
Going Home

There is always that force that pulls people back to their roots, to the direction they belong. Scars don't go away, they heal yes, but leaves a sensation that needs to be scratched again,just once,to numb the burning sensation. No denying the fact that the river of love will always flow at home,with its bountiful force,breaking up ties,  a source of never ending love. The past can never be hidden nor swept under the carpet and facing ones fears and dealing with them head on is the best way forward. Building walls and pushing people away leads to an emptiness that can never be filled.As much as flying away leads to new heights,there is always that need for redemption.

Princess Zahara stood on top of the hill that separated Zina Kingdom from the rest of the country. From there she was able to see everything. The palace was at the very far end,a building with its own defination of beauty.The walls were concrete strong,painted with white chalk, it was a large country house,its roof triangular shaped.  There was a flower garden on the left side of the palace.,a tiger sculpture stood at the center of the garden, with its fierce teeth protruding out,from a far one would think it was a live tiger.  Two royal guards were sitting near the entrance,completely  in their own world.   There was no life in the land.It was bare,no crops grown,not even millet, the kingdom's main cash crop. Most tress were cut down. She could see frail figures of Zina citizens,doing their normal activities. The blacksmith's shop was open, but there were no customers.The market square was busy though.She noticed new houses and wondered who they belonged to,probably new people.  She couldn't  tell for sure.

The Kingdom was indeed falling apart. What could have gone wrong ?

It was one hour letter when Zahara decided that she had seen enough. She was ready to go meet her family.

"Welcome home my princess."..The guard at the main gate greeted her when she got there.

"Thank you. "..she said and walked past him. The poor guy seemed to be affected by her presences because she couldn't stop swearing in Zina.

She had changed. She wasn't the same girl everyone despised. She was more fierce,dangerous to be certain. There was authority and power in her voice. Everyone who saw her stared.Her Kitenge gown was a sight  to behold, its fabric flawless,fitting her slender form,  very different from what the rest of the people had on.She was everyone's attention, and that's what she wanted,for   everyone to know she was back,and that's why she choose to arrive during morning hours when everyone was outside.

"Princess Zahara is back..princes Zahara is back".."she looks strange"..."she has the white man's magic ","....These were some of the comments she had. She smiled to herself. The people haven't changed.  She thought.With all this problems they are still naive . Some  greeted and welcomed her while others just stared,afraid to even speak to her.She didn't see any face that interested her. She searched for a friendly face but saw none. Where was Alma?..

She was approaching the palace when Zeddy saw her.

"Zahara!..Is that you!..my long lost sister.  "He called,walking towards her. She was happy to see him.

"My brother!"...Annabelle was beyond excited.  She ran towards her brother and gave him a tight hug. Tears were rolling down her cheeks.

"Am sorry I had to leave."She was squeezing him.

"You didn't even write.  Mama was worried,we were all worried."

"How was i supposed to write. I couldn't. Am back  now. I missed you so much Zeddy."

"May the gods be praised,for returning the daughter of Zina back to her land."..Zeddy said.

"You look amazing, better than the last time I saw you."

"Well,that's what happens when you are not controlled and harassed by King zawanga."

"You still hate him?"..Zeddy was now looking at her sister,she was like a star in his eyes. He couldn't believe he had her before him.

"More than anything. "...she sadly said.

"Anyway...let's go inside.  You need to meet everyone else. Mama will be so happy to see you. "...

"I owe her Zeddy. I left without saying anything.  But I had to. Hope she will understand and forgive me."

"I already forgave you my child."

"Mama!"..Annabelle looked on her right side and that's when she saw her mother. She didn't know what to do,so she stood.Looking at her mother with confusion and love.  She was still the same lady she saw ten years ago,kind and loving.More beautiful.She wondered what the secret was.

"You won't give your mama a hug?"..The Queen was smiling at her daughter.  The joy in her her heart was evident.

"Mama"..that's all Zahara could say.

"Yes child."

"Am sorry."

"I know. Come here."

Zahara was now weeping uncontrollable. She couldn't take it anymore.  She had remained strong for too long,even the strongest break. She walked to where her mother was and fell on her legs,holding onto them for comfort.

"It's well my daughter. "...she raised her up and held her in her arms. Having her youngest child back was a blessing to her. By now,the rest of the family had join them,apart from the king. Which was okay.

Maria stood there with her two children,Abu and Mona,she was glad to have her sister back. As much as they were never friends, she had missed her. Marco too was there. Happy for his sister's return. 

"Maria..Marco..I missed you guys. " She said embracing each one of them.

"Welcome home Zee.."Marco said,hugging her back. "I missed you too sisy"..

"Next time make sure you write. .."Maria said smiling at her sister. There was no room for bad vibe between this two sisters.

"Am sorry."...She muttered.

The Queen was happy to have her four children together. Her daughter Zahara had grown into an amazing woman. She was a proud mother, a woman who loved her children equally, and wanted the best for everyone.

No one said anything about the king. It was better to hold on to the special moment of reunion, because with the king around there would be trouble.

"Where is dad?"...she asked,taking everyone by surprise.

"He is with the elders in the meeting room."Maria said..

"He is not dead yet?"..she was laughing when she said this. Making everyone laugh.

Annabelle wasn't ready to face her father. He would be surprised to see her,no one knew she was coming. It was two days after her father had visited her in the city.

That afternoon,the queen decided to cook for her family. The joy of having her daughter back home  was overwhelming,she was like a child who had been granted permission to go play in the rain. The king  did not come to meet his daughter when he learnt of her arrival. It wasn't certain about his feelings,but the queen sensed some sense of relief in her husband's eyes.  Having her husband and daughter fight tore her apart. She had hopes that this two would one day forgive each other.

They were sitting outside in the garden,enjoying the cool breeze and catching up on the latest gossip..  when the royal messenger came with news for Zeddy.

"Sir Hakeem says he will meet you during the moon dance."..

"Sure..Two for one.."..Zeddy said dismissing him.

"You still have the moon dance?..And who is Hakeem?"..Zahara was looking at Zeddy with a not so happy look. Marco seemed not to be bothered  since the question didn't concern him.

"The moon dance has always brought us together Zahara. It was there during our ancestors,it's part of who we are.  Free individuals.  The only night where there is no age,gender, status barriers. Where we share in the joy of life.  Besides the Moon dance was your favorite. What changed?"..everyone was silent listening to their mother trying to teach them a simple lesson.

"Zahara changed. She is Annabelle now."..as much as she tried to cover up with a smile,the words stung like a bee,especially to her mother's ears.

"You don't have to Côme sister. You can rest and enjoy your father's warm palace.."Maria said quietly.  "As for me,I already have my attire, jewelleries ready to go and have fun.

Zahara smiled weakly but didn't say anything.  She felt like a stranger. 

She still had a day to adjust before starting what brought her, thinking of that  brought a calming feeling in her heart.  She looked around at the people sitting with her, and she could swear she felt something exciting stir in her. She didn't want to dwell on it too much..Instead she asked..

"Where is Alma ? "