
Chapter Thirty-Five

WHEN I MET HIM AGAIN, HE WAS DRINKING A MILKSHAKE AS IF it was the most delicious thing ever. And when he looked at me, his chubby face assumed a bored expression. Getting on his feet, he told me to follow him to his kitchen, and I did it. "What happened to you?"


"And before you say anything, I saw when you jumped down," oh.

Now that makes it difficult for me to lie. "I heard someone screaming, and I went after it."

"Impulsive as usual," I can say that he also knows me more than most people. "What did you see? And what did you do about it?" He knows my family and how we deal with things back in the north, so he'll understand. My eyes traveled through his kitchen, and when he saw me, he handed me a plate full of warm cookies. "Eat up and spill the tea, you glutton."

That puts a smile on my face. "A little girl was screaming in fear because five assholes were trying to rape her," I ate a cookie as if my words meant nothing. "Then I chopped off their dicks and killed them all," that was a grin on my lips before I proceeded to eat the sweets, he gave me.

"You did well," he said calmly. "I would have done the same. That's our northern way to deal with such problems," then he took a cookie from my plate and ate it while I glared at him. "Hey, I made those! I can eat them," but I kept glaring at him. "Mikla's above..." he cursed and took another four cookies from the tray to put over my plate, getting me to smile again. "Sometimes, I forget how old you are."

"Oh, me too," I mumbled, and he laughed, not getting the real meaning behind my words. "So, where's my lunch?"

He giggled in disbelief, "I'll make another for you, just because I know you might have been tired while fighting," in this low-stamina body, yes. "Seeing you do that earlier made me so anxious that I ate your meal," this time, I was the one to chuckle. "I'm also human, okay?" How adorable. "Oh, kid," he called me when I was about to leave his kitchen, making me look at him again.


"How's the girl?"

"Traumatized and underweighted," and I'm not lying this time.

"How old is she?"

"Thirteen," now I'm lying.

I saw when a shadow descended and covered his face, as he got serious and shocked. "You were too merciful when killing those fuckers," well, seeing him cursing is a first.

"Unfortunately, they weren't strong enough to withstand what I did and died. Otherwise, it would have been more painful. But I'm not one to kick a dead dog," Pierre sighed but understood my point.

"You must have gotten that from your dad," I heard him mumbling when I left the kitchen, making me smile.

Kate was waiting for me upstairs, still looking worried. She must have been terrified for Sabrina, just like I was too.

"Are you okay, Kate?"

She looked up to me, "Yes, Princess!" Liar. "What about you?"

"I'm better now that I ate some cookies," she rolled her eyes. "You acted well back there, so I wanted to thank you for it. Even though you must not want to hear such words from me. That won't make me less thankful."

"I would have done the same, Princess," I cannot imagine Kate fighting, but it's adorable to hear her say that. "It was just... shocking to see you all covered in blood like that. You are like a daughter to me, so I panicked at first because I thought you were hurt or something like that," she took my hand in hers. "And I don't know what would I do if I saw you hurt, Princess."

Another reason for me not telling her anything about my past... in the future. Quite confusing, but you go the meaning. She would lose her mind and do something stupid, which probably would get her killed. So, yeah, let's keep it a secret.

"Kate, I don't want to let you fool yourself with false hopes. But you know that I will eventually get hurt, right?" That was enough to make her sad face turn into an annoyed frown.

She took a deep breath before saying anything, not to regret her words afterward. "Princess, do you ever want to see Prince Valerian somehow harmed?" What?

"Of course not! I would prefer to get hurt than let him suffer any harm," why would I be okay with that when he's so precious to me?

"That's how I feel about you!" Ah... "So don't say something like that to me!"

After I agreed, the mood got strange while the silence surrounded us. Pierre brought my food and left us. So, I focused on it, and after I ate my tiramisu, I paid the bill, and then Pierre returned with the milkshake he had promised me. It was peanut butter with caramel and broken cookies milkshake.

"I promise you; this will be the cherry over the top," he exclaimed proudly, and we parted ways after he gave me the two portions of food to take with me.

Asher was back, and we headed back to the White Rose Boutique, but something strange happened on our way. Something that pissed me off to higher levels than usual. "What's with the scowl?" Kate questioned me while I stared down at what was supposed to be my smooth milkshake.

"Some motherfucker played a prank on me," I mumble while cursing them and all of their generations.

"What do you mean? Is something wrong with your milkshake?"

I couldn't help but laugh sarcastically at that. "What do I mean?" I took out the stamp of the bottle, and the shake came with the straw, frozen like a Goddess-damn popsicle. "Someone is having a laugh," my anger was evident. "They don't even let me drink my milkshake in peace, for fuck's sake!"