemed to accept my explanation, bidding me to eat before bed. "Good night, Dad," I managed to smile, masking my true feelings about him.

Truth be told, I couldn't stand my dad's harsh and temperamental demeanor. He never seemed to listen to me and always wanted things his way. I secretly wished he'd find a job that would take him far away from home.

"Mom, I'm going to bed," I announced after a yawn.

"No, eat first. I'll go get your food," she replied, thanking me for the spices.

"Okay, Mom," I smiled.

I began eating alone in the eerie silence, the sound of my chewing the only noise in the room. Loneliness crept in, and I hurriedly finished my meal to retreat to my room.

After clearing the table, I crawled under my bedsheets, my thoughts drifting to the charming young man I had encountered earlier that day. "I hope I see him again," I whispered to myself. "Even if I do, I'd be too shy to look at him, let alone say a word."

As I continued daydreaming about my mystery man, a piercing scream shattered the tranquility. I bolted out of bed and rushed to my parents' room.

"What's wrong, Mom?" I gasped.

"Your dad is having an asthma attack, and I can't find his inhaler," Mom cried.

"Don't worry, Mom. I'll check where I kept his spare ones," I assured her.

Frantically searching through drawers, my heart pounded as I couldn't find anything. Panic set in, and tears streamed down my face. I was consumed by the thought of what could happen if I didn't find an inhaler in time.

Amidst my desperation, I scoured through a basket of abandoned shorts. At the bottom, I felt something, and I grasped it tightly.

"The inhaler! I found the inhaler!" I shouted as I rushed back to my parents' room.

I handed it to Mom, and she administered it to Dad, who gradually stabilized. Relief washed over me.

"Go back to bed, Teresa," Mom said, with gratitude in her eyes. "Thank God you came in time."

"I'm not going anywhere, Mom. I'll stay here with Dad and you," I smiled and replied, feeling the need to offer comfort.

"Go to bed, Teresa. Don't worry about your dad; he's stable already. You have a lot of work for tomorrow," Mom lectured, her maternal concern evident.

I couldn't help but acknowledge the truth in her words. "That's true," I conceded with a sigh.

Reluctantly, I left their room, making my way to my own. My footsteps seemed heavy as I collapsed onto my bed. Fatigue washed over me like a tidal wave, and I found myself sinking into a deep slumber almost instantly.

As I lay there, sleep enveloped me, and my consciousness drifted away.


Teresa lay in her bed, drifting into a restless slumber. She had always been a light sleeper, and that night was no exception. As she fell deeper into her sleep, she felt a looming presence above her, and a shiver ran down her spine. Slowly, she opened her eyes, half-expecting it to be a mere illusion, a figment of her imagination.

But as her eyes adjusted to the dim light, the horrifying reality unfolded before her. Standing menacingly at her bedside was the last person she expected to see in her room at this hour—Andrea, her boss's son. His face was contorted with a malevolent glare, and he smiled with a wicked intent that sent a shiver down her spine.

Teresa recoiled in terror, inching backward until her back met the cold, unforgiving wall of her bedroom. Andrea leaned in closer, his expression an eerie mixture of hatred and satisfaction.

"Please stay away from me. What do you want?" Teresa's voice trembled as she spoke, her eyes wide with fear.

"You deserve to be punished," Andrea hissed, a devilish grin spreading across his face. The ominous words hung heavily in the air, and Teresa's heart raced with dread. She tried to scream, but Andrea forcefully covered her mouth with his palm.

Summoning every ounce of courage, Teresa bit down on his hand and wriggled free. In a frantic frenzy, she bolted from her room, racing down the hallway toward her parents' bedroom, desperately seeking refuge and safety. "Mom! Dad!" she yelled, her voice quivering in terror. But to her shock and dismay, the room was empty, devoid of any sign of her parents. She was alone in the house with Andrea, a nightmare she couldn't fathom.

With trembling hands, she retreated and concealed herself behind the living room sofa, hoping to evade Andrea's relentless pursuit. Her breath came in ragged, erratic gasps, but despite her best efforts to remain hidden, her panicked breathing betrayed her location.

"Andrea... where are you, girl?" he called out, his menacing voice echoing through the house. "Come out, come out, wherever you are."

Teresa clamped a hand over her mouth, doing her best to stifle the thunderous pounding of her heart. It was a futile endeavor, as her hiding place was eventually discovered. Andrea swiftly closed in on her, his grip firm as he grabbed her hair, yanking her upright. The terror was palpable as he raised his hand, poised to strike.

In her desperation, Teresa let out a piercing scream that reverberated through the house. And then, just like that, she awoke, her room bathed in the soft glow of dawn's early light.

"Oh, it was just a dream. Thank you, Lord," she exhaled in relief, beads of sweat glistening on her forehead. She rose from her bed and switched on the lights, struggling to steady her breathing. She glanced at the wall clock; it was a mere 2 a.m., and the world outside was still cloaked in the shroud of midnight.

Teresa couldn't wait for the morning to come. The mere thought of the nightmare involving Andrea sent a chill down her spine, and she couldn't shake the fear that had taken hold of her.

Unable to return to sleep, she decided to fill her time with chores. The clinking of dishes in the kitchen and the meticulous arrangement of the living room helped to pass the time. Yet, when she checked the clock once more, it had barely been half an hour since she'd started.

Sighing in resignation, she returned to her room. "I guess I might as well work out instead," she muttered. Determined to banish her fears and weariness, she began her fitness routine, executing each step with unwavering dedication. An hour later, exhausted but fulfilled, she collapsed onto her bed, finally surrendering to the embrace of sleep.