
The Visit

Annabelle stood in front of the full length mirror admiring her reflection. She was beautiful .She had this glow that radiated from her dark skin,her tall frame and slender body fitting well in her Kitenge gown. She had curves, alittle,Just what a girl needs.

Smiling wickedly at herself,she smoothen the sides of her dress. She was like an African goddess, thanks to her ancestors,who were known to be beautiful and graceful.

She looked at the clock that was on her bed side table and gave a defeated sigh. It was time.

Meeting her father again after ten years was harder than she thought. She wasn't ready to visit a chapter she had long ago closed. She believed in moving on and turning a new page when the one you on isn't serving you right. For her a new name,new city,new career had helped in the process of stiching the broken pieces. She was a wonded bird that fitted well in the chaos of the city, her Royal identify hidden under her sleeves. She started from the bottom, an experience that taught her how humbling life was.

Things were different now,she had her own empire. The Grand hotel. One of the best hotels that provided traditional food in the city.It was her pride, she had worked hard to built it to what it was now, having started from a small cafe. Her passion for food and nutrition got her on a journey of experimenting different types of dishes people enjoyed, and coming up with her own recipes.

She was respected in the town and everyone loved her. They called her Annabelle. A name she had come to love.

Walking down the spiral staircase,she searched across the room for the figure she didn't want to see,but there he was. A man who seemed to speak royalty just with his appearance.His head was full of white hair.He was in full Zina royal attire. A long blue robe made of tunic,a golden crown that had three feathers popping on his head ,a tiger skin on his shoulders, a symbol of bravery and a traditional scepter called the Ofuleni in Zina.

Annabelle looked at her father from where she was.He had grown old over the years, she thought.With him there were two Zina warriors who stood like robots on both of his sides with swords in their hands, two elders from the royal council . All of them were in deep thoughts. So it seemed. Annabelle smiled to herself and cleared her throat to announce her presence.

Her father stood up as she was descending the last stair. She walked majestically towards him,with her head held high,she was the queen of her own home. And this people had visited her at her home, so she owned the parade. From the way she walked one could tell she was proud of what she had accomplished.

"Welcome to my humble home Your royal highness. It's a pleasure to have you parade like this in my home, with your men,..," she smirked then continued when her dad said nothing .."Did you have to bring the whole kingdom !Huh!how does it feel?"Annabelle said with a crossed look.

"Terrific. The black sheep is doing well for herself. Good house,"he said looking a round with a disgusted look ,"but not like my palace."King Zawanga's attitude made Annabelle happy. She didn't expect her father to be nice to her either. They were enemies,and this was known by everyone in Zina Kingdom. The king and his youngest daughter do not see eye to eye. She was a rebel. An outcast to the land. An embarrassment.

"It's a shame you have to parade like that,in a lesser home to your palace to come and get an "outcast" to your home... I had ruins is all your are fore...."

"Silence!"her father shouted ,making Annabelle go mute. She knew her father too well not to disobey his orders. But she was a new person now,she was Annabelle.

"You are at loss now father. Look at this men you call your subjects, you will forever be a disspointment to them." She let out a small laugh before sitting on her favourite chair in the living room. The weather outside was warm,and inviting for a beach stroll. Her boyfriend Danny,would soon arrive to pick her up for the picnic they planned two weeks ago. She was a busy lady,and today she wanted to enjoy her day off work.

King Zawanga was fuming with frustration. His daughter had grown to be more sturbon than ever. Among his four children she was the different one. Her character was unique, as a child she was too brave for her own good, wanting to do everything that was dangerous, especially to a child. The king secretly adored her, for he knew she was a special child. As a teenager and a young adult, something happened and her behavior changed,she was like a different person,and as it would be of a princess, everyone saw the change. She hated the kingdom life, called it boring and uncivilized. She detested the king's rule . It was a difficult time for father and daughter whose fondeness for each started to crumble and reduced to hate,for Annabelle spend most of her days locked up in her room. Just to prevent another drama at the market square, or even sometimes during Royal meetings at the Chambers.

"Well you are right,I haven't been the best ruler in the land of Zina. I owe my people a lot, that's why I need you to Come home Zahara. My family is broken, and nothing seems to go right unless I fix my family. We are a shame among other kingdoms..."

"I already read the letter you sent. Spare me the agony of listening to you whine about your poor governance."..Annabelle's words were harsh to the King's ear.

Everyone in the room was uncomfortable, apart from Annabelle who seemed to be enjoying this.There was tension in the room. No one wanted to witness the exchange of words between the King and his daughter.

The king also knew who her daughter was, always doing what she wants, regardless of what everyone says. He knew she was unstoppable, and if he wanted his words to be final,he needed to be very careful. He was King, a man of wisdom and Honor, surely, getting his daughter home wasn't supposed to be a problem.

"Am sorry . You have a week to come back home. And if not,you ceaze to be my daughter. "

And just like that,he left.Leaving no room for discussion.

Annabelle hated ultimatums. She looked at the motorcade of his father leaving her compound with a sorrowful look,and that's when she knew she had to make the right choice. She didn't know what was right for her anymore. She had created a new life..and now out of the blues it seemed like it was just a fantasy and now she has to go back to reality.

Going back to Zina Kingdom was something she knew, would arise, but what she didn't prepare for was the reaction and how it will happen . Nature seemed to be playing it's cause, slowly returning her back to what she left behind.

She wasn't sure she was ready to meet anyone from her past,her brothers and sister. She missed her mother though, and eldest brother Zeddy. They were the only ones who believed in her. She wondered what happened to her best friend Alma,she smiled when she thought of the crazy fun times they shared. She would probably be married by now, with a loving family somewhere in the farm. Memories of all those she knew back home flooded her mind.

She looked around at her home. .and for the first time in years,she missed her mother. She always has the right words to say. Annabelle would never forgive herself for running away from home ànd leaving the few people she loved. She knew her mother hated her now. She thought of her elder sister Maria,and sneered. She was their father's favourite. Just because she obeyed and did whatever he asked. To Annabelle,Maria was a dumb. Following the crowd,and not brave enough to speak her voice. She was already married to the son of a king, and as her father would say, That's what royals do. Marry each other, to cement kingship ties.

Annabelle was so into her thoughts that she didn't notice her boyfriend entering the house.

Danny was the average cute kind of guy. He had dark brown eyes that seem to be dancing whenever he looked at someone,his round like nose was perfect for his face. He walked with a slight limb,he smiled when he saw Annabelle .

"Hey Babe,"

Danny!"..Annabelle immediately stood up and ran to where Danny was for a tight embrace, glad to be distracted from her unwanted thoughts.

She'd learnt to appreciate him over the last three years,he was kind ànd smart. He didn't judge her for her decisions, instead he listened and offered his shoulders. They met three years ago at a conference meeting in her hotel. It was love at fight sight for Danny,she was just the woman of his dreams. Strong,independent and beautiful. He loved her sense of style. Her Kitenge gowns made from African fabrics were a beauty to anyone who saw her. She was an African lady who embraced her femininisim in every way possible, and to her food and fashion helped her achieve that.

"Am glad you are here. Shall we go?"She couldn't wait to go out and forget what just happened. She had to clear her mind.

"Not untill you tell me what happened a while ago. The security guy told me you had royal visitors. Who were they?"...

Well well,she wasn't ready for interrogation,especially not from him. Since they started dating,it was clear that she was not to answer questions about her family,nor her people. All she had told Danny was that she had to run away from home because she didn't want to be married off,and it was a bad experience .Danny was okay at first,but as time went by he found it difficult not to pry, and every time he asked she would become angry and start an argument.

"It's not of any importance sweetheart. "..she was beginning to get irritated. What's wrong with this men of today?she asked herself,must they know everything?

"Babe am sorry,but you can't keep me in the dark forever. You have to tell me who you are,your family, your home. Don't think I didn't noticed how tensed you were when I walked in..."Danny said pulling her closer to himself.

He wanted her to trust him,to confide in him,he could see panic in her eyes. But he knew to well who he was dealing with.

"Am fine. Just a little off. "She said with a voice that suggested no more questions.

"If you say so. Are you ready?"..He wasn't going to force words out of her,he would give her time then talk when they get back.

"As a matter of fact..I have changed my mind. Why don't we stay in door,bake cookies,watch movies ànd just enjoy each other's company.."she seductively looked at him,sending him a small smile.

God this girl is beautiful. Danny couldn't say no to her. Especially when she has him in her grasp with her contagious smile. "Under one condition though,you will tell me everything.

"Not a promise love,but I will try."

Annabelle knew eventually she would have to tell him. He loved her so much and it was only fair she share her story with him. He had selflessly dedicated himself in making sure she was okay.

"It's better than nothing." He said kissing the corner of her mouth. She giggled then looked away. She was shy. He knew ,behind her steel frame there was some vulnerability. She had suffered a great deal,he understood that and tried to make her happy.

From birth,children are shown love by their parents,that's where love starts,for those who are lucky enough. Some learn about love when they start school and then meet friends who show them their true potential. Others find those they call soul mates and live happily ever after, others find love in their work..building a career . And as much as this was proof enough that love was everywhere and could be found anywhere,Annabelle didn't know what to say of it. Her father hated her,her people had despised her,accused her of something she didn't do. Her home town see her as an enemy. How was she supposed to go back?

"Because you are a princess."...

"What now? "..Annabelle asked Danny with a puzzled look.

They were in the kitchen,Danny was holding her hair back so she Could tie her baking apron well around her neck.

"You asked me to remind you again why i love you so much and I said,because you are a princess. My princess. " He smiled,turning her around.

"Oh!"..Annabbele mumbled. She was grateful . She had the best she could ever ask for. There was no way she was going back to Zina Kingdom. Everything was just fine. Right?