
The Villainess in the BL

Jingyi is a big fan of BL. The number of BL novels she has read is equal to the number of female characters she has cursed. One day, when Jingyi's curses get too out-of-hand, the God of love decides to make a move and turns her into the female characters she has cursed. Jumping from one novel to another, Jingyi experiences the lives of the villains in the BL.

eridesu · แฟนตาซี
25 Chs

My Husband's Lover (21)

"I thought you said you do not like Guoliang," Liqin said the moment we got inside Guowei's room.

"Of course not," I said while looking around. "Where's Guowei?"

"Guowei is with the emperor. Why does your voice sound like that?"

"Sound like what?"

Liqin forced me to look at him. "Your eyes are red. Did Guoliang make your cry? What did he do?" His brows furrowed due to concern.

"Guoliang told me about his unrequited love. He's in love with his best friend."

"Unrequited love?" he asked. "Guoliang has someone else he likes?"

"Yes. He was just kidding when he said he likes me."

"Good," he remarked.

"Wow. Aren't you very happy finding out your friend's only admirer is actually just joking? You're such a great friend, Liqin."

"I know."

"Why did you bring me here if Guowei and the emperor are not here? You know that Guowei wants the emperor to see how happily married we are, right? I have to be by his side all the time."

"Change your clothes."

"Why do I need to change my dress? I look fabulous in this."

"The mud on the lower back part of your dress does not look fabulous at all."

I looked at it and there really was mud. It was not just a small amount.

"Choose a dress that looks sophisticated. I will wait for you outside," Liqin said then he left the room.

Not all of my things were in Guowei's room. I had to search hard to find a dress fitting the presence of an emperor.

"Yanyu, are you done?" Liqin asked through the door.

"Not yet," I shouted. "I'm still looking for an appropriate dress."

Not long after, I found a red dress. The flower design was white. I changed my clothes and walked out.

"How do I look? Aren't I gorgeous? You're so lucky to have a beautiful friend," I said while posing.

Liqin gave me the disgusted look. "Your confidence is over the top."

"What do I do if the emperor falls for me?"

"You do not have to worry about that. His majesty loves the empress very much. And you are not that attractive. Only your dress is beautiful although it is like your dresses - with the flower patterns - just in a different color. You should have this kind of face," he pointed at his face," to reach his majesty's league. But what do we do? You are not even half this beauty. Well, at least you look human. That in itself is already a big achievement, Yanyu."

"Stop talking. Stop talking. Let's go now. I don't want to hear any more of your bragging."

I had to stop my feelings for Liqin but I knew it was impossible. So I decided to take another route. Since I could not stop them, I would just distract myself from my feelings. I could do it by focusing on funny things. If things turned serious, I would just make it funny or absurd.

Guowei, Guoliang, and the emperor were talking when we arrived in the dining room. I was about to greet his majesty but he told me there was no need to do it. As I took a seat beside Guowei, I released a sigh of relief. I had no idea how to greet a royalty. Liqin sat beside Guoliang.

"What are we waiting for? Let us eat," the emperor said.

I was about to take a piece of tofu to place it on my plate but Guowei stopped me. Just as I had my chopsticks on it, he held my hand. I struggled but he tightened his grip which made me let go of the chopsticks. I glared at him.

"What's your problem this time?" I whispered.

"Let the emperor eat first," he said through gritted teeth.

"I'm hungry." My eyes widened in anger.

The emperor chuckled. "It is okay, Guowei. Let your wife eat."

"Hear that?" I shook his hand off mine.

Picking up my chopsticks, I stuck my tongue out at him. Then I transferred two pieces of tofu to my plate. It felt like heaven when the tofu finally entered my mouth. My stomach had been empty for hours.

"Your majesty, I apologize for my wife's vulgar behavior. Please pardon her. She hit her head and it caused her to lose some of her sanity. This must be a great shock to you - seeing a woman act this way."

I glared at Guowei again while chewing tofu.

"You do not need to apologize for that. I am used to this. If your wife has lost some of her sanity, then my wife has gone totally insane. There is not a day where the palace is quiet. She always does the weirdest of things," the emperor said with a smile.

"But her majesty is a great contributor. Meanwhile, my wife just does silly things."

What happened to showing his majesty how happily married we were? If he kept on speaking bad things about me, it would be the opposite of what he planned.

"That was what I thought at first too. But my wife had actually been helping me without my knowledge. Guowei, I hope you do not make your wife cry. You may not know what sacrifices she made just for you."

Guowei looked down. Guoliang then took the initiative to shift to another topic.

I moved closer to Guowei and whispered, "You don't have to feel guilty. I didn't make any sacrifices for you. Don't forget I like your brother."

"Your majesty, I have a question. How did you make the empress fall for you? I have a little situation. I have fallen for my best friend but my best friend likes someone else," Guoliang said while eyeing me.

I gave him the threatening look.

"I did many things like surprising her with gifts. I spent many gold for Meixiu. I thought those did the trick until she told me it was when I gave her water while we were arguing. I thought she had become too thirsty after shouting at me so I asked for a break and gave her a glass of water to drink. I told her we would resume arguing after she quenched her thirst. It was the little things."

"Her birthday is nearing. What should I give her as a gift?"

"How about a song?" Liqin suggested.

"Speaking of singing," the emperor said, "are you not talented in that, Liqin?"

Liqin smiled smugly. "Yanyu is more talented than me. She even composed a song."

He was clearly challenging me. Of course, I took it. Yanyu may have been a bad singer but I was a good one.

I stood up. "So everybody, please listen to this song. This is my first and last composition." I cleared my throat then started singing.

"When the moon thinks it is alone at night

When it cries because of men's closing eyes

The sun is there to share its light

Though the moon knows not of the sun's love"

They laughed. Of course, they would. Where did my golden voice go? The boy to whom Yanyu sang this song must have had a really good laugh. No wonder he stopped crying after hearing Yanyu.

I really hated Liqin. He was not trying to hide his reaction at all. At least Guoliang and the emperor started eating to avoid bursting with laughter. Guowei, on the other hand, was serious. He looked confused.

Hello! I'm working on writing longer chapters so there will only be 3 chapters released everyday. Thank you for all your support ♥

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