
The Vita Arcanum: Short Stories Of Reality And Wonder

Life is a cascade of stories, some so simple they speak and relate to you, and other so wondrous they can only be birthed from the minds of the most daring. This is a yearning for adventure and a pinning for love, a taste of revenge and the consequences it sows. Fantasy, reality, love, hatred, all of this and so much more I would show, as we explore the pages of the Vita Arcanum.

Mother_of_Lions · สมัยใหม่
8 Chs

The Promise IV

(Next day at school)

Michael: "Leo what's up? I didn't see you in school yesterday are you okay?"

Leo: "Yes I am, so did you guys have fun without me?"

Michael: "No! You were not around and school felt really boring man."

Leo: "Oh am really sorry I wasn't feeling too well so I had to stay back home, and where is Kelvin if I may ask?"

Michael: "Well Kelvin made a new friend yesterday, her name is Ruth."

Leo: "Ruth?"

Michael: "Yes Ruth do you know her?"

Leo: "I haven't seen her, so I don't think I do. Also what sort of name is Ruth, it's not even fancy at all. Is she pretty? why on Earth will you allow our friend to make such a mistake aren't we enough for him?"

Michael: "Leo not again. Don't tell me you are jealous of Kelvin."

Leo: "God forbid why should I, haven't even seen the girl yet and you think am jealous of my best friend?"

Michael: "no, you are jealous, I can hear it from your tone of voice."

Leo: "What? Are you kidding me! Who does that."

Michael: "You!"

(Michael walks away)

Leo: "Hey don't go anywhere am still talking to you asshole."

(Kelvin approaches)

Kelvin: "Leo where are you going to and why were you not in school yesterday?"

Leo: "Hey man what's up? I wasn't feeling too well that's why."

Kelvin: "So how do you feel now? I was so worried about you dude. School was so boring without you in it."

Leo: "Yeah I know. I heard you made a new friend yesterday."

Kelvin: "Oh that's true but wait who told you that? It was Michael right?"

Leo: "It doesn't matter, so tell me about her."

Kelvin: "Well she's pretty and very nice, her name is Ruth. And she's Anna's close friend I like her and I think she likes me too."

Leo: "Like seriously!!!"

Kelvin: "Yeah man am serious and I think I will finally be happy having someone in my life."

Leo: "What! Then what are my to you and what is Michael to you because I don't understand you being happy to have someone in your life? Aren't you happy we're in your life?"

Kelvin: "That's not what I'm saying and it's not what I meant man."

Leo: "Am so disappointed in you. I can't believe this at all. So you were just using us to cover up your loneliness right?"

Kelvin: "Look Leo do not put words In my mouth and you are taking this simple thing too far. it's not supposed to be a problem to you or Michael I expect you both to be happy for me but this is what I get?"

Leo: "Wait what do you think you are doing acting like the good guy? I never expected this from you and I'm now the bad person?"

Kelvin: "Let's forget this please and talk about something else."

Leo: "You are still acting as if you didn't do anything wrong, that's what hurt the most."

Kelvin: "I don't get why I should be acting as if something is wrong. Did I do anything wrong? answer my question?

Leo: "Are you raising your voice at me, so it's because of that girl right?"

Kelvin: "For God's sake Leo why are you like these, why are you making things complicated for both you and I why?"

Leo: "just forget it, see you later."

Kelvin: "Leo."

Leo: "What!"

Kelvin: "You have changed. What is going on man are you okay is something bothering you please talk to me."

Leo: "See you later, let's not talk about this again."

Kelvin: "Hmm..."

(Kelvin talking to himself)

Kelvin: "What is going on with Leo? why was he so rude. He has no heart at all, just look at the way he was talking to me."

Anna: "Hey why are you talking to yourself all alone, is something wrong?"

Kelvin: "Jesus Christ you scared me."

(Anna laughed)

Anna: "Why were you scared I just asked a question."

Kelvin: "Am sorry Anna I wasn't expecting you'll be here."

Anna: "How are you today, I think I over heard you talking to your self is something wrong, you look like a lost puppy."

Kelvin: "Not really it's just stress and how are you doing too."

Anna: "I'm doing fine I was actually looking for you Kelvin but thank God I found you."

Kelvin: "Okay? Hope I didn't do anything wrong?"

Anna: "Not at all is just that I couldn't find Ruth I saw her this morning and I was trying to talk to her, but I couldn't reach her."

Kelvin: "Well I haven't seen her too but why are you asking me instead?"

Anna: "Because I notice you both like each other or are my wrong? she wasn't in class and I thought she will be with you, but it's obvious she's not here either sorry for the inconvenience."

Kelvin: "It's nothing. In case I do set my eyes on her, I will tell her you have been looking for her."

Anna: "Alright thanks alot I really appreciate Kelvin, see you later then."

Kelvin: "Bye Anna."

(Anna talking to herself)

Anna: "Hmm... His really cool I think I like him Ruth should be really grateful Because she's lucky to have a nice guy."

Louisa: "Anna, Anna, Anna. Hey!"

Anna: "Oh sorry Louisa what's up."

Louisa: "I have been calling out to you for over a minute! why are you talking to yourself?"

Anna: "I wasn't talking to myself I'm looking for Ruth and I don't know where she is."

Louisa: "Why are you looking for her is something wrong and since when have you started caring about Ruth and her whereabouts?"

Anna: "You won't understand so where are you coming from."

Louisa: "Are you kidding me? we are not changing the topic, and you have to tell me what's going on here?"

Anna: "For God sake Louisa I have nothing to hide and nothing to tell you. if there's something I will definitely tell you, we're best friends aren't we?"

Louisa: "Alright go to the school library you will find her there. Well have a nice day."

Anna: "Oh come on let's not do this now and seriously! am not hiding anything from you and she's not even my friend. They only friends I have are just you and Kireina and that's enough."

Louisa: "Don't even talk to me, I don't even Know why am here listening to you."

Anna: "Come on babe don't walk away like that Louisa! Louisa!! Louisa!!!"

Louisa: "I don't blame her, we're the ones playing the fools. she thinks we don't know she's keeping a secret friend aside from us."

(Anna already in the library)

Anna: "Ruth!"

Ruth: "Anna! what are you doing here?

Anna: "I came looking for you Louisa told me she saw you here earlier. Ruth I'm here to talk to you."

Ruth: "Alright but are you sure you are okay?"

Anna: "Well I am, so why were you not in class? but you are in school, what's going on, I hope it's not what am thinking?"

Ruth: "What are you thinking? Look there's nothing happening I'm okay, I just didn't want to go to that math teacher's class."

Anna: "Are you kidding me did he do anything wrong to you because I can't wrap my head around this whole issue."

Ruth: "Anna can you stop worrying about me?"

Anna: "And why should I stop worrying about you?"

Ruth: "Because it won't take us anywhere at all."

Anna: "Good! then something is wrong because it's way too obvious. You don't need to hide it anymore I'm all ears."

Ruth: "Anna is just that your friends threatened me yesterday to stay away from you and that I don't deserve you not for one bit."

Anna: "Wait! you mean Louisa and Kireina!"

Ruth: "Yes it was a very terrible experience for me,that's why I couldn't come to class so they won't see us talking again."

Anna: "So you were avoiding me through out today because of those useless girls! I'm so disappointed in you. Well have a nice day."

Ruth: "Anna please wait don't go just like that! I know you are upset but please calm down. Look you need to understand me, I wasn't avoiding you at all."

Anna: "I can't believe they could do this. Louisa acted as if nothing happened or were they thinking you weren't going to tell me; because I still don't understand why the would do such thing to you, it's wrong."

Ruth: "I'm sorry Anna."

Anna: "Just forget it, I heard everything you just said we still have English next period and I'm on my way now, so make sure you are also in class, or we'll both be having a very different conversation.

Ruth: "Alright thanks you are the best."

Anna: "I will teach them a lesson they will never forget in the entirety of their lives."

Ruth: "Please don't do anything stupid, just calm your mind down okay."

Anna: "Don't worry I know what to do to them. And I'm not surprised; Mrs Jane warned me about them but I didn't listen. I was still covering for them even when everyone else saw something else well now I see the kind of influence they are in my life. They were never my friends, they say show me your friends and I will tell you who you are. I'm done being measured by the same yard stick as Kireina and Louisa."