
The Void Doulou: Reincarnated in Soul Land with Six Eyes and Limitless

//Do not read this, I suggest reading the rewritten version. It has the same title as this fanfic A man died during his graduation. But I wonder if you can guess on how he died.   When he woke up, he met a God. God made a mistake so he gave the man an offer.   This is a story about a man who got reincarnated in his favorite novel, "Soul Land".   Soul land 1 Soul land Doulou Dalu 1 Doulou Dalu

Lyzide · แอคชั่น
5 Chs

God's Offer

In the realm beyond time and space. A soul slowly flew and got hold by some sort of a divine being.

The man looked unparalleled in appearance, and was majestic.

The radiant being spoke in a voice that resonated like a chorus of celestial harmonies, "Zendesk, I apologize for the unexpected turn of events. It seems I made a grave error, and I am truly sorry for the harm that has befallen you."

Zendesk, still dazed and bewildered, managed to stammer, "Who... who are you?"

"I am a deity," the being replied, its presence filling the square with an overwhelming sense of divinity. "And in my divine realm, I oversee the balance of all things. It was a momentary lapse in my attention that led to this unfortunate accident..... Thus, I accidentally spawn a large rock above you."

Zendesk's audacious spirit, even in the face of a god, couldn't be contained. "So, you dropped a massive rock on me by accident?"

The deity nodded, its radiant form shimmering with contrition. "Yes, and for-" Zendesk cut his speech off. "F*ck you!" He said while pointing his middle finger to the divine.

The divine smiled and said, "Ehem, I did have an offer for you but it seems you don't want it. Now, prepare yourself to meet Yama." 

"What???" Zendesk was shocked and screamed. He immediately turn into a good man as he kowtow and said, "O' the divine, please accept my apologies and tell me your offer." 

The divine was amused on his shamelessness, "You're truly shameless".

Zendesk immediately responded, "Yes, I am, my lord." 

"That's great that you know. I offer you a choice, Zendesk, you can either return to your previous life, or I can grant you a new one, with powers and abilities beyond your wildest dreams. The choice is yours."

Oliver contemplated the offer, his shameless nature piqued by the prospect of wielding extraordinary powers. He looked around at the divine realm and saw beautiful sight and got interested on living a world far from technology. He imagined the opportunities, the adventures, and the legends he could create with such powers. 

With a grin that was pure Zendesk he said, "I'll take the second option. But make sure you don't drop any more rocks on me this time."

The divine replied, "Sure, but I ask you, where do you want to be reincarnated to?"

Zendesk with his shamelessness run nearby the divine with excitement "What I can choose which world I'll be in?"

"Yes, you can." The divine replied amused again by Zendesk's shamelessness.

"Then I want to reincarnate in a novel. That novel is called, "Soul Land." He replied.

"I see then, before I'll reincarnate you, choose a trait, a technique, and your martial soul. Remember, it's okay to be shameless, but do not be greedy." The divine said.

Zendesk nodded and began to scroll on a mobile-like system. As the time passed.

The deity chuckled by Zendesk's choices, and with a wave of its hand, a brilliant light enveloped Oliver. In that moment, he was reborn, not as the carefree troublemaker he had been, but as something entirely new—an individual with the potential to shape the world in ways he had never imagined.

To think I wrote this instead of studying, ahhhhh. This is the last chapter for now, I have to study for our prelim exam which is going to happen tomorrow. Eyebags, here I come!

Lyzidecreators' thoughts