

>a baby was kept in front of a Kids hospital inside of an obviously expensive baby roller with a 20 million dollar cheque, it was morning and.the hospital was being opened and luckily the baby boy was found and taken into the.hospital aside the cheque there.was also a letter probably from the baby's parent's, His name is Michael and he is 8 months he is a sick child and we can't keep him a cheques of 20 million dollar was kept in the roller meant for his hospital bills until it.runs out he has a hole in his heart and is with the genotype of SC he needs his blood changed for new ones every week he has cancer and needs extreme care and attentive to which we can't offer and we are hoping.you can might have some.other issues within him we don't know of yet but as time goes on you might dig them out take care of our baby cause we might never come back.

Micheal was taken good care of at the hospital but seemed to be a strange kid always on his own

own speaking and murmuring to himself he only spoke in complete sentences once in a blue moon never mingled with kids his age at age 5 he was the weirdest kid around.

it's the end of visiting day andmany of the kids were excited to see their parents after months of being isolated for treatment some couldn't sleep the last night excited to finally see their parents even though it was all over they couldn't stop talking about their time with their parents. a therapist was assigned to a kid and she couldn't help but smile at all the 3-5 years old but there was this kid who seemed to not be interested in any of the conversations going on yeah it was Micheal she decided to move closer, sat on the chair by his table " hey what's your name " but instead of talking he wrote his name with a set of alphabet boxes " Your name is Michael" she asked as he nodded " you enjoyed visiting day" he no nodded his head to a no "your parents didn't come" he nodded to a yes " why?" and finally he spoke " I haven't got any " he finally looked up and she.saw his big blue eyes and long black lashes he was such a cute little kid the nurse kid ' have you got any friends " " no" " are you Micheal Leisher " " yes " " well i was assigned to you as a special Therapist so could we be friends"." I'll think about it all lot of people want to be friend but I just don't let them " " Really ?" she asked playfully " yeah and you should have have asked in advance I'd then have a month to think about it" " it takes that long to be your friend" " yeah " " why ? " cause I'm special" " you are indeed ". For a 36 year old lady without a child and a six 3yr old without parents ADOPTION